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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I'll find out in September. Giles Martin did a fantastic job remixing The Beatles, and he is not doing these, but hopefully it will sound fantastic. I never had an issue with the original White Album, but the remixed one IMHO is much better.
  2. It all derailed when Brian Epstein died. After that they were still making some of the best music ever in recorded history, but they were like someone who can't swim, and gets thrown in to the deep end of the pool.
  3. You should be worried. I'm a bad seed. I tell my wife all the time I wouldn't have married me.
  4. I absolutely loath Rap, but that doesn't mean it fake. Right after you typed all those periods is the truth. Just like mine about the guitars many like here. Jerry Garica and it in Scarlet Begonias, I ain't often right - but I've never been wrong. My opinion is always right too.
  5. Paul is worth over a Billion, and Ringo is worth $350 million. And I am sure Yoko and Olivia are not eating Mac N Cheese and Ramen every night. So yeah I bet the ones benefiting are grateful. So you don't want me to play a guitar solo on your song? Am I still getting millions to not play? Yes. Okay I'm in.
  6. Well Rog and Dave finally got around to agreeing on a package of Animals that was remixed back in 2018, of their 1977 album. Its my favorite PF album. It will be released in a mega set of LP, CD, DVD and Blue Ray all in one package. You can also get each format as an individual item. I think it is coming out on SACD too. It has the same huge powerplant on the cover with a train station also there now. Can any of the guys in England tell us if that is what it really looks like, or is it just art work. It won't be out till September. Roger posted the liner notes on his site, as Dave wanted it to be sparse, and he wants to keep the Floyds legacy as much of a mystery as it can be. That was the main stalling point, the liner notes. And the fact is that Dave and Roger are two kids in the play ground, both trying to get on the only swing that has no one on it. https://store.pinkfloyd.com/animals-remix
  7. Yeah I remember that in Anthology. George was the baby and has to go back to England (for a bit) form Hamburg cause he was underage. I watched it in 45 min to hour chunks. Hey I got a great idea. Lets go up to the roof in freezing cold January in London and play. You can hear John say its so cold he can barley make a chord with his hand on his guitar.
  8. A barbell is the long one, so maybe lifting it from the ground to her hips. Just a guess.
  9. Would you have put up with Paul's crap for the boatloads of $ they all made. Relationships are difficult. Weather its a friendship, a band, a marriage ect. But yes Macca was very how shall we say BOSSY. I saw the original on in '79. The new one did not need to be 9 hours. I'm a diehard Beatle fan, and I'll agree to that. I'm sure some fans wanted more. The original was seen as "We're watching The Beatles break up", and the second one paints a different picture. Did they pick on George, YES. We're The Beatles going to break up, Yes eventually. From the Get Back footage were we watching The Beatles break up? At that moment they were on their way, but it was not evident. If you enjoy Yoko knitting, reading, and painting that is in there too.
  10. It was mentioned in a post that the band Watkins Family Hour was REAL music. If what they make is REAL music, then I want to know what FAKE music is and how is it made?
  11. Me too. I learned a lot watching that doc. People think Glen Campbell was just a one hit wonder with Rhine Stone Cowboy. Nope he could play the hell out a 12 string.
  12. We all love technology until it beats us.
  13. Real guys sang those songs. Milli and Vanilli didn't (I think 2 German guys did), but real people sang and recorded the music. Its not that it wasn't real. We were just lied to about who actually sang. What about any of the stuff that the Wrecking Crew played on, and didn't get credit for, does that make The Beach Boys, The Monkees ect fake. No we were just duped into believing it was actually the guys on the album cover. Its real music just not played by who we thought played it.
  14. Is there fake music out there? Or just music your not a fan of. I hate Rap, but is it not a real music genera?
  15. Yeah, your right about that. The Beatles - The Beatles (aka The White Album) was released in November 1968, and became the biggest selling album of the 60's. That album was released with only one year and one month left to go in the 60's, and out sold every album made in the 60's. That's how ya do it. I would think maybe Pepper. Its sold over 24 million copies. I helped with buying it about 10 times in various formats. Thriller has sold more, but who wants to listen to that?
  16. This one didn't suck. I bought the neck and body stripped and built the rest of it myself. The BB was a 2009, the LP body/neck was a 2014. As Nigel Tufnel said "look at the flame on that one". The pups on the LP were Lindy Fralin's, if I remember correctly. I put a lot of Rio Grande pups in guitars, but I am pretty sure those were Lindy's.
  17. Yeah D-28 didn't last long. I was FZ Fan for a long time, and of course I am one. You either get my humor or you don't. Life is to short to have a stick up your a-ss 24/7.
  18. Love The Breakfast Club. I've seen that movie so many times I can quote almost every line. Mess with the bull young man, and you'll get the horns.
  19. We all have guitar porn. What flavor of porn do you want, I got Gibson, Martin, and Fender guitar porn. Here is one. Its gone now.
  20. I'm not sure if anyone is hiring. I would call a guitar shop to see if you can apprentice under someone. I wanted to do it for the lady that used to set up my guitars. She told me I would love to have me, but she would have to do all her repair and setup work, and answer any questions I couldn't to customers, and it wouldn't be worth her time. Even if I worked of free. Welcome.
  21. Not sure, I was D-28 for a short while, and LP Trad Pro II, and FZ Fan, but I'm not RvrDxn thought. He is is own entity. I don't remember Guitar Light at all. I've only been here since about 2013 or so.
  22. Yeah when I heard it was gonna be 9 hours I said to myself, are your serious. Its a lot to digest even for a Beatle fan. When John is talking to Linda's daughter (I think) about the kittens, I was dying. Ringo was always on time, he might be hung over, but he was on time. Those guys were what, 26 or 27 doing that. I like that George needed a Krishna guy with him in the beginning and they sent flowers.
  23. The Get Back doc was just released the other day. Its $25 bucks for 3 DVD's which is about 9 hours of the Beatles picking on George Harrison. Its a fascinating look at one biggest bands in the world at the time in the studio trying to figure out their next move. Ringo even farts. My brother has the Disney App (cause he is a Star Wars nut) on the TV, so as long its there. I don't need to get it. Maybe I'll ask for it for Xmas. https://www.target.com/p/the-beatles-get-back-dvd-2022/-/A-86819434?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510700&CPNG=PLA_Entertainment%2BShopping|Entertainment_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=SC_Entertainment&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9010575&targetid=pla-311244274998&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjw2rmWBhB4EiwAiJ0mtdBe_rQ65zp0iYS17P75SXvjYbqN-DOcv--bhQd0cuY9Db-7fbKSuRoCvQgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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