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Thanks for posting that, Juan.

I am in love with that guitar and that man.

Who is he?

Krassi ,


that's Aaron Lewis . Gibson put out a SOuthern Jumbo signature model in 2009 I think

glad you like it




you can see Aaron's gibson collection (acoustic and electric) here :





the gibson hbird with rosewood back & sides is one of the last ones . hope you enjoy the collection




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Enhoyed reading about Aarons' amazing guitar collection ... but I found it odd how many electrics he has given Ive never seen him with an electric in hand ....



Krassi ,


that's Aaron Lewis . Gibson put out a SOuthern Jumbo signature model in 2009 I think

glad you like it




you can see Aaron's gibson collection (acoustic and electric) here :





the gibson hbird with rosewood back & sides is one of the last ones . hope you enjoy the collection




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Thanks for posting that, Juan.

I am in love with that guitar and that man.

Who is he?


Oh no, Krassi. You have so much more talent than him. He has one of those generic, post-grunge, dull growly voices, just like Chad Kroeger from Nickelback. Your voice is much better. He has a much-played J200, as well as his famed SJ and this Bird. Chad Kroeger also has a J200:




That doesn't make Chad or Aaron half the performer that you are. Even if you put them together. I'd rather hear you and your Jumbo any time. Sadly these chaps get more radio time. Personally I blame Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam.

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He has one of those generic, post-grunge, dull growly voices, just like Chad Kroeger from Nickelback. ...Personally I blame Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam.


Haha, bravo! He does nothing for me either, nor does Kroeger or vedder. I'd rather have an ingrown toenail cut out.

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So I guess you wont be the first in the shop to get Aarons new album out next week then Mojo ... [biggrin]


Ive got it alredy pre-ordered, I'm certainly a fan.


No, I wouldn't be spending the night in a sleeping bag outside our town's only CD/book outlet to get my hands on that particular item, it's fair to say. Mind you, nobody else here would be either, and said outlet will also never see a copy of it. I'd like to say that this last fact is a matter of good taste, but it is much more a case of lack of choice. Lucky if they have a Jimi Hendrix album in. Not exactly cutting edge.


I am a fan of your Aaron though, EA. Like your good self, he clearly has good taste in guitars. And in his more country moments I wouldn't turn off the radio were he to come on. Nickelback and other sub-grunge mediocrities, meanwhile, regularly do make it on to Petőfi Radio at which point I regularly turn the thing off. If Staind came on, I would do the same, since I can't really tell the difference between them and Nickelback.


While I do have plenty time for your faves Nirvana and the Pumpkins (though actually Mellan Collie or whatever it was called was one of my all-time record-buying disappointments after Siamese Dream and Gish), I am with PM on the ingrowing toenail vs. Aaron music debate. Personally I have more time for my verucca than his voice. At least the verucca is attached to me personally.


Bring on Krassi's next album, I say! That I might pre-order.

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Totally cool Mojo, as the folks on the AGF like to say 'each to his own'.


I have to say Ive always been a fan of the grunge era, for many reasons, and personally I do like Aarons voice a lot, although the lack of variety frustrates me somewhat. But the tone of those Gibbys that he uses on the recordings, and the tasty lapsteel playing by his fatboy buddy makes up for it.


btw: Im totally with you about the disappointment of Mellon Collie after Simese Dream, which to this day is in the top 10 albums of all time in my book. Almost as bas as the Use Your Illustion follow up to Appetite for Destruction. Mauybe its the double album curse ... or perhaps just over inflated egos ?


No, I wouldn't be spending the night in a sleeping bag outside our town's only CD/book outlet to get my hands on that particular item, it's fair to say. Mind you, nobody else here would be either, and said outlet will also never see a copy of it. I'd like to say that this last fact is a matter of good taste, but it is much more a case of lack of choice. Lucky if they have a Jimi Hendrix album in. Not exactly cutting edge.


I am a fan of your Aaron though, EA. Like your good self, he clearly has good taste in guitars. And in his more country moments I wouldn't turn off the radio were he to come on. Nickelback and other sub-grunge mediocrities, meanwhile, regularly do make it on to Petőfi Radio at which point I regularly turn the thing off. If Staind came on, I would do the same, since I can't really tell the difference between them and Nickelback.


While I do have plenty time for your faves Nirvana and the Pumpkins (though actually Mellan Collie or whatever it was called was one of my all-time record-buying disappointments after Siamese Dream and Gish), I am with PM on the ingrowing toenail vs. Aaron music debate. Personally I have more time for my verucca than his voice. At least the verucca is attached to me personally.


Bring on Krassi's next album, I say! That I might pre-order.

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As you konow I live in Bulgaria and USA things are over the ocean for us here.

(here is the place to say once again that I am the owner of the one and only Gibson Acoustic Super Jumbo 200 in my country of about 7,6 mln. inhabitants)

Really did not know about the existance of Aaron Lewis untill now.

Watched some videos in youtube. Have seen his Gibson collection - great instruments.

I like him very much. I like much his voice (don't like the tatoos, but I will not marry him!).

I love that "vine" Hummingbird with rosewood back&sides on the video pested above. Hudge sound... And perfectly matching to that voice.

So in conclusion - thank you for posting that video - I have learned about a great artist and I will buy his music probably.


Matter of fact I have learned much things from postings in that forum and this is the reason I am here msp_biggrin.gifmsp_biggrin.gifmsp_biggrin.gif

So keep on educating me, dudesmsp_thumbup.gif

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i was ( and still am to some extent ) a big fan of grunge , but while this aaron guy isnt and dont think could be as big a w@nker as chad groeger , his lyrics put me right off ....


he didin't write the song BBG , some other guy did (can't remember the name)


check out this Blake Sheldon cover :









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With people in glass houses and all that in mind, it just feels as if this man wished he wrote:




....and the MTV unplugged ship left the quay 25yrs ago - HEP,,, HEP


God bless Dock Boggs


What a great hillbilly track that is. I imagine this could be played fine on an acoustic, capoed on the 3oth fret ?

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