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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. That is the truth. I've gotten up to go to the bedroom for something, and when I get there I forget what I came to get.
  2. I am lazy and go to audible to have them read for me. The one about Ted sounds great. Ted produced Van The Man, and Little Feat too.
  3. My wife bought me one of those stampers you can make a credit card into a guitar pick. I also have 2 BC Picks a TP-1R 35 and a TAD-35. Great picks that defy wear. I've had mine for years and it just has surface scratches on it. It's worn just a hair and I mean a hair.
  4. So I am supposed to be lead to believe that rich people with money (I guess that is the definition of being rich), buy stuff we can afford. Get the fuk out.
  5. I'm selling my 000-18 right now, not because of the reasons you mention. I want to fund a M-36. If it doesn't sell, I'll be okay as it is a great guitar and I have no issues with it. Sounds like its a win win for you and the store. Most USA made acoustics guitars do not last long in stores anymore. The sub $500 c-rap sits there a while.
  6. Taylor makes a cleaner for Satin/Matte finished guitars. https://www.chicagomusicexchange.com/products/taylor-satin-guitar-cleaner-4-oz-690614?gclid=CjwKCAjwt7SWBhAnEiwAx8ZLarq0LP6Bbdd0-2x1tQYHH7DnvMJz4TtNagjVwsQEbHYEauMkoQxashoC0J8QAvD_BwE
  7. Cool it worked out. What did you trade the 000-28? That is the guitar I own I would run into the house if it was on fire to grab.
  8. I only buy used guitar now. Why not save a little, and used prices are the new prices, and new prices are ridiculous.
  9. Calling Dr. Love or or Christine 16 didn't move you? Yeah looking back at it when I was a Kiss nut from 10 to about 14, what was I thinking, Oh right I was 10.
  10. Once again the voice of reason on the Gibson Forum. Its just that easy. Don't sell.
  11. He may own the label, but does he own the rights to his music? Many musicians don't. Remember when Paul and MJ when at it over the Beatles Catalog ,and MJ had more $ at the time and bought the rights to The Fab 4's music.
  12. No like what Jimi Hendrix , Rory Gallagher, and SRV played. None of those guys are any good, or know squat about a guitar, but they used 'em for some reason.
  13. Demo's are in store models. That guitar was mailed to him cause he purchased it new.
  14. I saw it many times it was so funny. It’s on the one Gene, Carol would keep saying and Gene had this puzzled look “The One”. James Brown’s band knew where that one is. Here is Dee Snider of TS calling out Kiss. https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/dee_snider_calls_out_bands_that_are_on_fake_farewell_tours_compares_kiss_to_a_fart_in_a_paper_bag.html
  15. I have a question about guitar returns. Obviously if there is a QA issue a guitar can be returned. Now you are just not feeling it. Ok, so what happens to that guitar. There is nothing wrong with it other than your stated preference about the neck. So when that guitar goes back is it now in my eyes used, and can it be sold as new or does it have to be sold as used?
  16. I would think the internet?
  17. Get him the CD of The Grateful Dead at Cornell in '77. Its a killer show. Man I miss seeing the real Dead. Red Rocks '78 is killer to. People think the guys in The Dead were just guys who noodled around on their gear. Nope Bob Weir is an inversion chord master.
  18. Your exactly right. I don't hate Gene, but when he opens his mouth all he is looking for is $, attention, or p-ussy. As s-hitty as a bassist as I am I could probably learn any of Gene's parts in any Kiss song. How f-ing hard is ridding open E. What is Gene's big bass moment that little ditty on Detroit Rock City? Here is what has been replace with Carol schooling Gene. Why do we not have a Gene signature Epi? Why didn't Kiss record that? It was an obvious hit.
  19. I love his Brillo pad toupee. It gets me all hot and tingly right in my special area.
  20. No she-I-it. That’s why I said if you don’t know, no one does. And I’m the seen as the huge d-ick on this forum.
  21. Just saw this: https://guitar.com/news/industry-news/fender-class-action-lawsuit-alleging-it-overcharged-millions-guitarists/ I hope JVC doesn’t think I’m staring a hate thread by posting this.
  22. If you don’t know, no one does. But I think I mentioned why it got locked. Some member posted about the shooting and DT, and that was a rap. I wish someone would do that to any “what are the best strings to go on my J-45” thread.
  23. I remember when I saw Kiss for the second time. It was my birthday present form my wife and she reluctantly went with me. I told her look you may not like their music, but it will be a great show, and they are gonna blow stuff up. She called her brother and mentioned we were going to see Kiss and she really wasn't looking forward to it. Her brother said to her on the phone without any coaching form me "Their gonna blow stuff up". I laughed when she told me that. I also told here tons of people will be dressing up. We walked form the parking lot to the car and saw no one dressed up, and my wife was yapping in my ear about it. As we handed out tickets to the lady I said to her "there are lots of people who came dressed up tonight right?". She answered "Yes". About 5 mins later we were walking to our seats and of course we started seeing tons of people dressed up and then my wife started asking all of them if she could take their picture. She did have a good time. Saw them twice with my son after that. The first time I saw Kiss it was the original 4. Kiss may not make great music, but their concerts are entertaining. Of that there is no doubt.
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