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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. The serial number font looks sketchy.
  2. They are still milking Jimi Hendrix. Man put out 3 studio albums in his lifetime, 3, and he has 800 greatest hits albums, out takes of studio jams, full albums made with those same horrible studio jams. He's released more stuff since his death than his actual entire career.
  3. Your right, but the time to go . . . "Oh s-hit it this thing real?", is not after you spent 3k (just a number I typed in) on a guitar you may know nothing about, with maybe no refund policy.
  4. I think I have heard that before in another post or 5. That is the way it is/was and maybe still is. Musicians make music, and would put their recorded music on LP's/CD's/8 Tracks/and cassettes, which is a product, and if you like their music you sometimes buy it. Musicians also sometimes tour, which means they sell tickets, so people can get into the show, which is a product. Many groups have a merch table which has products on it to buy like t-shirts, hats, posters, buttons, cd's and albums. Is this product thing a new concept?
  5. You know April Wine covered 21st Century Schizoid Man on their album Harder . . . Faster. April Wine. The same band that did Just Between You And Me. Nature Of The Beast was a good album.
  6. Yep, totally agree. If you want to shell out, and have $4000 disposable income to see Bruuuuuuuuuuuce, go spend it and while your at it buy a Murphy aged LP too. I hope the arena's will be half full, they wont, but one can hope.
  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but to be pretty honest, I want to say, and to tell the truth, that this is why I keep coming back here. Its free entertainment.
  8. Damn I'm good. I was only off by 100 on how many made.
  9. Isn't it the same for every gigging/touring/working musician?
  10. You think the Colonel had anything to do with that? Or you think it was all Elvis's doing . I bet Mr. Parker was the main reason, cant be sure but . . . Hell, he never let Elvis tour out of the US except Hawaii, which is the US. Never Europe or Asia.
  11. What do you think Steve, sig model, probably limited to 100 or so. I’m going all in, and saying it’s gonna be $7999 - $9999?
  12. Not is you’s is one them thar country musishnins. It’s your sign you made it and can spend $ on useless stuff to uglify your guitar.
  13. I guess it’s the ultimate protection but it’s not a traditional p/g, but what about that leather cover Elvis put over his D-28.
  14. Now he does, but didn’t in the 70’s and 80’s.
  15. Yep, If you polish as matte/satin finish guitar, well . . . its no longer matte/satin.
  16. For me as the numbers got higher the guitar got more nasally.
  17. If its called the VOS (Vintage Original Spec) finish, then it is supposed to look like that. I guess its was how they made them look like it was not a brank spanking new guitar.
  18. I would rather listen to J J - Night And Day, than Herbie Hancock at that time, trying to be relevant, with scratching and synths. I have Joe's first 3 albums on vinyl, and Night And Day, Beat Crazy, Body And Soul, and the double live one. I saw him a few years back on The Fool Tour (I think Joe said it was opening night of the tour). Graham Maby was with him. He was so damn good. N & D is a decent album. There was no need for N & D II.
  19. You want the good stuff and you have to pay. There must be a $2 one on Flea Bay somewhere.
  20. I had that album years ago. I listened to it last year, and it was not as good as I remember it. Maybe I should have chose Friday Night in SF. I don't think I have heard that since high school. I can make 6 house payments and buy groceries or, I can have Al cook me dinner in NJ, and he shares his secret fusion lightning fast guitar licks with me. Tough call.
  21. I know the Varitone is Iconic to that model, but how much do you use it Steve. I played with it, but 99.99% of the time it was on Position 1.
  22. Ozz can't put two one syllable words together that are intelligible when talking, yet when on stage he can remember and sing (If that is what Ozz does) N.I.B. Look into my eyes, you will see who I amMy name is lucifer, please take my hand
  23. Plastic round back guitar, ultimate engineering guitar fail of all time. I know famous people played them. I had one as it was my first acoustic ever. POS. It slides down your leg and won't stay in place.
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