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Everything posted by J185cat

  1. Just one thought, I assume all the frets are well set? You’ve probably already checked that but no gaps or anything?
  2. Sounds like the damage is done. Feel bad for the guy.
  3. I picked up on the “experienced craftsmen” comment also. The history of Gibson is complicated and apparently not that well documented but you just have to keep trying jt. You have already educated many of us.
  4. Enjoyed that a bunch. It was awesome seeing such a variety of vintage Gibsons being played so well. Thanks for posting.
  5. Perhaps it’s that they are beginning to age in now but I have to say my 90’s HB is just everything I wanted in one of those. It will stay in the collection for sure.
  6. I am in the same camp. Boy there is so much going on with a new guitar, glue drying, finish drying, wood settling in and yes temp and humidity. Montana is certainly different in humidity and temps than North Carolina. What you see on day one may be completely different in a few months.
  7. Nice. Always a great day when you find a special one.
  8. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience with a J200 but many on here do. One comment I hear from those forum members is that they j200 is not nearly as loud a guitar as you would think, if that matters. I know one thing, I LOVE the sound of them on recordings where they are used. Hopefully, some of our J200 guys will chime in.
  9. Great to hear. Would love for you to post some clips, i have never heard one of these.
  10. Exactly. The Bird for me is such an addictive experience but I know it does not fill every need.
  11. I have a Bird and two J45’s. I absolutely love the Bird but if versatility is the objective I would say maybe a J45. I know this is not much help but honestly I believe either could work. My HB does not have the same volume as the J45 but that may be a perception of how they both project. if at all possible find a Gibson HB and try it. They really can be smooth mellow guitars.
  12. Not familiar with the Super Dove model. What are the differences?
  13. Read somewhere the idea that too heavy gauge strings put too much tension on the top and actually compressed the vibrations. I’m not smart enough to know myself but that does seem to make sense. If that is true, wonder how this would compare between some of the guitars from say the 70’s which were heavier braced versus some of the more modern Gibson which are lighter braced. Could heavier gauge strings work for one but not the other.
  14. A really fine looking guitar. That black finish is so cool. Enjoy.
  15. I have a 2003 AJ made with Adi and BRW. Also have a CS D28 with Adi top, Adi scalloped braces forward shifted, IRW b/s. Most would probably be surprised at the similarities in sound between those two and the AJ would never be considered a BG instrument here in North Carolina.
  16. That looks a lot like the red spruce on my D28. A lot.
  17. Man I was ready to think that was RW. Guess i have just not seen a lot of walnut B/S guitars. Absolutely beautiful and looking forward to the reports. I really need to try a walnut git and see what I think. Lot of good feedback from those that have.
  18. Some day we need to get a super computer to sort through and categorize all of the variations in things Gibson has done over the years. It would take that much power I believe. Hey, part of the charm I suppose.
  19. I could see me doing some unintended damage with those aluminum edges.
  20. I thought Gibson stopped using BRW in 2005. I think it is unlikely to be BRW but is a very nice looking guitar no matter what wood it is.
  21. I am not familiar with the 2021 model but my 2016 is not torrified. Seems that most of the torrified tops do not have a high gloss finish but I would not go by that as a determination. I absolutely love mine. One of my fav’s.
  22. I know this is an acoustic forum and many may not appreciate what he did, but, Jeff was a magician on an electric guitar. He could create soundscapes and do things others could not. It has been stated several times but he truly was a guitarist guitarist.
  23. Really enjoyed that. It would be great to visit in person but the video was very nice.
  24. My AJ is my favorite guitar. Deep, resonate with just the right amount of treble riding on top. I love it. Enjoy!
  25. A beauty for sure. I had a Koa J185 and I can tell you it does take Koa awhile to settle in an open up but I bet that beauty sounds just great right now. Congrats.
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