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Nuff said

ol fred

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OK, my two cents worth. We've all been down this road before and it's one of the reasons that I don't post as often as I used to, but I will guarantee everyone that a couple of A$$hats are not going to run me off.

I realize that there are options available such as ignore member, are simply not reading things that aren't interesting, or threads that are offensive.

The root of the problem is still self appointed mods who react like sharks when the water is chummed while the real(?) moderators sit on their thumbs watching things deteriorate to the point where two of the oldest, and certainly two of the most entertaining and knowledgeable members feel that their best recourse is to leave the forum.

Sad day for the Gibson forum



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OK, my two cents worth. We've all been down this road before and it's one of the reasons that I don't post as often as I used to, but I will guarantee everyone that a couple of A$hats are not going to run me off.

I realize that there are options available such as ignore member, are simply not reading things that aren't interesting, or threads that are offensive.

The root of the problem is still self appointed mods who react like sharks when the water is chummed while the real(?) moderators sit on their thumbs watching things deteriorate to the point where two of the oldest, and certainly two of the most entertaining and knowledgeable members feel that their best recourse is to leave the forum.

Sad day for the Gibson forum





Well said, 'ol fred.

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That's not the problem Fred. The problem is people who post things like below over and over for years and then when somebody stands up to them they throw their head back, place the back of a hand on a brow and gasp out: 'death where is thy sting?' 'goodbye cruel world I'm off to join the circus' etc. Then their buddies form a procession with torches and pitchforks and go after those bad, bad apologists.


So they are STILL doing the double layer fingerboards.....from the last posting on this, it was stated that this practice was OVER????!!!!! I'm tired of these cow droppings....I hate this continuing practice of hiding what is going on, then trying to spin it to sound like Gibson is doing us a favor by layering the fretboard......what a pile of crap......once again, if you want a one piece fretboard, buy an Epiphone....this is ridiculous.......Was Henry on dope when he gave this interview???? It did NOT come off well for Gibson.....


Gotta love the apologists....arguing for mediocracy and name calling, insulting and verbally attacking anyone who dissagrees......too funny actually....paying these prices for laminate construction, while Epiphone uses solid fretboards and bridges....it is just borderline ridiculous....as are the protestations from the apologists.......only a real dope would pay these prices for laminated Gibsons...I personally will only buy used Gibsons, more laminates for the apologists I guess?


When you post rants which mis-state the facts, pigeon-hole people as 'apologists' etc. etc. and do this repeatedly on the Gibson Acoustic Forum don't be surprised if people call you a troll.

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Did I miss something?

A thread was started about an interview of Henry in a tired state, where a few members were making fun of him.


Member HOGEYE came in with some opinions which might have been good, but also made some questionable comments that seemed directed toward individual posters. The thread escalated toward outright personal attacks with some taking sides. Taking sides in that some joined him in making more personal attacks, and some making attacks back, and some simply pointing out thay didn't like the personal attacks and the direction it was going.


A couple members left voluntarily.


That is what I saw. Or remember from what I read.

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A thread was started about an interview of Henry in a tired state, where a few members were making fun of him.


Member HOGEYE came in with some opinions which might have been good, but also made some questionable comments that seemed directed toward individual posters. The thread escalated toward outright personal attacks with some taking sides. Taking sides in that some joined him in making more personal attacks, and some making attacks back, and some simply pointing out thay didn't like the personal attacks and the direction it was going.


A couple members left voluntarily.


That is what I saw. Or remember from what I read.


Yep, and it's the same members who start the attacks every time.

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People, this is just a forum.


Sorry but for me, while I have my perferences in guitars, it just ain't about who runs the company, who builds the guitars, what the bridges are made of, or whatever.


It is about the music you make with those instruments. That is the tie that binds. I enjoyed Wily's posts because I liked hearing about his gig experiences. The stories would have been just as much fun to read whether he was playing a Gibson, Martin or an Esteban.

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People, this is just a forum.


Sorry but for me, while I have my perferences in guitars, it just ain't about who runs the company, who builds the guitars, what the bridges are made of, or whatever.


It is about the music you make with those instruments. That is the tie that binds. I enjoyed Wily's posts because I liked hearing about his gig experiences. The stories would have been just as much fun to read whether he was playing a Gibson, Martin or an Esteban.


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I think the heart of the issue is making personal attacks or putting down other members.


There seems to be differing opinions on what is considered an attack on somebody, as well as if it is an OK practice to make personal attacks if it is felt to be justified.


In offering opinions, we all run the risk of accidently stepping on someone else's toes. Sometimes it CAN get personal without intending it to. That's life anywhere. In that, sometimes we actually do insult someone without the intention of doing so, or say something that is percieved to be an insult.


While most anyone would agree that insulting another is not a cool thing to do, there are some that think it IS an acceptable thing if you are reponding to such. So then the issue is if it is an OK thing to make personal attacks on purpose, and if those making personal attacks on purpose are correct in their perception that those they are making the attacks on deserve it.


In a case where someone just seems to rub most poeple the wrong way, sometimes that might be the result of not understanding when they are getting personal or knowing the difference. But in some cases, they are aware of it and are doing it on purpose. When they so much as state they are, that tends to make others angry who aren't involved because they are not only crossing the line of civil discussion, but they are acting as judge as to when it is acceptable to do so.


Regardless of any judgement of a post being taken the wrong way, or if a poster might deserve a personal insult or attack, one sure thing is that when someone does so purposlely, there is no possibility of a civil or enjoyable discussion.

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I think the heart of the issue is making personal attacks or putting down other members.


There seems to be differing opinions on what is considered an attack on somebody, as well as if it is an OK practice to make personal attacks if it is felt to be justified.


In offering opinions, we all run the risk of accidently stepping on someone else's toes. Sometimes it CAN get personal without intending it to. That's life anywhere. In that, sometimes we actually do insult someone without the intention of doing so, or say something that is percieved to be an insult.


While most anyone would agree that insulting another is not a cool thing to do, there are some that think it IS an acceptable thing if you are reponding to such. So then the issue is if it is an OK thing to make personal attacks on purpose, and if those making personal attacks on purpose are correct in their perception that those they are making the attacks on deserve it.


In a case where someone just seems to rub most poeple the wrong way, sometimes that might be the result of not understanding when they are getting personal or knowing the difference. But in some cases, they are aware of it and are doing it on purpose. When they so much as state they are, that tends to make others angry who aren't involved because they are not only crossing the line of civil discussion, but they are acting as judge as to when it is acceptable to do so.


Regardless of any judgement of a post being taken the wrong way, or if a poster might deserve a personal insult or attack, one sure thing is that when someone does so purposlely, there is no possibility of a civil or enjoyable discussion.


I was hoping this would have been allowed to fade. :)

Your analysis seems about right. I would summarize it - that differences in values and personalities dictate when we will Turn The Other Cheek and when we will not. There are always opportunities to take offense: at a ball game, your noisy neighbor, bad drivers, family members can push your buttons. so, this has happened before and will again because of human nature.

A final opinion, at risk of being labeled an apologist (again), I view the freedom we were given by The Moderator as a positive thing. We are all adults and should not want to be saved from ourselves. At least I for one would fear a heavy hand more than a couple of members leaving. And, in the spirit of trying not to beat dead horse, this will be my last entry on this thread. Though I look forward to reading comments even more insightful than mine!

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