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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Here it is from the horses mouth: https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/mofi-president-jim-davis-on-the-companys-mastering-process I think most people even myself were under the impression that when you bought a MoFi LP or CD and it had the banner on top that clearly says "Original Master Recording" that MoFi borrowed the Master Tapes to work from. When I lived in Santa Rosa, CA, MoFi was about 10 mins away in a town called Sebastopol. Now if the album was recorded digitally like Donald Fagen's The Nightfly, or D S - Brother In Arms, there is no Master Tape to back to. I don't think digital recording was around when Yes recorded Fragile?
  2. Yes I did, I stated that, I started (went back and changed it) and I stated I went back and got my degree. Its always good to know Gibson Forum Spelling Police Officer Whitefang is on duty.
  3. It just the excuse he uses to spit venom on the world. I'm an opinionated A-hole too, but I'm a middle class one who is probably worth 5 cents. My father passed away when I was 17. Did it affect my life, sure it did, but I grew up finished HS, started college, joined the Service, got married and had kids, went back to college and got my degree, worked as an electrician, and did all the stuff normal people do. How can I be mad because my father died? Its just how life goes.
  4. I am going to get a lawyer and sue Gibson. They copied my wooden stirring spoon. I actually saw one of those in CG when they came out. They look worse up close.
  5. You could be right. Roger was 5 months old when his father died. I had to look it up.
  6. I don't know you, nor do I hate you, but when some pompous rock star who has more money that God has the nerve to tell the world he is more important than other musicians or any person on Earth, that guy is a total piece of s-hit. Roger I am sorry your father died in WWII. I am sure that is where most of his bitterness comes from. I would be mad to, but you don't live like me and you can go out and do anything you want, buy anything you want, and live anywhere you want. If these rich rock start donated 1/10 of what they have maybe something could change. Roger is worth 310 million. You think he is going to miss 31 of it? Same with Bruce, and Bono, and Neil, and Paul and the rich actors and actresses, and guys like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, and the rest of uber rich. They won't though cause greed is a powerful thing.
  7. You think a woman in her 70’s who has 4 houses in California (I’m sure none are one room shanty’s), and her and her husband are worth 140 million are in touch with the average American, and live at all like the average American? I’m talking about Grandma Pelosi. I’m thinking no. If you don’t have money you can’t afford to be a politician.
  8. My government are total buffoons.
  9. I think that was Sonny Landreth's secret to playing so good.
  10. Most if not all on this forum are adults, I'm willing to bet ALL are. I'm not mad at those people, but if you think politicians are, or ever will be the answer to the worlds problems well take a look at history. The last 4 or 5 Presidents have not made the USA a better country. So Mr. Water why don't you come up with a plan on how to make this a shinny happy world. People have been at war with each other over religion, where the boards of countries are, slavery, you name it, and there has been a war over it. Roger spewing his hate (as he is an Anti-Semite in my opinion and as he told us he is more important that most) is no better that Buffon Biden or Trudeau. They are just career politicians in it for themselves, its been proven time and time again. Do you own a car (I'll bet you do) and if you do you are helping with pollution, hypocrite.
  11. Try that moving there today form out of state. Yeah my parents bought a house in SJ in 1971. It was 59k. Sold it after 2000. Sold for 3/4 of a million. Well someone had to come up with the 3/4 of a mil. If my parents wanted to move there then, it would have been a big - NOPE.
  12. Can you tell me what strain your smoking, it must be really good. I couldn't afford a cardboard box in San Ysidro aka Tijuana North.
  13. Dibs on the fries. Just baby step it and take it one note at a time and probably in a week you might be there. Why does Gibson not have a S S Sig Model Firebird? Depp had the Pirates Of The Caribbean SJ-200.
  14. I miss the Bay Area, but since I was forced to move to Puerto Rico in 2000 when I got transferred there, since I am not Bill Gates, I can not afford to live there anymore.
  15. That was it Cal Expo. It was outside. It was raining when the Dead started, and they came out, and opened with Cold, Rain, And Snow and the the clouds parted and the sun came out for the rest of the show. I saw them 14 times (every time in Cali except once when I was stationed in Great Lakes), and I saw The JGB once. Jerry was at the Warfield in SF. In '92 I was stationed in Hawai'i. The last time I saw The Dead was in '94 a year before he passed away. The saying is true "There is nothing like a Dead show". But towards the end, lots of young girls would flock to the show to get tie dyed shirts, and patchouli oil started to make it kind of a drag at times. There were some there, that just wanted to say they were at a Dead show.
  16. Could have been the Cyclops from Jason And The Argonauts.
  17. Is it 118 in Sacto today? That place gets hot. My aunt, uncle and cousin live there. Last time I was in Sacto was in 1986 for a Dead show at the outside Arco place. Nice job Rob.
  18. Hey its the mando thief again. I saw Sarah Jarosz at a small little theater at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, VA about 8 years ago. I met her after the show and got her autograph on my ticket stub.
  19. The Eagles opening for Yes. That is two bands I would think would not pair well. Just like when I heard in '71 or so Yes opened for Black Sabbath. All three are great bands, but I don't think suited well to be on the same bill. Well Siberian Khatru is almost like Peaceful Easy Feeling.
  20. Yes, many musicians, and actors are a-ssholes, as many of us are as well. I will be the first to admit I certainly am. And if we only watched TV, movies and listened to music from people that are not total jerkwads we probably wouldn't have much to watch or listen to. I have not thrown away all my Floyd albums because Roger is a total t-wat. He is a person who was in a huge band, and over the course of that band, and during his solo career he has made great music. Animals is absolutely amazing. The Pros And Cons was a really killer solo album of his. But what he spews, and believes, and says at his shows is a deal breaker for me. No Roger you are not more important that anyone else in the world, and if you think you are your an elitist, and can go eat an entire family size bag of d-icks, and I will buy them for you.
  21. We all have our own tone, his I would describe as - s-hit.
  22. Nope, they are made in China they cost 5 Jiao to make.
  23. $34.99 US does not seem cheap to me for two rectangular pieces of plastic. https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Gear/Mounting/PRPR-035/default
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