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Happy Valentine's Day...


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VERY nice Dave!!

I too got a red Valentine i'll show after this true story.

it's Mrs.Bs & mines 27th Valentines day together, and we think so much alike that we got each other the identical same Valentines card this year, completely by accident.....I handed her hers, she got a strange grin and said, "you're NOT going to believe THIS...open yours".....it looked just like the one i'd handed her just before!!

it's a black lab and beagle snuggling, w/the caption "we believe in snack-time, sleep-time,loyalty, & love...not necessarily in that order"....and inside they say "that's why we're so good together".


she also played "middleman" today during my online & telephone negotiations purchasing this:




to make sure I "sniped" it before someone else grabbed it!

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