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Thoughts On Multi-Effects Boards/Amp Simulators


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I've had a Line6 Pod HD500 for a few months now. The possibilities seem endless. Unlike other boards I've tried, every amp or effect actually sounds different. Some of them actually seem pretty accurate. I know that the purists like everything for real (actually me too), but I generally play late at night through wireless headphones to keep the peace. Actually it's not that bad. With the iPod or pc background tracks running in the background I can rock out! I can vary the volume on the guitar or song until the mix sounds about right and go for it. I just wondered if anyone else has tried anything like this to stay amused. Also, I'm curious about what you guys think about the simulators in general. I kind of think they have their place, but real is generally better. Though I understand a lot of pros are going straight into the mixing boards with simulators now. On the plus side, if I bought everything that's in this thing I'd have to have enough money to bankrupt a small country.

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amp sim seems like a good idea, but i like the sound of my amp. fx are fine, but i'll still have my DropTune, tuner and EQ so i may as well have a full board. dirt still sounds meh so i'll have at least the three aforementioned 'utility' pedals, plus dirt/booster in addition to fx.

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I have a Vox AD120VTH amp with the VC12 Footcontroller and together they make an incredibly versatile rig with very convincing amp models and incredible effects simulations especially for the modulating ones sucsh as Phase,tremolo,Uni-Vibe,Leslie etc.


Some of these multi effects units give poor simulations of amps and effects but the Vox is head and shoulders above the competition.

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I use the amp simulators from my Line 6 out of convenience but I think they lack the dynamics of an amp, digital overdrive/distortion does not reach the richness of the real thing.


They do have their uses and place,


when you say that pros used them that's great for their convenience but modeling plus ProTools plus Compression is a catastrophe.

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I have to agree that the real thing is, of course, "The Real Thing" and any simulation is merely an imitation. But for my uses the pod does quite well. I can wail at concert volume into my headphones and the wife stays happy (and asleep). :-({|= I've heard of the other boards, but haven't tried them all. The Pod came in at the right price and performs well for me. As I don't play in a band anymore and really just play for my own enjoyment, it's works out great for me. If I were on stage it would probably be different.

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The specs on the Line6HD500 are very impressive....I have a BossGT10 and GT8, (and regular floor pedals)...There is a lot of "hate" towards multi units...Sure, most 'lessor'


multi units have cheap sounding effects....The BossGT10, Line6HD500 and higher end units really are cutting edge these days, and can sound very good when used properly...


Single units in chains will always be the norm as well......When run through amps, whether SS or tube, multi and single units will (can) sound good, depending on the playing


skill AND knowledge of how to use one's equipment......RECORDING; Most recording is now done DAW, both in home, semi-pro, and pro studios....More and more rack devices


are being replaced with plugins...Guitar amp sims; very popular in all studios these days...From freeware to expensive...They get better all the time, but, despite that fact, they


still have not been able to duplicate nor capture the nuances of the air being moved by speaker cones, or real life/live speaker cone breakup...For "Metal" recording, sims work,


and are suprisingly, almost the norm these days...Other than that, it takes a recording engineer's skill to make amp sims really sound good...I listen to tons of unreleased


recordings, and to the same recordings as they progress....NI Guitar Rig 4 seems to be one of the most accurate amp sim used these days....The "best" way to use amp sims in


the recording world is to split one's guitar signal; one track "dry" and one track recorded via two mikes through a real amp....The amp signal is then mixed with the "dry" signal


run through amp sims (short version)....On the other hand, drum simware is already at it's best, and even bands with drummers will often record the drums with drum sims.....


As per " Modeling through ProTools plus compression is a disaster." Well, yup....No one should use much compression without understanding compression...There's hundreds


of types, settings, ec etc.....Modern recordings are "smashed", ie, overcompressed in order to make louder mixes...This is a common theme these days, and is why many modern


pro recordings tire the ear out quickly........This, of course, is only IMHO......

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i am using line 6 which i find is quite good for recording and gives a reasonable tone at a budget a mere mortal can afford..obviously the real deal is very desirable but the amount of zeros in the price of this gear is off putting.. the didgtal modelling does give a reasonable approach to a good produced sound for a home recording person as myself i always DI my line 6 into my mbox for guitar models and some effects it works quite well for this price range..but i am no engineer and have a lot to learn about pro tools and recording


i used to have boss gt6 multi effects rack which had good patches but it was no good for me in a live situation it was just to hard to use ..the band would start and i would be still dialling up effects..i have seen mates doing this crazy dance playing live getting the patches up..you want to keep it simple live and not be 'dancing' for the the right effect


however in a recording situation that multi effects would be excellent for a mere mortal that cannot afford the real deal..i would go crazy buying gear if i was loaded haha [biggrin]

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Depending on what sound you are going for an Amp simulator can be more appropriate than the amp itself.

Sometimes there is a requirement for the processed sound.


Absolutely...............[thumbup] [thumbup] ...........

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