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Game of Thrones


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Haha... amusing..


It reminds me of the film Kung Pow.. They took an old martial arts film and redubbed bits and added their own bits.. Totally stupid but mildly amusing if you like that sort of comedy :)


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That was great, big fan here.

Although I hated the ending on the last season.


When does the new season start up?


Let me say, as someone who is on the last book (that is out)...next season should be deeply satisfying, even just starting out.

I greatly encourage people to read the books because they're quick, easy reads but also deeply satisfying. They look intimidating considering how many of these fat books there are but they're hard to put down.


You ever wonder how Dany and Tyrion would get along? Ever wonder how Sam and Arya would get along....trust me, you want to read the books. [thumbup]

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That was funny, Izzy! Looking forward to the next season of the show, though I can't remember where last season left off since I've read all the books as well. TO make mattes worse, by the time the next book comes out I'm afraid I will have forgotten so much of the previous ones! Maybe I should have waited until they were all written to start! [biggrin]

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