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selling guitars using forums


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i didnt want to hijack the thread from the guy looking for a hummingbird .


theres a post about being sceptical about people with stuff for sale with less than 10 posts ......

is that frowned upon ? i cant think of anywhere better to try and sell a guitar than that particular forum .... i have no argument here , just trying to learn some manners :)

whats the story ?

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I think a high post-count sort of verifies the members is invested in the forum, therefore less likely to want to look like a crook/cowboy/scammer type... if yer half a dozen posts in, well, confidence is not so high.... can understand the thinking, but any second hand guitar bought on any platform sight unseen is a risk / leap of faith venture anyway.


As a several time seller on ebay I've found that exchange of messages using conversational type chat somewhat comforts the buyer as they can see it's not some cut & paste response and if you can detail quite well certain aspects the confidence grows a bit. It's worked for me thus far, I've never had a contested sale or return as yet. I must admit if I was buying via here I'd prefer to deal with one of the boys I've spoken to on threads or someone with a higher post count and a forum presence than a new guy with two or three posts myself...

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exactly , buying anything of internet has its risks and , as you say , a bit of mailing back and forth takes some of that panic away by judging a character somewhat ,

so ..... whats the harm in sticking a little ad in amongst the threads in a forum ?

i have seen this before and seems to be almost not allowed .


i'm not buying anything anyway , was just curious , no skin off mine


cheers PM...

how' paddys day go ?did u do any jigs n reels ?

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exactly , buying anything of internet has its risks and , as you say , a bit of mailing back and forth takes some of that panic away by judging a character somewhat ,

so ..... whats the harm in sticking a little ad in amongst the threads in a forum ?

i have seen this before and seems to be almost not allowed .


i'm not buying anything anyway , was just curious , no skin off mine


cheers PM...

how' paddys day go ?did u do any jigs n reels ?


Was cool, we got a wee Luxembourg TV clip out of it... place was rammed, paddy's and plastic paddy's galore, totally rammed... folk had been in doing som ehey-diddly-diddly music earlier in the day so there was plenty of people already a bit buckled... that resulted in a couple of spirited youg fellas being our first ever stage-divers (quite an amusing turn of events) and as we don't play any diddly-diddly stuff ourselves we organised a wee interlude with the DJ in the middle of one of our songs we made a dead-stop, he had queued up an Irish piece, we did a wee bit of comedy riverdance then continued... like those nonsense breaks you get in R&B songs where J-lo, timberlake or a jackson will go into some seemingly unrelated dance sequence in videos... similar thing, but a bit more ramshackle... crowd loved it, we had silly hats an all sorts so it was all pretty good natured, no fights and no overstepping the mark considering how drunk folk were.


We had free drink & food the whole night... but I was working the day after so I had 3 cokes and no food.... my rider-abuse skills need some honing.

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good to hear paddys day is no different in luxembourg than it is here :)


Haha, nope, no different to anywhere, people getting boggin drunk for no other reason than it's an allowed day... Irish or otherwise


3 cokes though , was bad enough here and i had 3 or 4 pints while playing , i cant stand drunks when i'm sobre


yep, I feel yer pain, not a big fan of the drunks when I'm running on dry either, but more n more I'm exposed to it with doing the band, I dont really drink before playing or I'm double rubbish... but more than that I don't actually really drink much at all anymore, odd beer here & there but (shock shock horror) I'm not the biggest beer fan at all, couldn't be dealing with the wine too frequently and drinking spirits all night in yer late 30's is no recipe for winning... hangovers kills me for about 2-3 days, so I'm rapidly headed more & more to being a bit non-drinker.


Usually have a couple of bottles of beer after we finish playing and go home... I'm up about 5.40am every day with the dogs anyway, in work before 7, doesn't bode too well if it's a heavy night on the sauce.

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Haha, nope, no different to anywhere, people getting boggin drunk for no other reason than it's an allowed day... Irish or otherwise




yep, I feel yer pain, not a big fan of the drunks when I'm running on dry either, but more n more I'm exposed to it with doing the band, I dont really drink before playing or I'm double rubbish... but more than that I don't actually really drink much at all anymore, odd beer here & there but (shock shock horror) I'm not the biggest beer fan at all, couldn't be dealing with the wine too frequently and drinking spirits all night in yer late 30's is no recipe for winning... hangovers kills me for about 2-3 days, so I'm rapidly headed more & more to being a bit non-drinker.


Usually have a couple of bottles of beer after we finish playing and go home... I'm up about 5.40am every day with the dogs anyway, in work before 7, doesn't bode too well if it's a heavy night on the sauce.


i hear ya brother , once i was able to drink what i liked , bacon sandwich and tea and i was right as rain , not now ... but i just cant be sobre in a pub .... play the gambler !!!! feck off mate !!

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Usually have a couple of bottles of beer after we finish playing and go home... I'm up about 5.40am every day with the dogs anyway, in work before 7, doesn't bode too well if it's a heavy night on the sauce.



Welcome to responsible adulthood. [biggrin]


When I was on the road with a band 40+ years ago, we would be packed up and home from a show (and a fair amount of drink after) by 1 AM or so, then sit up and play bridge until dawn before going to bed, getting up in mid-afternoon. You always wanted your first set to happen in the middle of your working day.


Sheesh, I can't even imagine living like that anymore.


Alarm goes off at 6 AM, and the day begins......

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Welcome to responsible adulthood. [biggrin]


Alarm goes off at 6 AM, and the day begins......


That's it in a nutshell, Nick, I'm up by 5.40 at the latest, in work before 7, home for 7.45-8.30 (unless I go rehearse with the boys after work one night) so I've no real space for the boozin' now. Not up for ruining a weekend with the fear if it's a big night the night before and during the week is just a no-no with the hours I do to cover two different market timezones.

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I tried to sell a guitar on a forum once. Had the usual couple of low ball replies. That does not really bother me because you can't blame a guy for trying. But I had one guy who really wanted the thing. First he kept asking for more and more pics and I kept sending more and more. Next he wants to argue with me about whether the bridge was original or not (it was). So then he wants me to throw in a better case than what I was offering with the guitar. I said I would. Then, after all that he tries to low ball the heck out of me and I mean low ball. After two weeks of this crap I told him to take a flying you know what.

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I bought a Gibson SST last year off the forum from


A real straight up guy.

The guitar was 23 yers old and looked like it just came out of the box.

To help keep cost down, I paid with a USPS money order.

This guarantees him the money and gave me the comfort of a guarantee against mail fraud.

If you get scammed and file a claim, you get your money back and they get charged with a federal crime.

I have a lot of freinds that use this method when buying firearms. Like anything, you can still get burned I suppose.

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I understand the trepidation people have buying over an internet forum. I'm the same way.......I bought my J60 from veggieryan. We talked and emailed several times and he's a real honest guy. In fact, I think I contacted him first because he mentioned he had a J60. He hadn't even mentioned selling it. Anyway, the J60 was exactly as he described it. No issues at all. Since I received it I've had the guitar at a repair tech just to have him take look at it and he called it an outstanding instrument. I'm more than satisfied.

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Its great to hear you guys' positive experiences [thumbup] I believe that most 'dealings' with personal Forum members, would be 'straight-up'.....

I assume that these are" Cash Sent before Guitar Sent" deals with "up-front mutual agreements" , that you speak of?

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Its great to hear you guys' positive experiences [thumbup] I believe that most 'dealings' with personal Forum members, would be 'straight-up'.....

I assume that these are" Cash Sent before Guitar Sent" deals with "up-front mutual agreements" , that you speak of?


Mine was

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I've bought & sold a number of guitars on guitar forums & it is not that big of a deal if:


*You know what you are looking for & how to evaluate it should you come upon it.

*You pick up the phone & call & have a good talk with the guitar seller to discuss the guitar. I always do this if I'm ready to do the deal, give buyers my phone number & would never buy anything from anybody who wouldn't talk on the phone.

*You are wise enough to not buy a guitar from a member who joined only to post a guitar unless you can discern thru phone & other means they are 'real'.

*You know guitars enough to not get one & then immediately start looking for the tiniest flaw--a tiny ding, a little glue drip inside or whatever--that sets alarm bells off in yer head regarding a guitar that the seller described pretty accurately. 'Nuf said...


I have never had a bad experience buying or selling guitars on forums following these general guidelines. A few minor surprises maybe, but that's life.

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