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pay me my money down


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just wondering about how much money different folk command ?

especially folk here in the UK and Ireland.

many nighs i / we have played for free just for the fun of it . we always get a few pints bought for us and we get to practice whatever new songs we want to do.

we have a regular gig once a month or so that gets £150 split between the 3 of us . afternoon pub gig easy money as far as i'm concerned .

i have known guys / little groups that wont do anything for less than 200 and that goes up according to how long etc .

i know EA has a regular thing in his local

i understand mate if you tell me to mind my own business :-)

there is a notion that if you dont charge very much then the employer associates that with your talent and you can end up in that hole of being the guys that are good fun and cheap but they wouldnt be right for new years eve ..., sure we have to be paying hundreds for someone good

hope u get me ,

hard to be coherent on an iphone

cheers folks

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just wondering about how much money different folk command ?

especially folk here in the UK and Ireland.

many nighs i / we have played for free just for the fun of it . we always get a few pints bought for us and we get to practice whatever new songs we want to do.

we have a regular gig once a month or so that gets £150 split between the 3 of us . afternoon pub gig easy money as far as i'm concerned .

i have known guys / little groups that wont do anything for less than 200 and that goes up according to how long etc .

i know EA has a regular thing in his local

i understand mate if you tell me to mind my own business :-)

there is a notion that if you dont charge very much then the employer associates that with your talent and you can end up in that hole of being the guys that are good fun and cheap but they wouldnt be right for new years eve ..., sure we have to be paying hundreds for someone good

hope u get me ,

hard to be coherent on an iphone

cheers folks


Hi BBG, my mate has played a few local gigs recently (some in and around Carrick). I don't think he got paid much for them to be honest. However, he knows a few other guys that put 'work' his way and they pay him quite nicely.

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Well, firstly, we play for fun and that is the main driver. We do quite a few charity functions where we donate our time for free ... ok, beer money.


Our staple diet are two gigs on a weekly basis where we get paid 100 Euro split between the two of us..... plus all the food and beer we want, whcih we do take advantage of.


We also every cuple months play the hard rock cafe as a trio, second guitarist where we get 300 Euro split by three.


Weddings and Corporate functions is where the money is, where we we charge 500 - 700 Euro as a three piece but we dont do many of these and dont really persue it. Mainly because you have to play all the really crappy cheesey songs, and we have a rule that we only play the songs we like, otherwise we dont play..... In other words no Brown Eyed Girl and Sweet Home godamn Alabama !


Bottom line if the two local pubs told us they can only pay us in beer money we would still do it as its the highlight of the week for us, and thats what its really about !


btw: we did play NYE at one of those pubs and charge accordingly ! :-)

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Well, firstly, we play for fun and that is the main driver. We do quite a few charity functions where we donate our time for free ... ok, beer money.


Our staple diet are two gigs on a weekly basis where we get paid 100 Euro split between the two of us..... plus all the food and beer we want, whcih we do take advantage of.


We also every cuple months play the hard rock cafe as a trio, second guitarist where we get 300 Euro split by three.


Weddings and Corporate functions is where the money is, where we we charge 500 - 700 Euro as a three piece but we dont do many of these and dont really persue it. Mainly because you have to play all the really crappy cheesey songs, and we have a rule that we only play the songs we like, otherwise we dont play..... In other words no Brown Eyed Girl and Sweet Home godamn Alabama !


Bottom line if the two local pubs told us they can only pay us in beer money we would still do it as its the highlight of the week for us, and thats what its really about !


btw: we did play NYE at one of those pubs and charge accordingly ! :-)


sounds like we're all in the same boat . it is a hobby for me . if i could make a living at it i would for sure but that involves a lot of the crap EA talks about . if you get big bucks then its fine ,but playing for beer i have no problem with :-)

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I know for a fact that i WOULD NOT want to be a professional musician, that is one thing Im utterly certain of.


It is a tough and very fickle business and I would hate to rely on it as a main income source and put up with all the ****, sharks, sleaze and charlottes around it.


We both have full time jobs, full time wives and this is a way to pay off some of the Gibsons (over the next 20 years). I like the stability of a day job which I enjoy and is also highly creative (advertising). The weekend gigs allows us to do what we want to do and have the privilidge (and it is a privlidge) of making people happy and let them enjoy their end of week a bit more, as we enjoy the end of our week a bit more !

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I know for a fact that i WOULD NOT want to be a professional musician, that is one thing Im utterly certain of.


It is a tough and very fickle business and I would hate to rely on it as a main income source and put up with all the ****, sharks, sleaze and charlottes around it.


We both have full time jobs, full time wives and this is a way to pay off some of the Gibsons (over the next 20 years). I like the stability of a day job which I enjoy and is also highly creative (advertising). The weekend gigs allows us to do what we want to do and have the privilidge (and it is a privlidge) of making people happy and let them enjoy their end of week a bit more, as we enjoy the end of our week a bit more !


Your arrangement sounds like a great way to fund new guitars! I doubt anyone wants to pay me to play though [laugh]

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That is one hot girl !


Id swap groupies for roadies, thats what I really need ... boy do i hate packing up at the end of the gig... <_<


I get paid in 4-5 really big kisses! Here's my groupie fan club.





Too bad I'm paid highly TO QUIT PLAYING [cursing]




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I don't think it is the same in every city, but one thing you don't want to do is step on other musicians in the area. You DON'T want to be the guy who gets the gigs because you play for free.


It is always to your advantage to make as many freinds as possible with the other gigging musicians. If you can get involved in a "scene", find out what the other bands are charging and charge accordingly. Then, other bands are recommending your band, and you can recommend them.


In cases where a venue only lets musicians play for free, you can often tell because the music is lower quality. In that case, it may make sense to play some gigs for free just to show what a GOOD band can do or bring in, and sometimes it helps to get them wanting to pay bands. But if they don't put out after, then let the other bands in on it.

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I don't think it is the same in every city, but one thing you don't want to do is step on other musicians in the area. You DON'T want to be the guy who gets the gigs because you play for free.


It is always to your advantage to make as many freinds as possible with the other gigging musicians. If you can get involved in a "scene", find out what the other bands are charging and charge accordingly. Then, other bands are recommending your band, and you can recommend them.


In cases where a venue only lets musicians play for free, you can often tell because the music is lower quality. In that case, it may make sense to play some gigs for free just to show what a GOOD band can do or bring in, and sometimes it helps to get them wanting to pay bands. But if they don't put out after, then let the other bands in on it.


Good point Stein.

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Yep, thats a very good point and before we started we analysed what other musos were playing and scoped the scene. We realised that nobody was doing our style of acoustic rock/ country, with some left of cetre tracks. Since we started some 16 months ago we now have our own identity and dont step on anyones toes. There are a few musicians which are foreign here in prague and we know each other well. But we complement each other rather than compete, and we all get our share of gigs in similar places. Its a nice, tight knit commounity.


At all venues we played first gig for free so thy can try b4 buy, but we received repeat gigs at each venue where we charged the market rate after.


I don't think it is the same in every city, but one thing you don't want to do is step on other musicians in the area. You DON'T want to be the guy who gets the gigs because you play for free.


It is always to your advantage to make as many freinds as possible with the other gigging musicians. If you can get involved in a "scene", find out what the other bands are charging and charge accordingly. Then, other bands are recommending your band, and you can recommend them.


In cases where a venue only lets musicians play for free, you can often tell because the music is lower quality. In that case, it may make sense to play some gigs for free just to show what a GOOD band can do or bring in, and sometimes it helps to get them wanting to pay bands. But if they don't put out after, then let the other bands in on it.

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i didnt spend all those years learning guitar to be kissing dogs :-D


Who says I spent years learning to play guitar? I have spent years learning to play AT playing guitar! [biggrin] I'd kiss me if I'd quit playing if I were him too. In fact, I should somehow figure out how to be in a different room from myself when I play!!


I can think of worst to be kissed by than my Springer. At least I can't catch a cold or herpes or something when he begs me to quit playing. Mostly it's when I fire up a Ric esp. one with Toasters & the treble PUP (it's no dog to a hot sound). [flapper]



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