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Spending money on guitars...


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I like spending money on guitars but the wife gives me looks that could kill everytime I mention it. It also costs more than the price of a guitar since I have to buy her something if she lets me get one. She did concede the other day and let me order one without mentioning me buying her something.

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Did I mention that our home is 3500 sq. ft? Plus we have a 10' X 12' shed, (the dogs use it)....and I STILL have run out of room!



Spending money on guitars is one thing, but we seem to take it a little further. Some of us have even built homes for them.

Mine is about 500 square foot but also has a small gaming area with a bar, pinball machine and jukebox and wood stove.





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Spending money on guitars is one thing, but we seem to take it a little further. Some of us have even built homes for them.

Mine is about 500 square foot but also has a small gaming area with a bar, pinball machine and jukebox and wood stove.






Dave, I'm envious of your "special place"!!

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I'd like to have my own building for guitars and amps, too. Space is an issue for me, but also, I will not own more equipment than I can use. I'm not really GASSING for any new guitars right now, and if I was, I'd have to get rid of one. Can't think of one I'd like to buy or one to get rid of.

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Dave, I'm envious of your "special place"!!

It really is a special place. So well insulated that it just cries out for loud music. I was cranking it pretty good yesterday and my wife could not even hear it in the house, which is only about 12 feet away.

My wife got an electric piano for Christmas so I'm sharing now. It is a lot of fun playing together. She had about 9 years of conservatory training and is having a hard time breaking away from the strict discipline and just playing. It is coming along though and she keeps me on track too.

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See my sig. Approx. 90% was bought after the divorce, mostly the past two years. I called last year 'The Year of the Guitar', this year it's gonna be 'The Year of the House Renovation' unless I see another ax I want. Isn't divorce grand? Lol!

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It may sound crazy but at this point I do not want to spend a lot of money on guitars


What?! :o


Just kidding.


Don't feel like it's crazy to not want to spend a lot of dough on guitars just because some of folks on this site buy them like shut-ins constantly ordering stuff from the home shopping channel.

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