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House Burglary Yesterday


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...And I would even say that the law and those interpriting the law is of more benifit to those doing wrong than those doing right.



Last year I had the pleasure of sitting for three months on county grand jury. The law, enforcement of the law, interpretation of the law, prosecution of the law, and implementation of the results of all of the above are solely for the benefit of the people in the legal system.


What I got from it was Be Very Afraid. Be in the wrong spot at the precisely wrong time, and some joker can absolutely ruin your life for no reason other than we have these immense systems in place to do what everyone thinks is Security and Law Enforcement and they don't. Really doing this stuff is actually work, and we all know nobody wants to actually work.


Much better to just bumble along and burn the easy ones, even better, make something up as you go along so you look good because after all, who would argue with a Hero? A First Responder? The Defenders Of The Homeland?


11 Police officers, 5, 6 hours or so, one perp. He was accused of stealing a bike that was parked at a bar at 11.35pm on a Saturday. Just one silly example of the literally TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer dough we threw down the crapper on "law enforcement" and "public safety" that occured in one three month period of 2010.



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It's always bothered me that they've made booby traps in homes functionally illegal.


That's not a joke, either.




hell, in mass. you can't shoot/assault anyone trespassing, even if they're in your house.

stupid .....

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One of the bad feelings that you get after being burgled is the feeling that your house has become unclean or dirty.I've been burgled twice-once they were scared off by something.The other time I was burgled all they took was a cheap Raven acoustic guitar and a cheap pair of speakers when downstairs there were 12 vintage guitars.Right acroos the room from the cheap old Raven was a Hagstrom Corvette that cost $750 in 1963 and this was in 1987 so it was worth a pretty penny then.They didn't take the Hagstrom maybe because they didn't have an amp but at least that and the other 12 beauties were left alone.These days property crimes are increasing mainly because of the number of people who are drug dependant,it's time for society to try and come up with a fix for this problem other than throwing money into more prisons.

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I'd second everything you said.


For what it's worth I had a "kid" who trained with me for a year who'd been in the pen for burgling a drug store to get stuff to feed his habit. He said he figured prison actually probably saved his life.


For what it's worth, he was clean that year and I'd have trusted him with anything I had. A bad addiction seems to be a terrible hunger. A Korean friend who'd lived through the Korean War as a kid in Seoul made a comment that after going hungry three days, anyone would steal. I think he's right.


Drugs give a similar hunger. On the other hand, it seems sometimes a place away from the world one lived in is necessary to get away from that stuff.



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Sorry this happened to you and hopefully they won't come back, but think about it, now they know you have guitars and amps and other stuff, they can arrange the sale then come back and wipe you out.....

Get a security system including cameras.....

Milod the reason booby trap are banned is because fireman don't like having their heads blown off when they rush into a burning house to save people.....

One more point....most burglaries take place in daylight when people are at work.....most are carried out by punks wanting cash to get high.....leave cash laying on the kitchen table and odds are they won't go past the table. The reason thieves usually go for jewelry is that it is easy to put in your pocket and easier to sell then a TV....With the price of gold and silver sky rocketing burglaries are on the rise...

But remember once they know what you have odds are they will be back.....

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Sorry this happened to you and hopefully they won't come back, but think about it, now they know you have guitars and amps and other stuff, they can arrange the sale then come back and wipe you out.....

Get a security system including cameras.....

Milod the reason booby trap are banned is because fireman don't like having their heads blown off when they rush into a burning house to save people.....

One more point....most burglaries take place in daylight when people are at work.....most are carried out by punks wanting cash to get high.....leave cash laying on the kitchen table and odds are they won't go past the table. The reason thieves usually go for jewelry is that it is easy to put in your pocket and easier to sell then a TV....With the price of gold and silver sky rocketing burglaries are on the rise...

But remember once they know what you have odds are they will be back.....


I've already added additional locking devices on the doors and will be installing new doors this weekend with additional security locking devices. If they do come back, they'll have to cut a hole in the roof to get in.

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As an ex-marine, and law enforcement officer once told me..."Just remember, if you catch them inside, empty the clip,

and...make sure they fall inside the house!"




LOL here in SC we had a local sheriff comment on a TV interview that if they fell outside of the home when he got there he would be glad to help drag them into the house. Now that was about 35-40 years ago and I doubt he could get by with the same comment but I think it had something to do with him being re-elected 6 times for 28 years as sheriff.

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Seems the economy and social mores have made us reach the level where many have no respect anymore for someone elses property. Is nothing sacred anymore? I remember the days when a home could be left unlocked or keys left in a vehicle and no one would even think of touching anything that wasn't theirs.

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Depending upon what the 'scrips were, they could well have a street value over and above your guitars. Probably easier to fence too. They don't have serial numbers.


I NEVER discuss prescriptions with anyone but my Dr and pharmacist. My wife had some surgery a while back and was on some powerful pain meds. We went to a doctor's appointment when she left her prescription bottles on the center console of the car. I grabbed them and took them in with us. She thought I was dumb for picking them up, "I don't need them in there," she said. I told her that leaving prescription bottles in the car is like leaving cash in the car or your purse on the seat. You're opening yourself up to a busted window. Especially in an Orthopedic Surgeons' office parking lot.


If the wrong person knows what you are on, you'll likely be hit. Think about it. Who did you discuss these prescriptions with? Where were you when you discussed this?

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Depending upon what the 'scrips were, they could well have a street value over and above your guitars. Probably easier to fence too. They don't have serial numbers.


I NEVER discuss prescriptions with anyone but my Dr and pharmacist. My wife had some surgery a while back and was on some powerful pain meds. We went to a doctor's appointment when she left her prescription bottles on the center console of the car. I grabbed them and took them in with us. She thought I was dumb for picking them up, "I don't need them in there," she said. I told her that leaving prescription bottles in the car is like leaving cash in the car or your purse on the seat. You're opening yourself up to a busted window. Especially in an Orthopedic Surgeons' office parking lot.


If the wrong person knows what you are on, you'll likely be hit. Think about it. Who did you discuss these prescriptions with? Where were you when you discussed this?


No one knew of the cash, jewelry or scripts except my wife and myself. It appears thieves are targeting homes when no vehicles are in the driveway and they are reasonably assured no one is home. They only look in places where people keep money, jewelry and drugs. In our case they only went through dresser drawers, jewelry boxes and medicine cabinet.

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I know this gets, in a sense, into "politics," but I think part of the reason perps rather than victims seem to be more protected is the concept that almost everyone who has any sort of problems, emotional or economic, is him or herself a "victim" and it's somebody else's fault.


That perspective is somewhat less in some areas of the country, but it's growing due to a number of factors.


Note also that we have twice the population in the US as when I was a teen. When I was 12 - as in the thread, "your favorite band when you were 12," I could put a .22 rifle on the handlebars of my bike and ride to the dump to shoot rats. Now there are no dumps and my folks and I would be arrested for my having a rifle anyway. Yet in those days, kids took pride in handling firearms responsibly. Now?


It's a different, and less comfortable world.



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I know this gets, in a sense, into "politics," but I think part of the reason perps rather than victims seem to be more protected is the concept that almost everyone who has any sort of problems, emotional or economic, is him or herself a "victim" and it's somebody else's fault.


That perspective is somewhat less in some areas of the country, but it's growing due to a number of factors.


Note also that we have twice the population in the US as when I was a teen. When I was 12 - as in the thread, "your favorite band when you were 12," I could put a .22 rifle on the handlebars of my bike and ride to the dump to shoot rats. Now there are no dumps and my folks and I would be arrested for my having a rifle anyway. Yet in those days, kids took pride in handling firearms responsibly. Now?


It's a different, and less comfortable world.




I grew up in the same era. Had my own rifle, shotgun and deer rifle by the time I was 12. In fact, all the guys except the wusses carried pocket knives to school every day and played numblipeg during lunch. No one ever got stabbed. Every dispute was settled with fistfights and no one even thought of pulling a knife on anyone.

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You nailed it... nobody even thought about using a knife or firearm to hurt another.


It's a less kind world for kids today but I note that it's less kind the more rules and less cultural expectation of responsibility that we have.



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You nailed it... nobody even thought about using a knife or firearm to hurt another.


It's a less kind world for kids today but I note that it's less kind the more rules and less cultural expectation of responsibility that we have.




Too many parents into themselves instead of teaching their kids values and respect. Also too many "politically correct" attitudes and views out there in our school and court systems. Hard to believe people who have never raised children are hired and listened to on the correct way to raise said children.

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I dunno... I keep thinking that instead it's an increasingly urban culture's de-emphasis on personal responsibility and greater emphasis on "law" and government to keep us in order.




All the factors kinda create a "chain reaction" effect. One action creates a reaction etc etc and the next thing you know, everything has gone to H***.

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As I said before with the price of gold at a all time high and buyers that do not have the same regulation that pawn shops have there is a thriving market..just take jewelry to the buyer they give you cash and melt it down, untraceable....that fast...

With the capability of cell phones that have cameras and the ability to email, thieves can now go into a home get photos of stuff, leave find a buyer negotiate a price then return and get the goods....

I think the idea of a loud horn going off if a good idea...

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+1 on that!


A very bad idea...Firemen and police may have to go into a home when nobody is home...they really don't like having a shotgun blow their heads off when they are trying to save your life and property.

Just think about what is going on right now across the south, tornados tearing up whole nieborhoods....add booby traps to the mix....rescue crews digging through wreckage only to be killed in your silly booby trap.....

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I think a real fireman might do a better job of explaining this, but ammunition will go "poof" and not make it through the average fireman's bunker, but a loaded firearm probably will go "bang" in a fire just as it would if the trigger were pulled.


The reasoning behind the laws and/or their use against booby traps nearly a half century ago as I recall was that a burglar didn't deserve to be physically damaged by his crime, not firemen although that might be cited nowadays.


And... there are booby traps and booby traps.



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I think a real fireman might do a better job of explaining this, but ammunition will go "poof" and not make it through the average fireman's bunker, but a loaded firearm probably will go "bang" in a fire just as it would if the trigger were pulled.


The reasoning behind the laws and/or their use against booby traps nearly a half century ago as I recall was that a burglar didn't deserve to be physically damaged by his crime, not firemen although that might be cited nowadays.


And... there are booby traps and booby traps.




We will have to disagree on this one. It's one thing to plant thorny bushes under windows and have have flashing lights and a horn go off if somebody opens a door...but to leave a trap that would harm someone is a terrible idea.

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Not any more. It's functionally illegal. That kinda strikes me odd 'cuz it's legal to have a guard dog(s) trained to viciousness as long as it/they remain away from the general public.



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