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PUP help AKA (calling Mr. Searcy)

Kaiser Bill

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I was given a pair of Duncan pups. I would like to swap out the pups in my Eppy Joe Pass for these. Is there a difference between which is the neck or bridge pup?? I've written Duncan, but no idea when or if I will hear from them. Here is a photo of the back with company stickers. Maybe those of you more in the know than myself can help. Warning...they are "toasty" and I will also be swapping the covers.





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Seeing as you both were so helpful, I thought I'd give you an update.


I pulled the covers off of the Duncans. NOT easy! and I removed the pickups from the Joe Pass. I checked to see that the covers from the Epi pups will work on the Duncans...its close, but it will work. The spacing is off ever so slightly. HOWEVER... the mounting screws that came out of the Epi pups are much larger than the holes in the Duncan pups. So until I find 4 gold plated Duncan mounting screws the project is dead in it's tracks. The Duncan pups came with nothing, and seeing as they were a gift...I didn't ask any questions about mounting screws. Evidentally they replaced Duncan pups with other Duncans and the mounting screws were reused.


I have not given up hope of upgrading these pups. It may just take a bit of time to locate the correct mounting screws. Thanks again for your VERY helpful info yesterday..


P.S. I STILL haven't heard back from Duncan.

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Seeing as you both were so helpful, I thought I'd give you an update.


I pulled the covers off of the Duncans. NOT easy! and I removed the pickups from the Joe Pass. I checked to see that the covers from the Epi pups will work on the Duncans...its close, but it will work. The spacing is off ever so slightly. HOWEVER... the mounting screws that came out of the Epi pups are much larger than the holes in the Duncan pups. So until I find 4 gold plated Duncan mounting screws the project is dead in it's tracks. The Duncan pups came with nothing, and seeing as they were a gift...I didn't ask any questions about mounting screws. Evidentally they replaced Duncan pups with other Duncans and the mounting screws were reused.


I have not given up hope of upgrading these pups. It may just take a bit of time to locate the correct mounting screws. Thanks again for your VERY helpful info yesterday..


P.S. I STILL haven't heard back from Duncan.


Most companies are willing to send out cheaper parts such as screws for free. You could try emailing their customer support again. I received a few days ago a free tonepro's allen key and spanner

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Okay I have no idea what a "JB" is. Could you please enlighten an old man thats out of the loop?


I just received an email from Seymour Duncan's Keith Merrow...he said that what I have is a "HOTRODDED HUMBUCKER set up"....and then proceeded to confirm what I already knew...thanks to you kind folks.


According to STEWMAC... I should have the mounting screws by Wednesday. After that its a question of how fast can I get them wired and mounted into the Joe Pass. Do Epiphones come with a lifetime warranty like Gibsons?? The pup selector switch cuts out and I'd like to have it replaced. Maybe when I have the pups out of it it would be easier to replace.

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JB is the model of pickup. As you noticed from the oupt put specs I sent in my first reply it is quite hot! Some say JB stands for Jazz/Blues, but the other story is that the first one was built for mister Jeff Beck after he had pickups stolen by a dishonest tech...


Some of the stories can be found here...


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A new question/problem has arisen. I also have what I believe to be a pair of STEWMAC Parson Street Vintage Humbuckers #5406G & #5407G. They are potted and have no markings at all. They came in the Duncan boxes, and oddly enough the Duncans came in the STEWMAC plastic tubes. Is there anyway to tell these apart? Which goes to the neck and which goes to the bridge position. Would checking them with some sort of a meter determine a difference and maybe I could go from there?? This whole pup switch has really opened up a can of worms for me. I'm lovin' it.

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Is there anyway to tell these apart? Which goes to the neck and which goes to the bridge position.


Yes, the lower output pup will go in the neck. There may be an easier way though - string spacing. The neck pickup should have the pole pieces slightly closer together. Hold them over the strings in each spot and see if one pickup's pole pieces lines up better with the strings than the other.


Mods are fun, eh! [biggrin]

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Dang... you are sure smart...I'll check that out when I swap these for the ones in my Eppy Paul. Thanks so very much. I think a friend has some kind of meter also...maybe he could measure the resistance?? or tell them apart with that contraption.


I like easy mods...and so far this has been. I don't have to rout out anything or mask off anything...just a few screws some solder and heat shrink tubing. Yowza! Thanks again

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... Thanks so very much. I think a friend has some kind of meter also...maybe he could measure the resistance??


Happy to help. Yes, with a multimeter set to Ω setting if he touches one probe to each wire he will get the resistance of the pickup.

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One more update... a fellow named Larry Anderson (STEWMAC) said that the second set of Humbuckers were indeed their Parson street Vintage pups. Both pups have the same output BUT the spacing is slightly different (just like you said it might be). The 5407 is the Bridge pup and will have wider spacing that the 5406 which is the neck pup. Surf pup you sir are a wizard... thanks. I'm off to the shop to measure me some pole pieces......YOWZA!!!

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The mounting screws for all the pups arrived this afternoon. So (hopefully) tomorrow after all the yard work...I will be tearing the Joe Pass apart (again) and installing the SD jazz and "JB" pups in it. I may do the Eppy Les Paul at the same time.

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A tip: I've had good luck reducing feedback by sticking foam in the pickup cavity underneath them. Coincidentally (perhaps) the piece of foam in the Duncan plastic box is usually the perfect size.

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