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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. The price hike on Vs has been nuts.
  2. "If Gibson is successful and DiMarzio’s marks are cancelled, it seems unlikely that Gibson will file for equivalent trademarks of its own – mainly because it is already arguing that the marks are generic." 😆
  3. I have to say I don't miss physical records at all. I know I'm supposed to, but I don't.
  4. Okay, boys and girls, one more. Do I have it right when I say that with 50's wiring, volume at ten on neck pup and tone on zero on same neck pup will essentially be the same as with modern wiring, because they're both on "full on or off" positions? I.e., no volume drop on the neck pup if it's on volume 10 and the tone is on 0, zip, nada?
  5. I meant rolling off TONE a couple notches. My bad.
  6. Did you change the wiring on your recent 60s LP?
  7. I think they'll wait until the Slash Standards stop selling a lot. 2025?
  8. Yeah, I'm starting to think modern wiring is a bit of a one-trick pony IME. OTOH, I'm not the biggest treble fan, but I'm thinking it's easier to EQ out excessive treble than to have to adjust tons of knobs on amps and pedals for each individual sound (and they're still a bit samey with modern wiring)
  9. Still though. This place is great. Everyone helps everyone out. Call me old-fashioned, but like most of you, I'm old enough to remember a time when that was actually considered a virtue.
  10. Thank you for the almost eerily quick reply 🥰
  11. So rolling off volume just a little notches wont lower the pickup volume noticeably?
  12. Hello all. I know you lose some volume from a pup when the tone control goes way down with 50's wiring, but not noticably with just a bit of tone roll-off, am I right?
  13. My rule of thumb is, don't. If you have to, have a good luthier do it. But remember: you can always get it done... some other time.
  14. Why the **** are you inserting spam links into my post, and then rephrasing what I wrote? Bot alert.
  15. 😄 Same! Kudos for getting him proper gear, though. It's easier to remain dedicated with a good guitar.
  16. I wouldn't install Klusons right away. Or ever, probably. Grovers are fine. Here's a tip if you get the SG: have the store intonate it when you buy it. Reason: the design of the SG makes it susceptible to intonation issues on the G string. However, this is NO big deal. If the bridge runs out of space to intonate the G string, they can flip the G string bridge saddle in the store to give it the extra notch of space needed, and it's fine. You can do it yourself, but it's best to have the store/shop do it, so it's perfect from the get-go. Can't go wrong with either guitar, and your son will love you for it. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask on here!
  17. I'm NO expert, but the "20" and the "SG61" would lead me to believe it's a fairly new SG '61. Could he have included the wrong papers, or sent the wrong guitar? Maybe he has several similar SGs? 🤔 Either way, so long as you like the guitar... My Spidey-sense doesn't go off here. But maybe contact him/her and ask nicely?
  18. If they do, I can't imagine it's out before next Christmas.
  19. Here's a thread on them: I dig 'em, but they're fickle and take a while to dial in. Helpful tip: if you decide to mess with the pickup height... Well first off don't if you like them now. But if you do (and we're guitar players, so we evntually do), write down the starting points, because they're super height sensitive.
  20. "Correction": 3.5 mm on the bass side of the neck pickup is even better. And a touch of EQ at 250Hz will get a more bell-like sound.
  21. No expert on serial numbers, but I've never heard of a guitar from Gibson made for the EU. Gibson makes USA instruments, period.
  22. Is she the hot one in the "Get back" docu?
  23. The plot sounds a bit like Wayne's World 2 (ugh), but I believe in it.
  24. It was good to be reminded with that pic though. So not a total loss. Cheers Rabs.
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