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Thought you might want a laugh at my expense :)


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I sounds to me like you were having a heck of a lot of fun. I don't think it will sell a million copies though.


We had an after party party at my mates house coz the original party got shut down a bit early due to loads of people being kicked out by the manager of the club

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I think I even heard the dog in there howl.

Sounds like you were having a blast though. I don't think Bon Jovi has anything to worry about.


You mean you dont think we'd do well if we were to go on Britians got talent :)

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My mates call me by a different name when I've had a few drinks because I act like a totally different person. Apparantly I do lots of dancing, and my favourite phrase is "hello ladies, can I buy you a drink." You guys have no idea how much banter I had to endure over that [flapper]

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