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Henry on "Dana"


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Henry did an interview the other night on "Dana". Dana Loesch has a show on Glenn Becks Network "The Blaze" and Henry explained why he thinks Gibson was targeted in the great wood theft. She also did a whole show with Uncle Ted a week or so back, and followed Henrys interview with some female Olympic sharpshooters. Dana rocks, and she ain't hard to look at either.


Kudos to Henry for standing up to "the man" and flipping him a Les Paul shaped "bird" using Capitalism to make lemonade out of lemons with the Government issue guitars.


Another reason to support this fine American Company.



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Nothing like starting some shxt on a Sunday morning. Or is this a leftover post from a drunken Sat. Night, Murph? Glad I missed the show. But then, I would not have been watching the "Glenn Beck Channel" for any reason. My cable box has a "Low IQ" blocker and a finely tuned BS detector. No Beck, no duck call idiots, no Fox. Ever. In before the lock!

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I would not have been watching the "Glenn Beck Channel" for any reason. My cable box has a "Low IQ" blocker and a finely tuned BS detector. No Beck, no duck call idiots, no Fox. Ever. In before the lock!





we have border controls up here that act in much the same way as your filters - unfortunately the Beck Brigade managed a 5th column maneuver known locally as the Rob Ford Nation, much to our chagrin ... :-(

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we have border controls up here that act in much the same way as your filters - unfortunately the Beck Brigade managed a 5th column maneuver known locally as the Rob Ford Nation, much to our chagrin ... :-(

I guess it goes to show that stupid transcends all borders. At least you fought the good fight. Ooh, I see boy genius Retrorod lurking about. Can't wait to see his pearls of wisdom.

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Murph, I've seen Henry on CNBC a few times. I won't get into my feel on government over reach... Suffice it to say I want one of these new guitars just to display. Nothing like a Johnny Cash "finger" at the government.


FYI Fox Msnbc CNN ... All the same. I get my news from the Daily Show, word of mouth, and from some of the voices in my head.

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Don't go there. Just don't. Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch? Puh-leaze!


Henry did the interview. I just gave you guys a heads up.


I don't get the rudeness towards ME. I thought he did a great thing, stickin' it to "the man".


The CEO of the Company that owns THIS forum.


Somehow the responses are all about the Network it was on, and being rude to me.


I don't get it.....

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Nothing like starting some shxt on a Sunday morning. Or is this a leftover post from a drunken Sat. Night, Murph?


I've been sober and drug free for 4 years this month. I was just reporting on the interview.


Sorry if I offended anyone.

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Henry did the interview. I just gave you guys a heads up.


I don't get the rudeness towards ME. I thought he did a great thing, stickin' it to "the man".


The CEO of the Company that owns THIS forum.


Somehow the responses are all about the Network it was on, and being rude to me.


I don't get it.....


I don't mean to get down on you Murph. Henry demeans himself by doing interviews with holes like that. All Obama derangement syndrome, all day every day...

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Murph, this topic has started many a battle on this forum. It has been rehashed ad nauseum. It occurred to me that you spend enough time here to be aware of that and rather than just reporting, you were potentially (purposefully or otherwise) reigniting the invective that this particular political topic generates. I congratulate you on your sobriety and my off hand comment was meant to afford an alternative theory to you purposefully dropping a political turd in the Sunday morning cereal bowl of the Acoustic Forum.

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Henry did the interview. I just gave you guys a heads up.


I don't get the rudeness towards ME. I thought he did a great thing, stickin' it to "the man".


The CEO of the Company that owns THIS forum.


Somehow the responses are all about the Network it was on, and being rude to me.


I don't get it.....



Thanks for posting!

As stated before, you did nothing wrong!

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Murph, this topic has started many a battle on this forum. It has been rehashed ad nauseum. It occurred to me that you spend enough time here to be aware of that and rather than just reporting, you were potentially (purposefully or otherwise) reigniting the invective that this particular political topic generates. I congratulate you on your sobriety and my off hand comment was meant to afford an alternative theory to you purposefully dropping a political turd in the Sunday morning cereal bowl of the Acoustic Forum.


Why does this bother you so much? You could have just ignored the post!

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Why does this bother you so much? You could have just ignored the post!


If people dodged the posts that don't tickle them then guitar forums would be rather dead and uninteresting places. Guitars are like politics, absolutely everything about them is depending on opinion and personal stance. No absolutes..... also like politics, the world of guitars has many old lesbians flying the flag of power and profitability.


Have you ever noticed you never see McCartney, Jagger and Hilary Clinton in the same room? Strange huh? Have you ever noticed you never see Ronan Keating and Shaggy in the same room? Again, they're the same person.... but these younger lesbians slip under the radar more than the old ones, folk have their eye on the old ones as they're proper slippery buggers.

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Why does this bother you so much? You could have just ignored the post!

True. Not sure that I have a good answer for this. I suppose it's because I steadfastly avoid starting political topics in spite of having very strong views. But if someone else opens the door I figure all bets are off. You reap what you sow.

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If people dodged the posts that don't tickle them then guitar forums would be rather dead and uninteresting places. Guitars are like politics, absolutely everything about them is depending on opinion and personal stance. No absolutes..... also like politics, the world of guitars has many old lesbians flying the flag of power and profitability.


Have you ever noticed you never see McCartney, Jagger and Hilary Clinton in the same room? Strange huh? Have you ever noticed you never see Ronan Keating and Shaggy in the same room? Again, they're the same person.... but these younger lesbians slip under the radar more than the old ones, folk have their eye on the old ones as they're proper slippery buggers.


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Murph, this topic has started many a battle on this forum. It has been rehashed ad nauseum. It occurred to me that you spend enough time here to be aware of that and rather than just reporting, you were potentially (purposefully or otherwise) reigniting the invective that this particular political topic generates. I congratulate you on your sobriety and my off hand comment was meant to afford an alternative theory to you purposefully dropping a political turd in the Sunday morning cereal bowl of the Acoustic Forum.


Jannus , This forum is meant to be conducted at a professional level for like-minded guitar players who appreciate Gibson Acoustics and who can show respect for differing opinions. You consistently attack every person who posts anything you feel implies a dislike or distrust of the current USA's Presidential Administration. Your 2 supporters (if political insight from Canada can be considered support) immediately jumped in with equally inappropriate posts - attacking the OP. Your attack was more than an 'off hand comment' and more than not 'dodging a post that didn't tickle you'.


And, after Murph expressed unhappiness with the attack, there were no apologies, by you or Jerry. Only the 'sorry if this offended you' level of doubling down on your original attack. Suggesting the OP should have known this topic was off limits in your opinion implies we can all have topics we will not allow posted. I, for one, do not want to participate in a forum where there exists a list of taboo topics. Yes, politics and religion - but this was neither.

Murph has been here, as a valued contributor long before you all, and I hope long after you. There is NO question that the Gibson CEO's discussion of one of the most significant events affecting our guitars is relevant. You have the freedom and right to blackball in your own homes Fox, and any other media source you chose, but not to impose that level of censorship here. The fact you don't 'start' political discussions, per se, doesn't give you the right to vilify everyone who posts a comment with a political implication.


And a final note-




In my opinion, you should have gotten involved in this long before now. When you allow three posters to berate and insult a perfectly valid post - you encourage those who disagree, such as myself, to get involved in forming a counter- argument, and then your late intervention is interpreted by the perpetrators as a censorship of the people who call them out. A similar, divisive discussion and intervention took place a week ago on what started as an innocent discussion of Hummingbirds.


The same kind of behavior blew out of control several years ago, causing a schism and the defection of many valued members to form an alternative forum.

I do not relish your 'job' as administrator, but I assume you felt you had the time and temperament to handle situations like this.


The respectful, thoughtful and open-minded members of this forum once again await your participation.


And, Jannus and Jerry - you can respond however you wish, as you always do. I will not get into a discussion with you on this, but you certainly should have the right to respond to this. Jim

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Dude, I make no apology for saying Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch are forking idiots and that any appeal on this forum to their bullshit, lying shows should be rejected. Those of you consuming that crap should be ashamed of yourselves. Beck is a psycho and Loesch is one very sick f***. Quit trying to politicize a forum about acoustic guitars!


Jannus , This forum is meant to be conducted at a professional level for like-minded guitar players who appreciate Gibson Acoustics and who can show respect for differing opinions. You consistently attack every person who posts anything you feel implies a dislike or distrust of the current USA's Presidential Administration. Your 2 supporters (if political insight from Canada can be considered support) immediately jumped in with equally inappropriate posts - attacking the OP. Your attack was more than an 'off hand comment' and more than not 'dodging a post that didn't tickle you'.


And, after Murph expressed unhappiness with the attack, there were no apologies, by you or Jerry. Only the 'sorry if this offended you' level of doubling down on your original attack. Suggesting the OP should have known this topic was off limits in your opinion implies we can all have topics we will not allow posted. I, for one, do not want to participate in a forum where there exists a list of taboo topics. Yes, politics and religion - but this was neither.

Murph has been here, as a valued contributor long before you all, and I hope long after you. There is NO question that the Gibson CEO's discussion of one of the most significant events affecting our guitars is relevant. You have the freedom and right to blackball in your own homes Fox, and any other media source you chose, but not to impose that level of censorship here. The fact you don't 'start' political discussions, per se, doesn't give you the right to vilify everyone who posts a comment with a political implication.


And a final note-




In my opinion, you should have gotten involved in this long before now. When you allow three posters to berate and insult a perfectly valid post - you encourage those who disagree, such as myself, to get involved in forming a counter- argument, and then your late intervention is interpreted by the perpetrators as a censorship of the people who call them out. A similar, divisive discussion and intervention took place a week ago on what started as an innocent discussion of Hummingbirds.


The same kind of behavior blew out of control several years ago, causing a schism and the defection of many valued members to form an alternative forum.

I do not relish your 'job' as administrator, but I assume you felt you had the time and temperament to handle situations like this.


The respectful, thoughtful and open-minded members of this forum once again await your participation.


And, Jannus and Jerry - you can respond however you wish, as you always do. I will not get into a discussion with you on this, but you certainly should have the right to respond to this. Jim

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