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Is It Possible....?


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You'll love this one though, a mate is at London fashion week and sent me a pic of these tidy blue suede shoes, not gaudy Elvis jobs, tidy. Based on the pic I've said yes and agreed to take them so in about a week or 10 days I should own a pair of blue suede shoes to add to the collection. Uh huh huh... I may have to start calling people 'pretty moma'


We certainly need pic's of these bleedin blue Swede shoes..!!!!!...Daring to the point of madness if you ask me...


tho I did once own a pair of black suede brothel creepers...4 sizes to big for me..i stuffed socks in the toes and went to school feelin well dandy


wow..some fashion calamities over the years..for sure


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We certainly need pic's of these bleedin blue Swede shoes..!!!!!...Daring to the point of madness if you ask me...


Fear not big fella, I will post the blighters once I have them, Win or Lose.... They're not rowdy though, but I did think over a few WTFs before saying 'go on then'. They're not brothel creepers, neat wee slinky jobs, we'll see, either they will be peachy-feelin' ornaments, or I'll be cutting a dash in blue suede shoes about the town. Got to be in it to win it I suppose....

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Is it possible to speak the language, yet not understand? :)


I feel like Jerry Seinfeled, who couldn't understand The Woman Who Spoke Too Low, and so he nodded yes, and then had to wear a puffy pirate shirt on TV.




i read an interview with Tony Benn the other week..and he was talking about having to write his diary in morse code..hahahaa..because of the war like


bit like that really ;)

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Are u winding me up..or are you missing the point...? haha


I gave the Lennon quote " Bigger than Jesus" to show how some people can get overly upset from a QUIP..... from a pop star ( if religion is involved )


then I gave a blues lyric...first recorded by Huddy Leadbetter..or Led Belly....about being a Black man in Texas


surely...you see where i am comming from ..:P

Huddy Leadbetter, Non mi tipe anche se non mi piace canzone rock ... non si può sentire che ............. [thumbdn] [thumbdn] [thumbdn]

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