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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I think the heaviest Gibson I ever owned was my BB King. With the maple neck and maple wood block and huge 3 ply body made it a beast to wear.
  2. Great song, great band, nice sentiment, but it doesn't happen exactly like that. The rich get taxed, but since rich have lawyers and accountants to maneuver through the legal loopholes of taxation. I am not rich, so I don't.
  3. People think the serial number is some key to unlocking clues and secrets about the guitar. No. Its a number on your guitar. All my guitars have them. My microwave oven does too. What store first sold your guitar? First of all, why, and who cares? I think from the serial number I can tell just from the serial number Jap545 uses Jim Dunlop Delrin picks in a .96 mm thickness. Nailed it huh.
  4. So its 2023 has any country with smart elected officials ever solved pollution, drug addiction, homelessness, bigotry, racism, sexism, mysoginy, affordable housing, and decent wages? Nope, and we never will in my, your, or my kids lifetime. Its not whining its called living with what you were delt.
  5. How is a Gibson serial number going to tell anyone the history of the guitar. At best it lets you know what day your guitar was "stamped" with the serial number, and production number and that is it. That other number on the hanging tag gives you some of the info you want if you still, or if you ever had it.
  6. 23 years of my life I gave the the Navy (4 years) and CG (19 years).
  7. I think they are really all the same, and they just give them different names to sound impressive. There seriously can't be 4 x 21 = 81, 81 different specs for all the LP's. Lots of overlap. Hey mine has a Hog body. Me too. Hey mine has a Maple cap. Me too. Hey mine has a Hog neck. Me too. Hey mine has a RW fretboard. Me too. Hey mine has a neck you could hit a home run with. Not me I got the skinny one like my jeans. Hey mine has a weight relief. Not mine you sissy.
  8. And not once, but twice. Yeah my kids get to inherit that debt. Is it really debt? The Gov't is never going to actually pay it off. But if we don't pay . . .
  9. I got a piece of paper stating I retired form active service. I guess we could lite your smoker with it.
  10. Lower prices and stop making 45 versions of every model. A Special, Studio and Standard should be able to get anyone what they need. If not there is the Custom Shop or M2M. On Gibson's site there are 21 rows of Les Pauls with 4 in each row. Math is hard but even I know that's a lot of models. Now a few are TM Aged ones, but still they are there to purchase. There are 3 rows of Original LP's, 2 rows of Modern's, 3 rows of Exclusives, 4 rows of Artists, 6 rows of Custom Shop jobs, and 3 rows of TM Lab models. There are only 30 total SG's. 31 if you count the bass.
  11. I let the guys who build my guitar sand on it. I just play it. All my relic-ing was do the way it was supposed to, by accidentally bumping into stuff.
  12. Do I want a guitar that can drip too much rancid syrup? Or to fade greasy-dead? I don't think I do.
  13. So what are we as forum members supposed to tell you about your guitars journey through life, and what color it is with nothing more to go on but a serial number? So why are you asking us, call Gibson? No one from Gibson monitors this forum and reports back the guy in the big chair what the forum guys what. Thanks for stopping by and asking questions we can't answer. So you know the guitars serial number but not its color? "Can you tell me about it. Like what is the color designation and what retailer originally sold it,"
  14. Be curious all you want, but a Gibson serial number has nothing to do with the wood, tuners, pups or any of the stuff on your guitar. The best it does is tell you the day or year it was "stamped", and production run number, and that is it. Now if its an electric guitar its make in Nashville, and an acoustic in make in Bozeman.
  15. I’m not getting an Oakland A’s Rolling Stones special pressing. https://www.ajournalofmusicalthings.com/it-looks-like-the-rolling-stones-are-trying-to-manipulate-the-us-album-charts-heres-how/
  16. People exactly do you think a serial number is or does or unlocks? Its a unique or is supposed to be a unique number to your guitar for ID purposes. Its doesn't unlock any keys to the Universe. Its a number and that is it. Like the VIN on your car. Are you obsessed with your VIN as well?
  17. The X's got recycled to a landfill after being pressed to death by an excavator, and became green money due to a tax write off.
  18. Sure your guitars name is Fred. A very nice guy named Jim originally purchased it at the Guitar Center in Nowheresville, North East Califvada. The guitar was born in Nashville. The color is hard to see from my computer, but I'll take a guess its a burst? Dude do you seriously think we know if your guitar went to Guitar Center, Sam Ash or The Chicago Music Exchange to be sold? Your serial number is just a number that identifies your guitar as that one. It holds no magic info about its journey once it got strings on it. All I know is you have a '86 LP and your serial number, beyond that I got nothing. All I know about your serial number is the guitar was stamped on the 15th of December 1986.
  19. It may just be the angle, but Missouri's PG looks shiny and '72's doesn't. Is there lacquer on some of the PG's protecting them?
  20. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs is out for delivery, and tomorrow The Residents - Duck Stab and Robin Trower - Twice Removed From Yesterday is supposed to be delivered.
  21. Yeah after pretty boy Peter left HP they only made one good album, and then a bunch of half hearted stuff.
  22. The best they could do was make 6 things that look like joints.
  23. I wonder if I am smart enough to get a job renaming guitars from old ones they once made, and now are making them again, but are not even close to being the same. And lord help us if we get a Firebird XI. The X was a fail to end all fails.
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