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Saturday Song: Forgiveness

Buc McMaster

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Been a long dry spell in my writing........perhaps due to lack of effort as much as anything. This one rattled around in my head for a few days, then this morning kind of fell out on the paper. Wouldn't surprise me if this one gets tweaked lyrically a bit.....


The Martin, DR 13's a half step down, capo at the second, tortoise pick........and the original chicken-scratched lyric sheet.......



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Interesting how it just came to you in a flash. Same true here, except I get little flashes, and now have a shoebox full of scaps of paper that have a few lines, or that I can't read... Love the little D7 ditty in your tune. May the Force be with you!

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Was it that bad? Or, as I somehow suspect, has my shedding of my Gibson instruments made me outcast on the forum? If that's the case please do say so........I've been rejected before, and will understand if you as a community would rather not have a Martin-only guy in your midst. It would be nice to hear someone actually say it, though. [confused]

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Was it that bad? Or, as I somehow suspect, has my shedding of my Gibson instruments made me outcast on the forum? If that's the case please do say so........I've been rejected before, and will understand if you as a community would rather not have a Martin-only guy in your midst. It would be nice to hear someone actually say it, though. [confused]


Buc, I don't think anyone here cares what guitar you play. We're just glad to have you back. Your songs and performances are always great.

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Buc, I'm the new kid (but not the young kid) on the Gibson forum... just want to say I am impressed with how well you know your own voice, perfectly bookmatched range and very nice tone... with your playing I especially appreciate your careful control of dynamics, lyrics perfectly accompanied. A very nice song all around. Oh... the D18V has a gorgeous voice as well.

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always nice to see a familiar face returning.

nice guitar that , it suits your style of playing very well , you have a very clean playing style .

keep them coming , be it on a martin a gibson or a taylor , i dont care , just nice to hear what folk can do with their 6 strings.

i know you favour a particular pick , and things like that are what is great about the forum ... someone could be after that exact sound and are then able to ask how it happens .

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