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I know you've been dying to see this.


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And so it begins.......Fist pounding on the oak chamber stands...Pre-prepared speeches, rants and ravings...Congressmen quoting big words


normally found in dictionarys...Rebuttals and denials...Calls for openess and answers...Neatly pressed suits and died hair...Demands for


investigations...Demands to investigate the investigations...Calls for committies to demand committies to be set up by sub-committies which


" must be-bi partisian " in order to make sure that the committies will be " fair, open, and forthcoming " in " committiness "....Demands that


the dog and pony shows be fair and " impartial."....Questions raised about why " fretboard blanks " are being imported measured in " metric


and not in American inches and stuff. "....More fist pounding, press releases, usually with " No comment at this time." comments...Promises


made that, " As long as I'm in congress, I PROMISE to LEARN what a fretboard blank is." Accusations that the wood was consificated due


to " Infection and infiltration by the 'gonobularesct bunglle fourwinged gagabluelegged beetle. "....Re-scheduling due to " golfing time priorities."


Followed by, " I really don't recall." and " I plead the fifth. " Etc etc etc.......

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I hope that someone realizes that they are forcefully driving manufacturing out of the USA and by doing that are eliminating livable wage jobs in the US. I think it is all part of a plot to make us more dependent on Big Government.


In the end who will be left to foot the bill?

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