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Gibson J-45 fake?


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it's a little unnerving to see this picture of a 2008 j-45 i found online... the back of the headstock looks like it has a very deep impression of the serial number and the "made in usa." mine looks nowhere near to this (refer to pics in original post)



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I think your J-45 is genuine, my 94 J-100 Xtra is, and you can barely see the serial on the back of the h/stock, let alone feel it(probably finish build up varying from guitar to guitar). As for the dot above the "i", back in 06 Bozeman made 250 exact copies of Paul McCartney`s 64 Epiphone Texan (plus another 40 hand aged), and left the "DOT" above the "i" off all of them, even though McCartney`s has the dot(So much for exact copies)!




P.S. Your J-45`s h/stock shape is accurate.

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it's a little unnerving to see this picture of a 2008 j-45 i found online... the back of the headstock looks like it has a very deep impression of the serial number and the "made in usa." mine looks nowhere near to this (refer to pics in original post)





.....oh boy,..just relax man! It's a very good Chinese copy! Just accept it,,,



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The white label is consistent with the j45 at that time. It is a j45 modern classic. They came out with the standard latter in 2008. My j45 mc was made the 13th of August, so it was later that when they switched over to the standard. Except for the dot on the i in the Gibson name on the headstock, which is silk screened, it is identical to my 08 j45 mc.




My J45 was made three days after yours, on August 26, 2008, and the 14 off the production line that day. And only on the ship box does it say MC for modern classic. As quoted above, Gibson did a name change shortly after and called it a J45 Standard. In fact, I had corresponded with Gibson concerning the model name and they said "Based on the serial number, it fell in a transitional and could be termed a Standard or an MC, ". So depending on whatever is considered the most valuable in the future is what I will call my J45.


I can't tell the color on your Gibson logo, mine is gold and silk screened on, and has a dot above for the i. Mine has the same chrome colored Grover Tuners as yours. The serial number on the back of the headstock is stamped, but the lacquer is so thick that I can barely feel the indentation of the stamped numbers. Your label, color, printing, fonts, etc. are exactly like mine and the headstock shape looks identical and correct.


You could contact Gibson and they will research it for you. Here is a quote from BobB of Customer Service that I came across in a previous Forum thread http://forum.gibson.com/index.php?/topic/58635-2010-j45-standard-headstock-serial-no/


"Identifying and authenticating a particular model/variation can be difficult, and we are unable to do so with the serial number alone. Please send the following information to assist us in identifying and/or dating the instrument quickly and accurately-


• Photos of the instrument in JPG format (please limit to 2MB total size - emails larger than 2MB will not reach us) – full front, full back, as well as close ups of the front and back of the headstock, also of any inside labels that the instrument may have. You can email your questions and pictures to service@gibson.com and we will be glad to research the instrument for you. Thanks.



Hope this helps, and let us know what you find out.




The front of my headstock (I don't think your's will have my wife's name on the truss rod cover though)


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What kind of case did it come with? The Gibson dealer here in Brisbane has seen lots of fakes and says the first clue is a non Gibson case.


Gibson case. I'm convinced now that it's a legit Gibby. Just gonna confirm with Gibson CS tomorrow (or Tues if they're closed for Presidents' Day)!

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