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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Is some guy trying to sell a guitar he doesn't even have yet? And price gouge the fuk out of it too?
  2. Your the one playing it, how does it feel down there?
  3. Just announced the other day there is yet another new live Zappa set coming out from 1975, but without the Captain greasing the microphone. Recently we have had these nuggets released form the Vault : The Roxy Performances, 3 Halloween Sets, The Mothers in 1970, Frank's Last American Concert '88, The Mothers 1971, The 50th Anniversary of the Fillmore East '71 LP on vinyl only, The Mothers At The Rainbow Theater when Frank got pushed off stage and is vinyl only too, and we just had Zappa / Erie released, and now Zappa '75 Zagrab / Ljubijana. It was the only two shows Frank played Yugoslavia. They took the best performances of each night and made a single concert from it. At least they are not $100 with dumb extra packaging and lame fake hands. There is a special edition with 3 pics of Frank (wow I don't know what he looks like), and a standard CD. The special one is $35 and the other is $20. https://www.zappa.com/news/presenting-zappa-75-zagreb-ljubljana-coming-oct-14-2022-pre-order-now
  4. A inlay of a zipper, and button shaped inlays for the fret markers.
  5. I want the NASCAR thread back. How many post did it take to go from inbreed drivers to nooses? And you knew Covid and Trump were just a few posts away. Thank ajay bringing it back, and he quoted my same quote 3 times just to drive the point home.
  6. Quote of the day and I couldn’t have said it any better. Or to be more correct, typed it.
  7. At least I’m one of the few here that actually played one. Actually 2, both sounded like a-SS.
  8. I mentioned that several posts ago. That was my main point as to why he did not have AIDS or HIV in '75. He was Diagnosed in 1987. That's a span of 12 years, if math is hard for any of us. He was a strange dude, as a lot of performers are, but he could sing his a-ss off. He had a 4 octave voice.
  9. I never understood why you would paint over nice looking wood. Unless it not nice looking wood.
  10. Just go big or go home, and make the whole top a pickguard.
  11. Who is their market for that? No one on this forum I hope.
  12. I thought checking on your Gibson is a badge of honor? People pay that thousands to have that Tom guy do what you got for free.
  13. A heat gun and a hair dryer are similar but different. Try drying your hair with a heat gun, and you will notice a nice smell while doing it.
  14. What will you give me on the under / over?
  15. I love it is so difficult for Gibson to come up with a simple serial number scheme.
  16. $900 you say. See if he will take $650 for it. If only Charlie Brown, the SG expert were to pop in and tell us about the proper beveling and point-y-ness of the horns. Didn't he get one those Captain Kirk SG's. The guy from Roots, Jimmy Kimmel's house band. What is the switching arrangement on a 3 pup geetar?
  17. I'd go with the Les Paul. This is one I had. It was a 2014 Traditional Pro II. It had the slim 60's neck.
  18. 1986 Absolute Peppar was the first flavored vodka. I had to look that up. I hope those flavored condoms are at least ribbed for her pleasure, but nowadays it could be for his pleasure or it's pleasure. We can't leave anyone one out or exclude anyone.
  19. Not it isn't but then again when Etsy acquired Reverb. their fees went up, so in a way it is Reverb a bit cause they are now taking more of our cut of the final price. Now with fees, shipping, and taxes ect to sell gear for what you want to really get for it, you need to increase the price.
  20. I’m sick of the media shoving LGBTQ-LMNOP, woke, cancel culture and all the new buzz words down our throat. If your a guy and you want do the 3 pump dump with another man in between the sheets that’s your business. I don’t need to hear about it, know about it, or see it. Now back to Cat Stevens, that Tea For The Tillerman was good album.
  21. Greed, Covid, Capitalism, and cause Gibson’s name is on it.
  22. Are nuts supposed to glued in? Survey says - yes. Your bridge should be glued too, but not the saddle.
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