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I had to wait until today to share

Artie Owl

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I saw MF.com had a sale on Dunlop Crybaby pedals for 69.99 (usd) which is a great deal for anyone looking, but for myself as a canuck I found out it'd have costed me about 155$ (Cdn) to get one here.


Instead I went to my local L&M and asked for the wah wah weapon of choice, which is the Dunlop Cry Baby Classic with the Phasel Inductor.


The original sounded good but the Phasel inductor trumped it.


All I can say is holy bugger, what a sweet pedal, When I got home and got over the GAS (Gear acquisition syndrome) I immediately went into Voodo Child (Slight Return)




That is all.

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Yesterday when I saw the ad originally I pretty much immediately tried to log onto here to bounce the idea off you guys, but it had just crashed apparently, around 2:00 pm Atlantic Standard time, so I was on my own. Then when I bought it I tried all day and this morning to post about it but no dice. Good to be back though [thumbup]

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Congrats on the petal!!! How about a sound clip... :-)

Welp, I've got the day off tomorrow, maybe I'll be able to cobble something together! I'm pretty sure I've got enough 9V batteries to keep the pedal going around here somewhere, and if not there's always the smoke detector [biggrin]

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Welp, I've got the day off tomorrow, maybe I'll be able to cobble something together! I'm pretty sure I've got enough 9V batteries to keep the pedal going around here somewhere, and if not there's always the smoke detector [biggrin]


Oh man... Do Voo Doo Child!!!

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Dave, be careful what you wish for. I think this clip gives you an idea of the pedal. However take the clip with a grain of salt, I don't know much about recording and I'm not very good at it yet. I did it using a Shure SM-57 microphone and a Boss BR-1 Recorder using my Blues Jr. and my SG with the Crybaby Classic.


The clip is loosey Goosey because I want to do a few other attempts at it when I've got a better handle on the songs feel, so I guess this is just a preview?


Anyway as usual take it with a grain of salt.


Edit* I deleted the sound clip, I just wasn't happy with it, but I will post one in good time.

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Cool, I just got one too, I got the standard CryBaby. I am not much of a wah guy but it is fun.


I posted an add on Craigslist to see if somebody wanted to trade me their beat up wah for a brand new Boss SD-1 and adaptor that I have not used in 2 years and I had a taker right away.


The wah pedal is pretty new...not a bad trade considering I paid $45 for the Boss SD-1 and Boss adaptor.


I will be tweaking the circuit on the Crybaby to change a couple of things I do not like.

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