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Chet Atkins - Kentucky


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A buddy of mine just shared this and I thought it was pretty cool and not something I would have looked up for myself, so I felt inclined to share:



I really dig the fuzz on his guitar. It's that perfect amount of bite. And there's a slight echo on there too, which makes me want a real Tape Echo. I've been itching for a Roland Space Echo RE-201 which I've played and LOVED.





I'm not too sure why the past few videos from YouTube I've shared aren't working as a link. I tried both embedded and direct link...

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I think it's not necessarily the fuzz itself that sounds so cool but the way he harmonized multiple layers of the fuzz


Thanks for posting. As someone that's kinda obsessed with fuzz this was pretty interesting


It's crazy too because that came out in 1964. It sounds like there are maybe three layers of guitar? It's pretty rad though.

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It's crazy too because that came out in 1964. It sounds like there are maybe three layers of guitar? It's pretty rad though.

Yeah it's really cool and a concept that is kindof ahead of its time.


That's interesting to me because at that time there was a very limited number of fuzz boxes around. I think like literally only one or two commercially available fuzz boxes.


I wonder what kind of boost circuits were available at the time, because I think it may be more likely he boosted a tube amp for that sound.


All guesses though..

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