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Everything posted by kidblast

  1. I have not noticed it however, I almost want to slap someone when I hear "So I was like, OMG!!! ....." ugh!
  2. LOL!! excellent Scott! and Murph, good for you I feel the same way you do. We do that as much as humanly possible. when you have young grandchildren, the reality is we're limited.
  3. they are popping up for almost everything. Gibson less pauls for and J45s for 99 dollars!! Going out of business sale! Sure, that's the ticket! Bose S1 speakers, with a picture of an S1 sitting next to a pers where in the photo the S1 is about 10x the size of what they really are, for 59 bucks on an over stock deal Oh Definitely Legit! heck at that price Lets buy 2! all scams, just chuckle and scroll past them
  4. Yep! When these stands first came out, they were not good for nitro, people complained, and they changed the pads. Albeit, too late for those that had happen what you had happen. I'd have been annoyed too.
  5. how old was the stand? IIRC they changed the padding materials a number of years back, not sure could have been as far back as 2016 or there abouts.
  6. ah, you know just the usual scope drift in the forum is all.
  7. right! I figured as much. to work it as a DIY / learning project to restore is one idea. depends on your desire to do that. The last reply on the chess match and tumor, geeze, you've had your share of challenges my friend.
  8. I can vouch for them Hercules stands are nitro safe I have a few
  9. consider that as a common problem with the changing climates/humidity etc over a 30 year span the question is, with something like that, it probably needs both a bridge set and a probably neck reset. it would have to have some very high sentimental value to put that kind of repair money down. These were entry level acoustics, wrt cost/$investement$
  10. that is impressive. I taught my granddaughter to play, my wife knows the game, and my son as well it's definitely something that requires the right frame of mind when you sit down to play a match -- it occurs to me I've not played in a while now. I think it's time to get those matches going again.
  11. If you're still concerned about this guitars authenticity, anything that's NOT a USA Gibson make/model will have an Allen Wrench fitting to adjust the truss rod. That's usually as far as you need to look to confirm right now anyway.
  12. haha! I think it'd be a hoot to have someone doing a video of these taking part in a "smoke off"... Everyone gets high!! smoking or not. he was another one that could hang in there with the "best" of em WRT imbibing.
  13. Most smokers smoke many cigarettes in a 24 hour span. No one (well other than willie nelson maybe) smokes that many Js in a day. -- But he kind of defies the since given his age and all
  14. I'm not a rabid fan, I never was. not the least bit interested. This band ended 5,000 years ago, can we just.. "let it be"
  15. exactly, they do the same with their "binding problem" .. or so it seems...
  16. they are a good alternative, but you have to find and know your tolerance level. I must be a lightweight with those b/c I find that a very little amount works ok for me. they sneak up on me too. takes about 45 to 60 minutes to kick in and then BANG! "oh, there it is!" I stay away from the vapes, I just don't trust "the science" there.. it's still crap I'm inhaling...
  17. Normal Intonation? What the heck is that supposed to mean? LOL!
  18. ah -- something to ponder, will these manufactures have to start placing warnings on that stuff like on pizza boxes?? Man! are we getting that dumb? Thankfully so far only Sweetwater offers edibles.
  19. I have 6 Gibson's, 5 bought new. none came with a COA just the usual warranty and final inspection cards. For me? I think it's more important to be able to spot a fake, than have someone show me a document that can be as phony as a $3 bill
  20. it's on my list, right after I get my remote fly swatter.
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