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wheres PM


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looks as though he's in a bit of trouble!


Haha, yeah they dissolve it, Elections were Sunday there. Waiting to see if the new PM is the guy who performed my wedding ceremony, Xavier Bettel.


And I was expecting a banking or sex scandal instead ...


we'll come to that....


Better yet, a banking sex scandal. That would seem to be right up PM's alley.


yep, we're coming to it...honest.....


I thought bankers would be too busy screwing the rest of us to have time for a sex scandal


Nothing great was achieved without getting your hands dirty....


Still something tells me he is in jail -


I actually have been... but not as a staying guest.


He probably punched a guy who stepped on his blue suede shoes.......


(One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready now go cat go!)



Well, well, well, hello sailors.... how lovely to be spoken of due to an absence. I've closed down loads of businesses and knocked 3.5% of a neighbouring population well below the poverty line, as a bonus I got some hookers and this stuff you can sniff where it makes you dead confident. Quite a week.... ;) Oh and the new iPhone operates quite well in low lighting on video mode.


Joking aside, the real world has been eating in to my submitting thoughts in to text boxes life over the last couple of weeks especially. So more of a hiatus than a huff. Fear not, I haven't bought a Taylor.... or a Martin ;)



Don't let this small interjection stop the speculation of my activities though, very amusing reading, Chaps. Cheers.

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I am glad you are back as well.......and you stashed some of the missing cash in guitar futures, right?





Only briefly boys, I have part two of the exercise to do, I'm here today, but all going well, I'll be off again tomorrow and will be going dark again for a few days.

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