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Everything posted by ksdaddy

  1. At the moment it is “All I ever need is you” by Sonny & Cher. Unprovoked, know not whence it came. Such is the nature of earworms. One of my twisted pleasures is singing a piece of a song in the presence of the intended victim in hopes of planting the earworm seed. Zombie by the Cranberries works every time.
  2. There was an ES-135 that had trapezoids. Maybe that’s what this is? The barrel knobs and non adjustable pole pieces certainly place it early! Looks like a mahogany top? I always figured that was an L-48 feature but ya know Gibson…..
  3. I met a pile of them at the 2007 Homecoming but I think every one of them have moved on since. Some have joined the choir invisible. One of them handed me a 1952 D-18 and told me to keep it overnight. Broke my heart. 😄
  4. I used to own Marshall Crenshaw's 500/1. No idea what year it was. I bought it for $400 in 1988.... those days are gone. Light as a feather and sounded very nice.
  5. If you find a case meant to fit an es-175, it should be a perfect fit. https://www.guitarfetish.com/ES-175-Jazz-Sized-Guitar-Cases_c_659.html
  6. With one solitary exception, I have dodged the Teams meetings. Thank you Jesus.
  7. Fact. I just have trouble with the system we now use for generating the various maps for conservation planning, threatened and endangered species screening, priority areas etc. Our old system worked well, put out a good product, and I could crank out a lot of good quality work from my kitchen. Our new system…. No. 213 calendar days, 149 work days, and about 45 of them might just be used as vacation time. Then I can hermit.
  8. I stopped getting multiple colds (and sometimes flu) every year when I quit drinking in 2003. I can’t remember having a cold (and certainly not flu) since I quit smoking in 2014. I got the JJ jab in April because my employer (USDA) said I wouldn’t have to wear a mask at work. That lasted a month. We have to wear masks at work now, no customers inside the building, and twice in the past two weeks, two of our employees’ wives got the rona and that made us shut the office for 3 days each time. Teleworking sucks. Mind you, we have 5 employees in my field office. 6 if you count the director of a sister agency, co-located in our office who refused the jab and has teleworked ever since.
  9. So if Phil Collins doesn't like Neil Young's political stance, he can demand that Spotify remove his music as well? Neil means zip to me. Neither good nor bad. Just trying to figure out where to set the goal posts is all. (I picked Phil's name at random btw) I really wish celebrities, retailers, manufacturers, restaurants etc would just stay out of politics. I find myself patronizing or avoiding certain businesses because of their stance and it's not fair. Not fair to me, not fair to the workers at Carhart OR Hobby Lobby. I wish I weren't affected by it, but here we are. As to EC, I watched him on tv one time and I thought the neck of his Strat was going to catch fire. He was all over that thing like a cheap suit. But I don't own any of his records that I am aware of. I cringe a little when I hear the song he wrote and recorded about losing his son out the window. That whole scene opens up way too many emotions at once to deal with.
  10. It’s a real Gibson but it’s gone through some modifications that hurt the value. If someone offers you a couple hundred bucks, don’t feel cheated or insulted. Quick nickels are better than slow dollars.
  11. It’s got a pearl Gibson logo super glued on top of the headstock, not inlaid. It should be silk screened (or decal….). These are available on eBay.
  12. I had one account on fb for over ten years. My political affiliation was not desirable so I found myself getting thrown into fb jail for simply re-posting or sharing memes that were shared on Facebook. It got to the point where I received 30 days off for a meme I had shared 7 or 8 months previous. It was entitled “if 2020 was a meme” and depicted a (staged) series of photos where a young boy broke one of his front teeth with a pair of toenail clippers and then bit into an ice cream cone. For this I not only got 30 days, when my time was served, I could no longer access my account and was informed it would be erased in 30 days. No appeal. So it’s gone. Luckily I had done a backup so I still have all my pics and messages. Ten years of “social media” wiped out because I had posted a few things that didn’t align. Meanwhile I’ve seen (on Facebook) videos that showed graphic cartel and isis dismemberment, high speed cameras capturing 12 gauge blasts to the face from 3 feet (infidels), male and female cartel informants having their limbs cut off (yes they were alive and awake), infidels being burned alive, a thief shot through both hands with a pistol….. but I’m the bad guy with my broken tooth meme. They said it promoted violence. I started a new fb profile about a year ago and I’ve kept a little lower profile. But it’s a matter of time before they determine that I’m not in lock step and I will be sent to the corner once again.
  13. It appears to be an Eastern European body, maybe a Delfil? Delfi? I think they were made in Poland. The neck appears to be an Asian Epiphone, Japanese, Korean. Someone put them together. Where did you get 1914? Epiphone wasn’t making guitars then, and I don’t think anyone on the planet was making F hole guitars then.
  14. I try to save them until I have a victim. Only works for a few minutes, otherwise my eyes start to bulge.
  15. I don’t see any reason to get personal with me. I used to be pretty popular here, then I became a mod. I have been a pariah ever since. If I’m using this forum to make myself a big shot, I’m in the wrong place. You’re not going to get banned. There’s no reason for it and I’m not ‘low’ enough to ban you just because we don’t align. That’s not how this forum is run. At least not what I can control. I respect your opinion about guns and would not force my beliefs on you. I do realize we all stray off topic, and that’s just the nature of forums. I don’t think anyone would intentionally derail a thread, and even if they did, it’s not going to drop a turd in anyones corn flakes. I’ve got no beef with you. I also have no idea who the sad emoji person is. Those things are more trouble than they’re worth.
  16. Everyone was having a good conversation and then you came in with your opinion and comments about people playing baby games. Nobody had said ONE WORD to you at that point and you could have just dropped it. But no. You insist on picking a fight. If you don’t like the conversation, nobody is forcing you to engage in it.
  17. Nah I sobered up after I listened to the cd all the way through.
  18. The conversation on a forum doesn’t align with your personal convictions so we shouldn’t have this conversation. Got it.
  19. You stated your position. There is nothing to be gained by anyone offering a rebuttal.
  20. Oh look, it’s that bitter Canadian chick I was in love with for about a week in 1995.
  21. There are times when we make “improvements” to things. Sometimes it’s not smart. We think we know more than the people that built it. Speaking for myself, I’d be shopping the Brownell’s catalog to put it back stock. Ruger SA is nice. I have a 1976 4” 357 in the drawer.
  22. From a circa 1984-5 catalog and a 1985 price list. The J35 is the black one. Note they didn't show black as an option in the price list.
  23. The 1966 would be a round shouldered body. it was round shouldered until 1968. Some 1969s had round shoulders but they were likely made from leftovers. They did not go back to the round shouldered style until 1983/4 or so. The 1966 would have a belly up bridge. Yours is belly down. That change was made sometime in late 1967 or early 1968. 1966 would more likely to be a cherry sunburst. Yours is informally referred to as "iced tea". 1966 would have a large pickguard. Yours is small like a Martin. Gibson used smaller guards like this on some models beginning in the late 60s. 1966 would be 24-3/4" scale. Yours is likely 25-1/2". They definitely went to a 25-1/2" scale on most of their previously 24-3/4" scale models but I can't say exactly when. Around 1969-70 or so. A 1966 would have a holly headstock overlay dyed black. They eliminated that on many models through most (all?) of the 70s, and again, I don't know exactly when that change took place.
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