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%^#& Weddings!

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I can't believe I got talked into it again. A couple of friends Ive known since high school are getting married. They were boyfriend and girlfriend broke up in college moved on each had a family and separate life the whole works that has now ended for both of them so now 32 years later there back together and getting married. KInd of cool maybe even romantic and they asked me to play a few songs for them I said nope I don't do weddings but of course they begged and they were very good friends so a couple of guys I gig with on a pretty regular basis agreed also to do it for me and the open bar and a chance to meet drunk Milfs in a fairly large and enclosed space.


So it's all pretty good until I asked her what song she wants me to do for the first dance as a married couple remember were all friends so they have heard me lay dozens of times so I wasn't worried until she said well we've always had one song that means everything to us it would be so amazing if you could play our song.


So Like a idiot I say sure for you guys I guess I could do it I mean they went to school same time I did they know I play blues and southern rock so what could it be right? She smiles shyly and says it's (Can We Still be Friends) by Todd Rundgren can you play that oh please.


S0 now Ill be standing in front of several hundred people, most that have know me for 40+ years singing La la la la la la la la Can We Still be Friend in a full orchestral love song and since Im not Todd Rundgren and my four piece band sure isn't Utopia it ought to get real interesting.


To make matters worse I'll probably be on the keyboard since our keyboard player is dedicated and hard working, but he's just not yet there for the timing and style required on this song.


why didn't I just say NO like on other wedding requests.



Maybe I can get away with the Robert Palmer version

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Nice wedding song...........I played in a wedding band for a spell years ago............oh my, it was interesting............


" Play more CCR and Springsteen, and FREEBIRD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " [cursing] :unsure: [scared][blink] ...........

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I can't believe I got talked into it again. A couple of friends Ive known since high school are getting married. They were boyfriend and girlfriend broke up in college moved on each had a family and separate life the whole works that has now ended for both of them so now 32 years later there back together and getting married. KInd of cool maybe even romantic and they asked me to play a few songs for them I said nope I don't do weddings but of course they begged and they were very good friends so a couple of guys I gig with on a pretty regular basis agreed also to do it for me and the open bar and a chance to meet drunk Milfs in a fairly large and enclosed space.


So it's all pretty good until I asked her what song she wants me to do for the first dance as a married couple remember were all friends so they have heard me lay dozens of times so I wasn't worried until she said well we've always had one song that means everything to us it would be so amazing if you could play our song.


So Like a idiot I say sure for you guys I guess I could do it I mean they went to school same time I did they know I play blues and southern rock so what could it be right? She smiles shyly and says it's (Can We Still be Friends) by Todd Rundgren can you play that oh please.


S0 now Ill be standing in front of several hundred people, most that have know me for 40+ years singing La la la la la la la la Can We Still be Friend in a full orchestral love song and since Im not Todd Rundgren and my four piece band sure isn't Utopia it ought to get real interesting.


To make matters worse I'll probably be on the keyboard since our keyboard player is dedicated and hard working, but he's just not yet there for the timing and style required on this song.


why didn't I just say NO like on other wedding requests.



Maybe I can get away with the Robert Palmer version


It's a wedding... Get some backing tracks to fill things out so your not stuck up their sounding thin and feeling foolish. No shame in that!




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Well, what other "few" songs are you planning on playing? Hopefully you'll have more fun playing those.


When the keyboard player in my old band got married, he asked the singer (female) and I if we would play the Dan Fogleberg song "Longer Than" at the ceremony. Man, was that nerve racking! Besides us, you could have heard a pin drop as we were playing. I was so nervous my hands were shaking. But, we got through it OK and I'm now glad we did it. I think you will be too, after it's over [thumbup]

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I can't for the life of me place that tune.


The title seems to be anything but a wedding song. "Can we still be friends?" Sounds like a kiss-off song.


After you finish the song end with, "Excuse me while I burn my keyboard."

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I know its totally off topic but I want that wedding singer that was in The Hangover and a couple other movies, now that's how you have fun at a wedding. I was asked to entertain at my sisters wedding but passed at the chance (without hesitation) mostly because my playing style involves a lot of hard rock and metal, not so good for the church going family she married into.

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Actually I think on a deal like this it's more a matter of making it through more than "our" normal desire to sound good.


Even just voice with a solo acoustic with no bass and no drums is fine for friends. It's kinda like asking you to be part of the wedding party, it seems to me. You're important to them for you and the fact that there's music...


I'd just smile and try to make it work, myself, and not worry whether it's how I'd normally prefer to do something.


... before I finished this note, I listened to a youtube version, apparently live, and frankly I don't see how almost any decent eq, decent voice and nice, simple danceable instrumental arrangement shouldn't work as well or better.



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Thanks all your right I worked on it today and it should be ok I am going to play keyboard instead of guitar on this one it just seems to need the keys more but it's a vocal challenge. I did the same thing and listened to a few you tube takes and there is some flexibility. I know exactly what your saying Milod and normally that's what I would do no problem.


The issue here is that they are close friends and if it's her favorite song I want it to be close to how Rundgren would do it normally I don't care, a song is just a song, but if it's the first dance song for a wedding then I want it to be pretty close to the original that they have loved and considered their song for 30 some years.


It's really just me honestly I'd rather play for 5000 strangers than 50 friends about the only time I get any stage fright is with friends and family, drives them all crazy, they can be at a gig no problem but sitting in the back yard at a BBQ and I get nervous. :unsure:


It'll be fine I even have two months to work it out, but it always seems to be like this with weddings. they didn't ask for anything else anything else I want to play is fine with them and this song was we know it's not one you do but if you could do anything with it we would really like that...



Thanks all, like I said - it helped to vent and a good idea came from thisafter all it is old friends mostly from school maybe I will try to get some of my old friends from early bands back in high school and college that will be there to come up for that song, That might be kind of cool in fact that might be really cool


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I just had to chuckle reading the title of this thread.




The First Dance Song is always something like - near-incredibly ridiculous OR just - oh dear lame song.


Talked to a singer recently who said she would just do the first dance song a capella - not bother the band with it at all as you'd never likely play it again in your life. [biggrin]


But -- understood when it's friends, you want to get it right.


I don't know this song at all......... what's going on vocally that's a pain?


Can you do it in a different key, or is it just the vocalizing itself?


I'm sure just the fact of "you" singing the song with keys would be just fine.

Like your idea of setting up some old bandmates from way back then to come up and play --


I would recommend for that move, that you ALL rehearse A LOT TOGETHER in the next 2 months since it's such an oddball "never heard of it" song --- it's not like calling up your old buds to play "Sweet Home Alabama" or "Brown-Eyed Girl" that everyone's had to play in every bar band for the last 30 years, ROFL!


Good luck and have fun!!

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Thanks Linda and It's not complex it's jactually pretty simple just very different - Rundgrens stuff in general and this song in particular is very orchestral and the chorus is basically La LA la la la la la laaa Can we still be friends over and over.


I'm 50 years old 6'4" and 250 pounds covered in tattoo's just think ex-biker with a goatee and mustache that plays blues rock and southern rock so standing in front of friends and family singing la LA la la LA la [crying]



They want sentimental I'm thinking it'll be a lot closer to hysterical.

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Thanks Linda and It's not complex it's jactually pretty simple just very different - Rundgrens stuff in general and this song in particular is very orchestral and the chorus is basically La LA la la la la la laaa Can we still be friends over and over.

I'm 50 years old 6'4" and 250 pounds covered in tattoo's just think ex-biker with a goatee and mustache that plays blues rock and southern rock so standing in front of friends and family singing la LA la la LA la [crying]



They want sentimental I'm thinking it'll be a lot closer to hysterical.


Oh, that is just too precious! [laugh]


So are tickets available on-line? Oh this I gotta See. [woot]


Beginning to sound like you are not the musical act... they want you there for comedic relief. [lol]

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I dunno...


I had an acquaintance once who was a biker, in a ... group ... and as long as one played by the rules and had integrity he was a gentleman by almost any definition.


I don't see it as amusing at all. I also think it shows one can definitely be multidimensional and cares less for silly societal rules by doing one's own thing whether it fits what others may think or see or not.


Hey, I wear a hat and boots to work as a writer and don't see anything silly about loving nice fat jazz chords and blues, either.



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I'm 50 years old 6'4" and 250 pounds covered in tattoo's just think ex-biker with a goatee and mustache that plays blues rock and southern rock so standing in front of friends and family singing la LA la la LA la [crying]



They want sentimental I'm thinking it'll be a lot closer to hysterical.




You'll be fine............


Just launch into Sweet Home right after so you feel all better -- :P


I heard there are biker bars where the guys get up and do open mic with their Road Poetry - so...... it's OK to be a biker or ex-biker with feelings right?!






And I would avoid "Love Stinks" et al in the setlist 8-[



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