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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I’ve seen Los Lobos. They were damn good. The covered Bertha when I saw them.
  2. Who is gonna see Dylan just stand on stage and strum an acoustic guitar? Yes his words have always been his strong point, singing not so much.
  3. Looks real but modded. I never had a foot fetish. Feet are not sexy. Those might be a dudes feet.
  4. That is hysterical. I say all the time he does nothing but mumbles when he sings, and now I got back up.
  5. The Beatles used to be together as a band. Stuff changes. The only weird thing I saw in Austin when I was there, was a guy riding his beach cruiser bicycle totally naked down a major street. Other than that it was like many other places I’ve been.
  6. Look on Reverb for what your year/model/condition are going for.
  7. Sounds killer. I love Pure Pop For Now People or The Jesus Of Cool and Labor Of Lust.
  8. Discipline is my fav of that lineup. Red and Larks’ are the best ones with Wetton. The first one is a Prog classic.
  9. I saw Chris do it live a few years back. At least he is not one of the artist in country who is a Ken or a Barbie making s-hit music. When Chris's version was getting a lot of airplay my relatives and I discussed with version is better - George or Chris. I voted George.
  10. Got contacted yesterday by two potential buyers. One wants it, and said he will have the funds next Friday (never heard that before), and asked if I will hold it for him until then. Yes I will, but if someone buys it, then I won't. One guy wanted more pics of every ding, and nick, and scratch photographed. He even wanted me to try to get pics of the surface scratches on the back. I tried to get pics, but the guitar reflects back too much do to the gloss finish.
  11. It looks like its Rosewood too.
  12. Been to Austin. It's not that weird.
  13. Doesn't it say on that orange label?
  14. I’m sure Andre Segovia must have, in a fit of anger, after not nailing perfectly Bach’s Etude for cello in B# Minor BWV 666, smashed to bits a very expensive classical guitar.
  15. I saw that tour in Berkeley, CA.
  16. Those Calton cases are $1500 new. So with depreciation, the case kicks it up $1100 -1200? Maybe. And if you have never seen the YT video about them they, and I am not kidding, take a blow torch too, throw it off a roof, and smash into it with a truck. It is all done it one long shot.
  17. So with a guitar that expensive, were any of you getting it no matter what it cost, did you have to save for it, are you richer than Bill Gates and can buy anything you want. I really what to know other than being a fan, how do YOU not ME justify/rationalize a 10k guitar? If I told my wife I'm using what is in our bank account to buy a 10k guitar, instead of making about 9 house payments and buying food and paying bill, the look and the lecture I would get would still be going on.
  18. I thought a ES-355 is a semi-hollow. I owned 2009 BB King.
  19. There have been 4 Beatles Super Deluxe Sets Giles Remixed (Sgt. Pepper has 4 CD's, The White Album has 7 CD's, Abbey Road had 4 CD's, and Let It Be has 5 CD's) They also have DVD's and Blue Rays which include 5.1 surround sound mix's and an HD version of the album. The ones that were also mastered mono have the mono mix on the DVD and Blue Ray. The extra discs have out takes, and in some case alternate takes. The legendary Glyns John did a totally different mix of Let It Be that is not that great and I can see why The Beatles rejected it for release. So back to out takes. It like the stuff on the Anthology CD's. Works in progress, just backing tracks with no vocals, takes that have mistakes, or the lads cracking up, ect. You can also buy just the remixed CD or a CD with one extra disc of out takes. The White Album's extra disc has the entire Esher Demo's recored at Georges after they came back form India. Ringo has no sone on the Esher Demo's but I am sure he was there when it was recorded.
  20. I'm sure some hard core RF fan thinks its great. Its just sad. Two old codgers (one an 80's nothing UK Pop Star, and one a well respected guitarist) doing it once or twice was fun, but an entire life now dedicated to it is ridiculous.
  21. I just put it in my cart, and then took it out. So someone can buy it. It says product is currently on order to manufacturer.
  22. I am only asking the guys who are on this forum who got one.
  23. Ok quick question/s. How many bought because of the model it is? How many bought because of Noel/Oasis? How many bought to flip? How many bought because you collect? How many will gig it? How many will make it a case Queen and play it rarely ever? How many will play it and use it like any other guitar you own?
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