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Terrible Tornadoes in Texas

charlie brown

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WOW! [scared] Lots of tornadoes, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, last night.

Been reports of up to 12 or more, that were on the ground! Hope our members,

friends, and family are all OK?!


I have family, down there...and left a message on their cell phone,

as power is off, phone lines are down, in a LOT of that area, right

now. So, hopefully, I'll here something, when they get the message,

or...when they can call, or e-mail. [unsure]



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The film footage was scary. Huge storms. The tornado season has started-off very badly. Hope it cools-down. The worst months are still to come. Being in or near a tornade is literally a life-altering experience. Real frightening. Lots of prayers for those poor folks in the path.

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Yes, it is terrible. My prayers go to everyone in that area. I am 4 hours south of FW/Dallas, but these things are so unpredictable, so I'm continuing to pray. And I hope other members and their families are spared from these awful tornadoes.

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My brother in law texted me yesterday that my eldest niece and family are doing fine although they live in that area.


It's amazing, though, how it appears folks managed to come through such stuff without fatalities as far as I heard this a.m.



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Whew!! Just now, heard from my cousins, in Dallas. They're all fine, thank God!

It was a real "Hell Ride," in certain parts of the city, they said, but luckily,

they were not IN those parts. I wasn't sure, as the maps looked like it was patchy,

but pretty wide-spread, as to the areas effected.


Anyway, I'm glad they're OK, and hope all our other members/friends/families, are

as lucky! [-o<



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Tornadoes are to the mid-west and middle south what earthquakes are to the West Coast.


Tornadoes, usually, give little warning. More warning than earthquakes.. minutes?. But God as my witness if a tornado hit my little village after I've gone to sleep.... well let's just say I won't be in 'Kansas' any more Toto.


A few years ago, they moved the fire company to a new facility at the south edge of our burg and I can barely hear the siren when it goes off for their monthly meeting. Probably should get one of those weather radios that click on when there's a tornado alert.


My prayers go out to those Texans upended by this one. God bless you guys.

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My brother in law texted me yesterday that my eldest niece and family are doing fine although they live in that area.


It's amazing, though, how it appears folks managed to come through such stuff without fatalities as far as I heard this a.m.




Survival depends on preparation, forewarning, and luck. If have warning, you can go to shelter. If in a home with a basement, go to the the SW corner of your basement. If no basement, go to a bathroom, or a prepared safe room with 8" thick POURED concrete walls, it needn't be large. 2x4 lumber, driven by tornado winds, can pierce concrete block walls. If you live in a trailer, sionara baby. Those are not a safe place to be in a tornado, or even a heavy wind storm for that matter. Some municipalities require trailer parks to have storm shelters. But to make use of these you have to a. be forewarned, b. be able to negotiate heavy wind, rain, and flying objects to get to the bunker in just scant minutes. Unless you live less than a couple hundred feet from the entrance, good luck. Expect to have to fight your way into the entrance as your trailer park mates all try to get in at once.


Keep survival gear in your huddle area of your 'safe space', under a sturdy desk, table or counter top. Survival gear being a flashlight, sturdy shoes, gloves, ax, hatchet and sledge hammer to hack your way out if necessary and a means to shut off gas supply valves. Enough food and water for a day is good enough, along with a means to cook that food, if necessary.


Many times a path a tornado takes through a town will take out a narrow swath. One house is utterly obliterated, while the house next door or across the street stands with little more damage than a few loose shingles. At other times, entire neighborhoods are laid waste.

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My heart goes out to Texas......massive destruction, but y'all will pull through & carry on.....you're Texans, it's what you do!!

around 11 months ago(4/27/11) it was us w/the T-Town tornado(Tuscaloosa) it'll take time, but you'll bounce back like we did.....

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