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Is this a genuine L-5?


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First post here so hello to all you fellow Gibson enthusiasts.


I've got a few Gibsons, a Les Paul DC and an ES-135 but I'm looking at an L-5 that's popped up.


Only trouble is I have a few suspicions about its authenticity...

1. The tailpiece. I've seen a few photo's of L-5's with this tailpiece but the majority have the big "art-deco" style one, what's the difference?

2. The headstock looks a bit odd to me too, the shape doesn't look as well formed as others I've seen. The centre of the "open book" doesn't seem pointed enough.

3. The bridge (like the tailpiece) isn't the same as on the more popular images of L-5's I've seen, I have seen it before but not a lot (I know it's at a terrible angle too, the seller doesn't play believe it or not!?).


Maybe I'm just being paranoid because of the price, but better safe than sorry I say.


Also can I use the standard Gibson serial number system to date this puppy?


Excuse my ignorance on L-5's but I haven't been looking at them for long.


I'd really appreciate some feedback though if anyone has any info on this, plus any other pointers on what to look at for authenticity.


Many thanks,






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Good eye on the headstock..I think you are right but I don't think I would have noticed.


The shape of the body looks wrong. the cutaway should have a more rounded, flowing curve. Google some images and compare you will see what I mean.


It is one thing to have a part fail and have to stick something else on, but not every part. And an L-5 is problably a guitar that would have the least non-origional parts because they aren't used like, say, an LP where some might be of a mind to improve them or mod them.


That guitar is not even close to being a good copy. My guess is that it comes from a certain Chinese factory that markets itself as being able to make any Gibson for you.


You are right to come here with pics because there are many authenticity police here. Continue to do so.


What are the circumstances of the seller?

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Absolute utter fake, horribly executed on many levels. I won't even bother to point them out because we all know what they are. No sense pointing out the Chinese "mistakes" so they can refine their craft.

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Thanks for the replies guys!


In answer to your question about the seller, they have apparently inherited the guitar and hence have little knowledge about it. It is listed for sale at a VERY low price, roughly a 10th of retail price, hence why I initially jumped at it. I'm arranging to go and look at it, but if it's a fake I'd rather save the petrol money as it's a 300 mile round trip.


She's since sent me more photo's including some of the case, which looks like an aligator skin type, and has no combination lock...? She also said that she can't see any label inside the guitar, has no CoA for it and doesn't know where it was purchased from...? The more I dig the more I don't like :( I did think it was too good to be true in the first place.


Here are the photo's...






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I zoomed into the photo below and noticed this...




...neck joint is indicative of a fake according to this...




Gutted, thought it was too good to be true, and feel like a bit of an idiot for nearly falling for it, but at least I saved the petrol money. Always look at the silver lining eh? ;)

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Inherited + doesn't know anything about the guitar + somehow is able to come up with a selling price not anywhere near realistic.


The seller sounds about as fake as the guitar. No way do I believe that story.

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Yeah I told the seller that I wasn't interested as I thought it was a fake and they insisted it wasn't and that they'd had it checked by a Gibson dealer...who evidently failed to point out that a Gibson L-5 is worth 10 times the amount they were asking...? Hmmm...? :---)

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No year was mentioned. If it's suppose to be a new model, many issues. PU switch missing insulator, wiring missing mesh covering and is exposed, base of bridge missing inlays and the case should read Gibson Custom. You would have to be a fool to purchase this, believing it's authentic.

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