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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Here is the Dlx Strat I got in trade from the 335 along with the oldest D-15 (the one with the label in the sound hole).
  2. This is the Silver Strat. It had Rio's as well.
  3. The Green Strat. Built this too. Body and neck are Fender (bought separately). The pups were Rio Grandes.
  4. For some reason I have a 5 Euro note in my wallet and a Canadian 10-er. I though you meant to use the $ and £ on purpose.
  5. Built this too. Warmoth neck and a Fender California Series body. Rio Grande pups. In between the tone and volume knob, I installed a switch to make the humbucker a single coil.
  6. I bought every part and assembled this. Body and neck are Warmoth. I think I put SD Antiquity JM pups in it.
  7. The only way to string it was to wrap over the bridge on a trapeze style. What a POS of engineering that is/was.
  8. Would they have to do a currency conversion from £ to $ ? How much would that be in Yen ¥ ?
  9. I know your an amp guy and I am not sure if you built, fix ect ect amps on the side, or if its your regular job. If it is your job, and you are working on someone's amp, do you do a bunch of work they didn't ask for just cause your a nice guy and not charge them? Probably not. Just like S W. Its called a 55 Point Inspection not a 55 Point Inspection + a set up. Just like Martins days are gone of resetting necks with the warranty.
  10. A $301 guitar gets the 55 pointer, but a $299 guitar does not.
  11. Yeah after JLP, Frank grabbed Eddie Jobson when Roxy Music was on hiatus after Siren.
  12. The Ex-American Idol judge played bass on JLP's Mystical Adventures.
  13. The Jan Hammer one sounds like a LSD infused Kansas out take, and I actually nave that JLP album and a few others, but his music gets on my nerves, and should have just played for Frank.
  14. Apparently Rick was the original photo-bomb. I have that on vinyl. Probably Rick's best solo album, but like other groups the whole is greater than the individual parts. Most of the solo albums the guys did from Yes were half baked.
  15. I saw Bruuuuuuuuce in ‘85. He’s a pro and played for about 3 hours. All I can say is I saw Bruce Springsteen.
  16. Yeah but The E Street Band got in on their own. I can't take Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuce any more and the last decent thing he did was Darkness On The Edge Of Town. Fuk Born To Run and Born In The USA, and The River. All used NJ White Castle dumpster trash. Nowadays instead of writing a song like Born In The USA it would be "The Only Things That Are Right Are What Me And Neil Say".
  17. I think with Jazz Fusion, it was a big show-off-fest of who could play faster, and more technically proficient.
  18. I never got Jazz Fusion Rock stuff. It usually had an interesting song and then just boring 20 minute jams that go nowhere. I still to this day still don't get B-itches Brew or Birds Of Fire or any of the Classic Jazz Fusion stuff. The Grateful Dead do 20 min jams too, and I get sick of those.
  19. I don't get Marillion. The Prog guys love them. They just annoyed me, with both singers.
  20. Irvine Welsh is tough to read. I've read Trainspotting, Glue, Filth, The Acid House, and some of Porno.
  21. People from Mars are slobs, ever heard of a trash can?
  22. Never liked much of Ozz's solo stuff. Blizzard and Diary are decent do to Randy. Tony and Jeff are no slouches, but those 2 songs do nothing for me.
  23. Here was a real 1957 ES-225TD and some of my album collection, I had for a while. Light as a feather, but it feed back like crazy, and would not stay in tune.
  24. 000-28. I traded my BB King for this. I had about 5 seconds of traders remorse as I drove away. Then I got home, and started to play it, and that remorse was gone. Of all the guitars I own, this is the one I would run in the house to grab if it was on fire after the wife and dog are out. It had Grover closed backs on it and I changed them to Grover open backs.
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