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Morning Wood!


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It's not what you think...


So, I have a 4 bedroom house and I use the spare bedroom as my music room. This bedroom is also where I keep my clothes and where I get dressed in the morning.


With my guitars and amps in there, I find it impossible not to sit down and play a bit in the morning... and it usually turns into a 20 minute (or more) session. Because of this, I never leave for work on time.


I find that my fingers just flow and I feel at my musical best during that time of the morning. I'm usually into my second cup of coffee by then and wish I could spend longer playing at that time of day.


Do any of you have a similar routine or time where you just feel most comfortable playing? Or am I just strange???

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I generally play unplugged most evenings, wandering about the house, or watching the news on TV. If I plug in, I have to shut myself in, which I might do for, say, 20 mins or so.

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Morning wood?


Now you're just bragginig.


I get something more like Mourning Wood.


Actually, I like to pick up the guitar early mornings when I'm alone...but NEVER on a work day, (I leave for the office just after 4 AM each work day).

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I always wanna crank everything up and let the rock fly late at night, sometimes into the early morning.


But I can't....


I'm able to during the day, but I'm not as inspired. I also like to play and am more inspired when there's less light in the room.

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