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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Natty tops IMHO look so much nicer on an acoustic. The sided on that acoustic (not sure of the call letters of it) are killer.
  2. I routed a cavity for a hum but there was already a P-90 cavity there, so I didn't have to take much off. The dremel's turn so fast, one slip and you may need a box of tissues for the tears.
  3. The neck is supposed to have “relief” in it, not be back bowed.
  4. Yeah but it wasn't done by the legend Tom Murphy. That is the funniest tread in guitars, and the ones that do it are laughing all the way to the bank when one is sold. Just because some guy threw a bag of pennies at your guitar, and took an ice pick to it, and a belt sander does not make it sound better. It was once just an un relic'ed guitar. Your guitar looks old and you paid thousands EXTRA for it. Just think about that for a second or two. You have new guitar that looks old and its thousand more than it should be. Wish I had money to burn.
  5. I didn't get a COA with my car, house, stereo, most of my guitars (only one came with a COA), my wife, ect. Many of those purchases were a lot more than any guitar I bought. Does it make the guitar sound better, or if you sell i,t will it tack on a few extra hundred cause you have the COA?
  6. Some people have acidic sweat that is deadly. Usually after my son plays my guitar I have to change strings a day of two later.
  7. I really hate headphones and only use them only when I have to.
  8. He played it in 2017 when I saw then in Seattle. He used it for an intro, but the rest of the night he was on Strat shaped guitar with Ouija Boards and Old School Monsters painted on them.
  9. I bevel mine the old fashioned way, by using it. Sometimes I use my wife’s nail file to start a bevel.
  10. You are the cutting edge Steve. I just have some Sennheisers. I had a pair of brown Koss headphones when I was about 10.
  11. After spending that amount it is what you got, and a lot of people pay $4500 just to have Gibson on their headstock. I think there is a reason those auto tuners are not standard fair on all guitars. Spending 4.5k on a guitar does not mean its perfect, it damn well should be almost perfect though.
  12. A 4 hour show is a lot of anyone band.
  13. Isn't that made from boiled milk fat or something weird like that. I had a Red Bear pick. They are nice, but I'd rather use a Blue Chip.
  14. I make it through 3 CD's. Damn good show. I'm gonna finish up CD 4 today.
  15. I saw them in '93 and in '17. That is enough live 'Tallica for me. Those guys haven't made an album I wanted to buy since . . . And Justice. I love that Kirk still thinks he's rocking that man-perm at his age.
  16. I’m Rockin CD 1. So far it’s a winner. About 3 and a half hours to go.
  17. Liam will get the job done being an arrogant pompous p-rick while doing it.
  18. At least I know and have heard of Noel. Most sig models I have to go look up who the person is. Not a Noel or Oasis fan, so it all on you guys to spend 9k.
  19. What a nice rich white person Billy is. Actually watch the documentary Hired Gun, and you will probably change your mind about Billy. Good let all the ones who are willing who to spend 4k on ticket spend it, that will make their hero Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce just that much richer. You earned a 4 thousand dollar night out to a concert/political rally.
  20. This stand alone concert from '72 (it was the last night of the European Tour), and the classic Europe '72 are getting re-released tomorrow. They also released a stand alone concert from when they played Wembley in '72 on vinyI, but it was $150 for 5 LP's. Last year they released a 5 LP set from the Paris Olympia '72 show. I have my original Europe '72 on vinyl, so I got the HDCD of The Grateful Dead - Lyceum Theater 5/26/72 show. I'll be rocking this later today.
  21. I had no clue it was gonna be that price.
  22. That is what Led - Zeppelin's The Ocean is about.
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