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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. About 6-7 years ago I was in a Band named “Analog Sky”.. We looked everywhere including YouTube search for a name no other Band had. We found 0, nada, none. We recorded & released an Album of our Original Songs.. About a year later we received a Cease & Desist letter from an Attorney threatening to sue us if we didn’t recall our Album & change our name. We sought Council.. Those F’rs Trade Marked our name & their was nothing we could do about it.. So we re-released our Album & used our first names as the Band name.. “The Glenn Michael Rogers Band”.. So far no one wants to sue us! Here is one of the Songs… You can hear more of our Album on YouTube if your interested….
  2. I have a Dr. friend who had a Band called “The Pills”… They dis-banded after several years.. Later he put a new Band together & now they’re called “The Re-Fills”..
  3. Necks are pretty much the same & lack of humidity can cause shrinking & fret sprout..
  4. It appears all Guitars made of Wood can be affected by lack of Humidity.. Not just the Bodies but also the Necks & Fretboards. Solid Body, Hollow & Semi-Hollow Bodies.. All of them…
  5. That Casino gets no talk time? What? Arguably, the most versatile Guitar you can buy? Maybe, they assume everyone knows & it’s a given?
  6. That is a beauty! I’d love to hear the Maple Sound. Congrats & enjoy..
  7. Not that would allow peaceful coexistence with my wife! Actually thought about having it professionally done.. But, I want to try this first & see how it goes.. Personally I prefer a dry Climate.. It’s good for me. Turns out it’s not good for my Guitars..
  8. I have an old friend whose Band is all old Guys & their Bands name is “The Hip Replacements”…
  9. We've just changed the named our Band to, "THE RED LIZARD BAND".... We're Alt Country Rock..
  10. No way in my right mind would I ever thought I would move to La Quinta in 66.. There was nothing.. A Gas Station on the way to Indio.. Another Place no one sane would ever live I thouhgt.. Now La Quinta is Country Clubs & Golf Courses. Most everything here is New & Beautiful.. I love it... 9 months of the year.. Summers I retreat to the Beach as often as possible...
  11. Supposed to be here around the 23rd of May.. I'll post a follow up... Thanks L
  12. My first Band was "Shaft". Several years befor ethe movie came out.. Should we have sued them? LOL!!! Then there was, Break Of Day, The Lake Bottom Blues Band, Riz & The Rats, The Larson Brothers Band, The Fab-Tones, The Glenn Michael Rogers Band, Analog Sky, The Phantom Teardrops, The Redondos & several others I'm forgetting... If you think you have an original name for a Band look on Youtube.. Chances are somebody already has it.... Good luck finding something really Cool & Original..
  13. Changing to a Martin HD28E with LR Baggs Anthem System certainly will.... https://www.martinguitar.com/guitars/HD-28.html?cgid=guitars
  14. I lived a few miles from Los Gatos.. Which was beautiful! I spent a lot of time in the Saratoga Mtn's & Santa Cruz too... Really Cool People & Music Scene.. And *****en Beaches!!! We move back to Palm Springs in 74....
  15. I used to live in San Jose & loved going to S.F. every weekend it seemed like.. I went a couple years ago.. You couldn’t pay me to go back the way it is now… Same for L.A., N.Y.C., Minneapolis, Seattle & many other Cities I loved going to…
  16. I saw all of them when they were in their 20’s… That’s how I want to remember them… And they were Great!!!!
  17. How do his prices compare with other top Acts? My kids went to see Taylor Swift & her Ticket prices were thru the Roof!!! I haven’t been to a Concert in 2-3 years.. I’ve seen almost every Band I ever wanted to see.. Most of them when they were young & at their peak… I prefer to remember them that way… I did see Paul a few years ago but he was still in good voice & didn’t look 80…. I’m good.. There really aren’t any new young Bands I’m interested in.. I wish there though…
  18. I just watched Sheryl Crows recent Documentary. She kept referring to serious Song Writing vs the Songs she wrote that are huge Commercial Hit Songs… Which IMO happen to be great… Her serious songs deal with her Depression, periods of Suicidal thoughts & failed relationships… Etc… I think those are the ones that are easier to write.. Just read a depressing Book, or se a depressing Movie or listen to some of your friends depressing stories! Plenty of depressing stuff to write about.. It’s not the first time I’ve thought this but hasn’t that stuff been done to F’n Death!!!! Do we really need more??? Then I happened to hear Sheryl’s song “All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun” & thought, Yeah, me too! Those Songs are fewer & farther between… I think they are the hard ones to write… In fact, IMO, I’m not so sure that most of those Songs were Gifts from out there that Songwriters pretty were conduits for them to get thru to this Dimension.. Yeah, it sounds weird.. But, how many times have you heard about the Songs that were written in 5 minutes, that just came out of the Blue? Be grateful for your blessed life & write about it.. Share some Good Stuff! Maybe some humor too… Entertain!
  19. If you don't know waht you have Call Gibson for information.. I doubt they'll give them to you if they're worn out or broken.. Normal wear & tear isn't covered under most Warranties...
  20. I’ve been playing in a British Invasion Cover Band called “The Fab-Tones” for the past 6 years.. I posted a YouTube performance on that other Thread.. Fun Band.. My brother & I have our other long time Band “The Larson Brothers Band”.. We’ve been playing together most of our lives.. We’re just completing our fourth Album of all Original Songs written by him & I.. We’re thinking of ways to get Gigs to perform & perform our new Album after it’s finished, released, available in CD & downloads on ITunes etc.… More complex with unheard unknown Original Songs.. Would love to hear some ideas..
  21. I returned the Levoit & ordered this Aircare EP9500 today.. This will fit better in my Studio & I’m hoping it will do a good job.. It has some good features similar to Duane’s & has a 3.5 Gallon capacity which almost triple the Levoit.. https://aircareproducts.com/humidifiers/pedestal-ep9500/
  22. This time of year I have Thermostat set to 76 degrees. It’s Automatic… Summers when it’s really hot in the 100’s I set it 78-80 degrees.. So, yeah, pretty much most of the year…
  23. I wish I had more room for Plants & a Fish Tank.. As it is I'm trying to find a spot that a good Tower Humidifier (that will do the job) will fit.. The Levoit was too boxy & by the time you moved it away from the wall it was sitting in the middle of the Room.. It wasn't working for my Room.. I nooticed last night the humidity droppoed to 23%... I think I need to get it done..
  24. They look really cool but are well known to have tuning issues too. You could sell that one & buy the Gibson SG with Maestro…
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