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LONG wait on Les Paul 60's reissue


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Just got off the phone with AMS and they said the next shipment of the 60's reissue would not be till Mid MAY now.


I ordered my Goldtop on Feb. 1st. I told her when I called a month ago they told me before the 1st of April... Her response was "Unfortunately Gibson didnt come thru for us".


C'mon guys!!! I get a newsletter every other day with you pushing new guitars to sell... How about making some of the ones you already got sold!

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Just got off the phone with AMS and they said the next shipment of the 60's reissue would not be till Mid MAY now.


I ordered my Goldtop on Feb. 1st. I told her when I called a month ago they told me before the 1st of April... Her response was "Unfortunately Gibson didnt come thru for us".


C'mon guys!!! I get a newsletter every other day with you pushing new guitars to sell... How about making some of the ones you already got sold!


Long Rider I feel your pain, ordered my Goldtop on feb 11 on GC Online and I am still waiting, hoping to hear good news in the next couple of days as I was told they were expecting a shipment today march 31st and another one tomorrow april 1st, then I have to give it a couple of more days for them to go through the shipment... in the end I know I won't be dissapointed, that is if I get a guitar, lol.

I'm in no rush although I have to admit that the constant pushing back of the arrival date is begginning to get to me, it has been pushed back at least 3 times, I hope there won't be a fourth.


Best of luck to everybody out there waiting for one of these, they are absoulutely fabulous guitars, best bang for the buck, had the pleasure of trying one out at a local store and I was blown away.





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It's a popular guitar at a popular price point. It is no small wonder that they are a bit overwhlemed with orders for it.




Where is this guitar shop in Birmingham?? I have to go there periodically for training and would love to have a place to go play while I'm there....

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... It is no small wonder that they are a bit overwhlemed with orders for it...


No, it's not. What's the excuse this time? Flood? They didn't predict demand? What?


They've only been doing this as a business for a hundred years or so, you think they'd have figured out how to let a customer know what's going on.


Some will blame the dealer, other will say "I waited longer, so too bad for you."


There's a guy who posts here who's been waiting forever for a production SG Bass.


I think it's an artifact of poor business practices, plain and simple. The company and it's dealers are to blame.


Somebody, somewhere knows what orders will ship and when. It just appears that it is not in anyone's interest to present themselves as being helpful to the folks who spend the money.


Same as it ever was.

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Gibson is not a large company, despite the number of guitars they turn out.


Expecting the same response from them that one would get from a Nissan or Xerox is setting oneself up for disappointment.


Having said that, contacting Customer Service should provide some sort of time frame for product delivery.



Emphasis on "should".

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According to them, they spew out 2,500 guitars every week from the Nashville line.


That doesn't happen by accident (read - they have to plan production so they know how much of what to buy and have delivered at such and such a time.)


They're not big like a major car manufacturer, but they are big enough to know when they're planning on producing something. And we damn-sure are not talking about custom guitars either in terms of craftsmanship or quality.


These are production items, produced on an assembly line in big numbers.


And from what I've seen here (and experienced myself), they don't seem really big on letting their end-users know what to expect.


I believe that is because they care less about concerns of the retail purchaser than they do some other un-named purpose.


They might even have a good reason. Or there might not be good a reason.


I don't know.


The constant seems to be the inability of folks who are waiting for a guitar to get a good answer.

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Here's one for you. When I ordered my PRS from the House of Guitars, I was told by the owner that it'll take a minimum of 6 months. I was OK with that knowing I'd get a flawless guitar. So he calls the PRS rep who told him it would be about 2 months. Well 2 months go by and nothing. So the owner called the rep again, who said it'll take a few weeks more. This went on and on.


After a while I wrote a letter to PRS. To their credit they responded right away, but told me it would be several more months, because it was a 25th anniversary model and they wanted to get it right. I scolded them a bit because that wasn't what their rep stated. Obviously there was a communication problem. Well, in the end, the owner of the HOG was right all along.

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They run in batches. So they put out 2500 '60's RIs... then they gear up for 2500 Traditional Plusses (Plussi?) They may not make another run of '60s guitars for months, or at leas that is what I've observed and been told.



Again, a phone call to Customer Service should get an accurate answer. One would think the smaller the company, the easier to get an answer....

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They run in batches. So they put out 2500 '60's RIs... then they gear up for 2500 Traditional Plusses (Plussi?) They may not make another run of '60s guitars for months, or at leas that is what I've observed and been told.



Again, a phone call to Customer Service should get an accurate answer. One would think the smaller the company, the easier to get an answer....


"Should" is what I'm talking about. It's a big word, and apparently a view not shared universally.


There might be what, 10 forum members at most, loyal to the brand, trying to spend their hard-earned money on a legendary brand, and yet, they keep saying that they're getting no relevant info about when their intended purchase might show up.


Says a lot to me.


There were a chosen few who got results on Henry's forum during the '50s Tribute debacle who got answers from on high. Haven't seen anything similar since.


If it's not in stock, I'm not buying.

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That's the experience I've had. Ran into a similar issue with a Dean bass.... eventually just canceled the order and bought another brand.

But then, I don't think I own an instrument I didn't play before I bought.



Call me crazy...

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Just got off the phone with AMS and they said the next shipment of the 60's reissue would not be till Mid MAY now.


I ordered my Goldtop on Feb. 1st. I told her when I called a month ago they told me before the 1st of April... Her response was "Unfortunately Gibson didnt come thru for us".


C'mon guys!!! I get a newsletter every other day with you pushing new guitars to sell... How about making some of the ones you already got sold!


Talked to GuitarCenter.com this morning as they were supposed to have gotten some GoldTops on April 1st as I was supposed to have gotten my order filled, turns out that cosistent to what was said from AMS it appears that Gibson did not fill any Gold Top orders for the Tribute Studio 60's this time around, better luck next time I guess... which according to GC online's computers won't be until May 2nd/May 5th, which will be the fourth time the date has been pushed.


I am in no personal hurry to get my GoldTop as long as I get, that being said I agree that having an ever pushed back date of delivery has become frustrating, "we'll enhance the calm" until then I guess, it would be nice if we could get an explanation of why an endless delay and not a straight date on when we are to expect to receive our instruments.



Anyway, that's my update, no photos for a while folks!





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Have you guys that are waiting for the 60's Tribute gold top prepaid for them?


I guess I was at the right place at the right time when I got my gold top. I was looking for one at the local Sam Ash. They didn't have any in the store and offered to put me on a list to call IF and WHEN one came in. I mentioned that online they showed all colors were in stock and it showed the GT's were supposed to be available 2/27/11. He said If the warehouse had any, and I was willing to prepay he thought he could get me one. He called the warehouse and they had 5 GT's come in on 2/27 and 3 were already out the door. I prepaid for one and within a week I got one.


I hope all of you waiting for them get them soon! I wasn't lucky enough to get a 2 piece back, but it doesn't seem to make any difference, the p-90's in this LP sound incredible.

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Just got off the phone with AMS and they said the next shipment of the 60's reissue would not be till Mid MAY now.


I ordered my Goldtop on Feb. 1st. I told her when I called a month ago they told me before the 1st of April... Her response was "Unfortunately Gibson didnt come thru for us".


C'mon guys!!! I get a newsletter every other day with you pushing new guitars to sell... How about making some of the ones you already got sold!


I ordered my GT from AMS at the end of January. I just called AMS, and was told possibly April 9, however they did not seem too optimistic....

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I am in the same boat guys... I ordered mine on 04 Feb and I still haven't gotten crap.... they have done the same thing to me and keep pushing the date back further and further.... what a crock of crap... I am coming back from Iraq in less than 2 weeks now and I ordered it in what I thought would be PLENTY of time and it would be waiting for me when I come home... but nooooooooooo.... If someone would just have been upfront and said ... 6 month wait... hooah... ok no biggie... but this getting pushed back time and time again is getting really old really flipping quick....


this is my first Gibson purchase and I have a feeling it will be my last.... I just don't feel any "love" from the company at all

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Well if AMS ever ships mine I will post it here so anyone that ordered after I did (Feb 1st is when I ordered mine) might get an idea of when thiers might arrive.


I have learned that going forward that I wont order any Gibson products that are not in stock, although I will still buy Gibsons.

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Well, at this point there are two ways of looking at the situation, one way is blowing up with ire which let's be honest, it will only add to the frustration. And the other is that all of us that are currently waiting for our highly sought after Gold Tops are of the lucky few that are still in line of "eventually" receiving ours, we now know these instruments are worth the wait, already these are selling at a premium so as long as we receive them, the more time we build up our anticipation, the better the payoff will be in the end. Can't stress enough, when we get them, gotta remain positive about it.

Also, if I would've gotten the guitar right away I would not have probably joined this forum, I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to listen to everybody's comments every day, I keep learning so many things about my favorite instrument.


Never loose faith,





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A;so, AMS told me that they have not received ANY Gold Tops whatsoever.


Can that be true? Has anyone here gotten a GT from AMS?


If they haven't received any at all, while other retailers have, it makes me wonder if Gibson intends to ever give them any. Maybe AMS is just SOL.


Just talked to AMS and they say the next scheduled shipment is in early/mid June.


And also, that they only have two more Gold Tops to pre-sell before they remove them from their website entirely.

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