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Everything posted by flatbaroque

  1. Good on ya Fortyy' and Murph. Great to see you guys. Take care!
  2. Jedzep, Sal, 62B and Dave F. Nice to hear from you all fellers! Merry Christmas to you all. Sal because you asked for the gravy song...I'm going to inflict my baritone uke version on you...even though I have a J-45 version...somewhere on this very forum:)
  3. Gday cobbers, Some will remember me from the ghosts of Christmas pasts. Used to post here a bit(still lurk). Mostly I just play ukes these days-go figure. But I did use some of my retirement money to get needed repairs done to my old 1951 LG-2 .Luthier did a nice job(I'm in Sydney)...took ages but I was in no hurry. Neck reset, New bridge and saddle, refret, cracks cleated, bracing reglued, klusons serviced, dodgy refinish made less dodgy. He actually did stuff he didn't quote for for no extra dough. Thought I'd bang out a few chords and pick a bit so you could see how it sounds. Sorry Gibson logo not showing in clip. Cheers John...not sure how embedding works here anymore - so I will give a youtube link and hope it works.
  4. Cheers Dave and 62B. Good on ya Dave for the embed. What’s the secret?It used to be removing the s from the URL in the link.
  5. Thank you Dan, RB, Paul, Keith and Anne. Pleased to hear from you. I enjoy seeing some of those familiar names whenever I visit here. The J-45 never disappoints me. I can leave it unplayed for ages....but tune it up and play it for 30 minutes and it sounds as good as ever. Keep well everyone.
  6. Gday cobbers. Hope you are all well. Dusted off my 2010 Black Nut J-45, bunged on some EJ-16's and gave it a plonk. Been a while. His original piano tune has a couple of key changes. In the interest of laziness and vocal abilities mine has none. Think I've forgotten how to embed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjNIVRVsCTc
  7. Jaysus! Good to see you ,ya hairy ol' pillock. You are still in fine voice and fine guitar! I'm still down the nylon string rabbit hole with all sorts of ukes. But I did just get a guitarlele which has six strings .. tuned A-A. I do lurk and enjoy the old faces, fingers, voices. John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug8Vrk1KS9E
  8. I've watched the tiny desk concert a few times over last couple of days...this song really stuck.I had a go at a cover. He was still writing the highest quality songs in his latter years. This from 2018 album The Tree of Forgiveness.
  9. 62B you would be a top shelf uker I have no doubts! Lars, Yes its a good sounding guitar. Intonation is a bit sus and nearing neck reset territory but for banging out cowboy chords it's nice.
  10. Dave, Anne , Bill and Murph...great to hear from ya's.! Bill I'm on a uke forum that has a weekly themed song posting challenge. All genres of music. Its been a great way to learn new songs and artists. Normal uke is like guitat capoed on 5. Baritone uke same as top 4 guitar strings. DGBE. Between the 2 sizes you can play anything.
  11. Ha Cheers Mr E.I still lurk and enjoy your silver tongue ...so to speak 🙂 . Not a new guitar, I mostly used to play my J-45 here but sometime the LG-2. I must confess the strings must be 5 years old. The low E is like a drunken sailor's bow line. But the other 5 sound ok.
  12. Gday folks. Been a while. These strange days and Sal's request prompted me to post. Hope you are all well. Mostly uking these days...but here's some six strings. And if board the train to freedom....remember to sit at least a metre from your fellow passengers. Not sure I remember how to embed...here's trying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lrc_W_4ohk
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9FzVhw8_bY It's fun...Gibson cello I think :)
  14. I accidentally left a Tone-Rite on in my ultra modern glass and concrete Corbusian designed city apartment. I went on holiday for 6 weeks.Came back and it had turned it into a Cape Cod Cottage complete with chintz curtains.
  15. But it says Made in The USA in big letters next to the gold Glover Lotomatics!
  16. Zombie Thread!! With added bonus of The Zombie Fox.
  17. Jinder besides being very talented...you are one modest dude.I remember the post about " the artist" you were tour managing who lost his J-45.You didn't mention who it was.Turns out it was Billy Bragg. I learnt how to play "Way over yonder" from a youtube clip where he plays it on his J-45 in a breakfast radio studio.Super!Good luck with the tour and the guitar replacement.
  18. Lightnin Hopkins, Rev. Gary Davis, Greg Lake, Jackson Brown, Billy Bragg.
  19. Haha...You marketing guys always take everything so literally
  20. yea what he said.Explained it better than me.
  21. Gday Sal,second position is for "blues" songs.Try one of your 12 bar blues in E...the harp to use is an A.Similar if the "blues" is in G, harp to use is D.The interval is constant.More complex for songs in minor keys.They tend to be third position.An Em song uses a G harp typically- that interval is constant too.These require more skill as some notes won't work. Easiest to learn your bends on 2nd position...blues songs...suck and suck some more, use your tongue to moderate / bend sound. By the way Your sweet V. is a little ripper. I like Jedzep's comments and knowledge but I must disagree with his Dylan critique.I like that high whiny harp.Some amateurs around here have been known to dabble in it too .
  22. Davey Graham's Sweet Home HelloMama was in Bb
  23. Ha! Good call Bk.Yes it was in fact Brian's Saung-Gauk.And here's a little bit of trivia for you.That was no sitar in "Paint it Black"....yep 100% Saung-Gauk.
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