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1971 gibson sg deluxe with bigspy


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Just wondering why am I having such a hard time selling such a rare all original Gibson .this just doesn't make sense to me right now on eBay it has only 20 hrs left we got views and watchers but no bids??? Any help would be great right now. Thanks.

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It's not such a rare guitar... There are a few foe sale on ebay... I think you would have better luck if your guitar had the Lyre Maestro tremolo instead of the Bigsby and the color was cherry... Nothing wrong with your guitar but it's not as desirable as the Maestro... Good luck though....

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Yeah Lisa, it's not uber rare......I've been eyeing a 1972 all original SG in mint shape for a much smaller asking price.........


As mentioned, the market is saturated right now due to a variety of factors, and the SG has always been viewed as a "player's guitar"......


I say, be patient; Someone will see it and will HAVE to have it.............It is a nice guitar............

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I'm afraid the brown 71/72 deluxe with the plastic front panel instead of a rear cavity and a Les Paul type pickguard was quite poorly received at the time as a bad design change, and Gibson got rid of those features pretty quickly. It hasn't increased in popularity since then. I have one of these and they are fine guitars. However, any "rarity" is due to the public rejecting its fundamental feature, and Gibson choosing to rapidly go back to the older design. That's not the sort of rariity that creates modern demand. People would much rather have the SG stbndard of that year because it looks like the 1966 model

People on E-bay are asking (but not necessarily getting) $3-4K for the traditional looking 71 standard, but typically asking $1.5-2.5K for the deluxe. (there is one up at $2,999 . but it isin collectors condition, and doesnt seem to be attracting any interest))



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Thank you all for your input for now gonna keep it great guitar might as well enjoy it and hand it down to our son who is learning to play guitar now at age 14 and doing quiet well . There is a reason for everything I guess.

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Thank you all for your input for now gonna keep it great guitar might as well enjoy it and hand it down to our son who is learning to play guitar now at age 14 and doing quiet well . There is a reason for everything I guess.



Great idea. I would have killed for one of those when I was a teenager

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Don't gauge what your guitar is worth by what you see on e-bay. Nothing is moving except very sought after guitars at very good prices. The guitars that are moving now are being sold by people who have to sell out of necessity and offer them at prices that will sell. Buyers market. You have a great guitar enjoy it. If someone comes along who has to have it and will pay what you want, fantastic, otherwise keep it...

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