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Reputation on this forum....


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My take -


The "+" and "-" at the bottom right of the comment box can be used to indicate your thoughts of the poster or their comments. You get one "-" a day and three "+" a day (I think). The mods can see who is doing what to avoid flame wars. Also (I think) as you roll up more consecutive posts without getting a "-" you get more reputation points (frequent posters tend to have more reputation points). The total in the box at the bottom right of the comment window isn't your reputation score, that's just the total points for that comment. Your reputation points are listed in your profile, which anyone can look at by clicking your name or avatar on any of your posts. The reputation points listed in your profile is a running total: "-" makes it go down a point, "+" makes it go up a point.


I find the system useful in this way: When I come across a questionable comment, I generally look at the length of time the poster has been a member and depending how questionable the comment is, I'll look at the reputation before deciding whether to comment and if so what kind of comment to make. In other words, if the poster has been a member for some time and has a good reputation, I'm more likely to cut them some slack.


And yes, there are some naughty members who get warned, suspended and sometimes banned. And if a post really bothers you, you can hit the "Report" button in the lower left corner of the comment box and report your objections to the mods.

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Its stupidities like this ( I mean the "reputation button" NOT the Post or any poster in this thread) which make people stay away from this forum


Why does everything have to be "marked" and "rated"


It used to be fun here.........

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I hereby give you a green lantern. The question is fair and I brought it up a couple of months ago after being lost in the red zone myself – guess I was a little too savage in the start. Now things are much greener in my garden and that's fine, but isn't the concept a bit silly.


What I don't like is the possibility to put someone down anonymously (well the staff can see who's doin what, Kahune said) instead of taking an open dialog. One member got headache from some of my posts, another felt it was like reading cryptic Shakespeare. It's all alright (and pretty funny) - We talked about it and things fell into place. Giving people the red light from behind a curtain can create paranoia. Anyway, I don't know what have happened in the other departments over time - the rumour said they got over the top in the Lounge at some point - but this acoustic zone is basically a groovy place. There have been small traces of twists a couple of times though; flame-wars, , , no that's way too strong.

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It doesn't really mean much. It can be a fun thing or it can be taken too seriously. You don't win anything or lose anything based on it.


It is kinda like just a way of showing approval or love, or showing dissapproval for a particular comment. It can help to see what poeple think of your comment, but also it is easy to take wrong, as not all poeple use the same reasons for giving someone a mark. Some will give a minus if they just don't agree, and some will give a minus if they think the comment was innapropriate and shouldn't have been said.


For example, if I say I like Elton John, but only as a freind, some may think that is funny and give me a plus. But if I make a personal attack, or paint a picture no one wants to see, like, Elton fudgepacking Rob Halford, then, I will surely get a minus.


OR, you may find a situation where you point out that for the price of a higher end Epiphone, you could get a Gibson that would likely play better, you may find a minus in your comment, and go "wtf?". It could be a rabid Epi fan that strongly disagrees with you, even though you meant no harm or were just trying to help. If you take it seriously and get bent, not useful. But you could use it as an oppurtunity to clarify your statement or check what you said to see what may have offended someone, even bring poeple together.

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I can see some reason in giving a green lantern here and red there if one agree or disagree, feel a pos/neg. vibe and so on. But the idea that these random and semi anarchistic votes adds up to an overall reputation on your profile-base is a bit heavy. This is the page f.x. newbies check if they wanna get an impression of a more experienced member. Running straight into a red minus might have a rather harsh effect on such a fresh innocent forumite.


When I was in the red zone I wondered whether to be arrogant about it or take it a bit more seriously and thus show respect for the rules of the Board. I chose the latter and slowly climbed over on green grass, , , which of course was better.


But all in all I find the mechanism 'dangerous' and slightly overstrained.

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