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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I'm glad I did not have liquid in my mouth when I read that, or I would have spit it all over the lap top screen.
  2. I've seen strawberry rhubarb pie but never tasted it.
  3. Is she doing the Clean And Jerk, or Benching that. I don't think I would mess with your daughter.
  4. Yeah Tom wrote the Acid Test about the Dead being the house band in SF at one club, and you went in, and for a quarter or so, you got a glass of laced punch. Hey what dosage am I getting? I think its about Hells Angel's too and the Pranksters antics.
  5. I know is a guy supposed to show up with 15 different guitars in hopes to please the producer or main artist?
  6. I'm in the middle of a Doc about Kesey and the Pranksters (Magic Trip I think its called) traveling in Further (the bus) to the NY State Fair in '64. I'm at the point where they just got to NYC and are hanging out with Ginsberg and Kerouac. They did a lot of Acid.
  7. It only messy when you spill something on the floor.
  8. Right, but according to Jinder sometimes he didn't get the job due to not having a certain model guitar at the session. So in that instance he NEEDED a certain guitar, or he was told he was not needed for the session, weather he can afford one or not.
  9. One one thing I will say I hate about that company in Nazareth is the way you adjust the TR. I always have. I hate sticking an Allen (Hex) wrench in the sound hole and then in another hole to poke around to find the female mate to the Allen wrench. So is a J-50 just a natty finished J-45. And if so, the fact that it is painted makes it a new model even though it may have the exact same specs minus paint?
  10. I'm not a motorcycle guy, so are their prices above and beyond what a normal motorcycle enthusiast can afford? Not someone in a MC that has to have a HD.
  11. Here in the south they like to say sweetie, honey or hun, or darling.
  12. I prefer to watch as the frilly panties run.
  13. Cool. Did you get to fly in the plane or helo?
  14. My wife says I am a master of deflection during our conversations, so its par for the course.
  15. The only new Fender's I bought was a Hiway One Tele and a Hiway One Strat in 2006/7, or so, I'm not in the window, and I don't care if they are gonna send me a check for $15. That Tele had one of the best necks on any electric I ever owned.
  16. I never said you were not, but it seems every thread I start in your eyes is a hate thread. I'm just posting something I saw on the net, cause I know many own, or have owned Fenders here. I'm guilty of about 5 Tele's, 4 Strats and one Jazz Bass.
  17. It means prices are going up and up and up, and you and me, and complaining about it will do nothing to change it. Is that simple enough for you? Some of us want guitars, and some like Jinder who gig and do studio work NEED them, cause they are a musicians tools. When will they be so expensive they are out of reach for guys who NEED them not WANT them.
  18. I read posts on the forum. Does that count for reading?
  19. A guy that works at The Carolina Opry with me saw the Elvis movie the other night and said he would give it 9 out of 10 Elvis's. He said the reason he down graded it was because in the credits and once during the movie they used rap music. Rap was not a music genera then, and yep you gotta sell tickets and people love that c-rap music, so put it in to sell a few more tix. He didn't want to ruin it for me, but he said in the end Elvis died. Sorry for the spoiler.
  20. I think I could find a way to manage drinking 18 year old Macallen Scotch, and buying a guitar a day, and eating crab legs every night. Those things just might sooth away the misery of being rich.
  21. Who knows the used guitar market is such a s-hit storm right now.
  22. Call it a demo, to me its called used. It is no longer new. You can call it mint, but not new. New means I'm the first one to own it.
  23. The company that makes the stamper also sells sheets of plastic blanks in different thicknesses, so you are not doing it with an old credit card.
  24. Prices on hot dogs to lumber to bales of hay to USA made guitar are going, and have been going up since this new illness came to fruition, but most peoples wages are not. So when is that magic I gotta have it USA made guitar you lust after finally going to be out of your reach, or is it already? You either have the cash for it, or you gotta save for it, or you get it as a present, or you steal it. Its about the only options we got. Complaining about it isn't gonna make anyone lower their prices. Maybe Sleepy Joe will pass an Executive Order and make manufactures lower guitar prices. No that's not the Blue Teams agenda. They are worried more about giving rights to guys who play dress up as girls, to beat them at a sport they can't beat their birth gender at.
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