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Vox AD30VT


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I've seen some pretty good things said about this amp. 11 models, 11 effects, 1-30 wattage selector... I'm an amateur. A local guy's selling one for 100 bucks. Looks to be in excellent condition. I'm thinking I need this amp. [smile]

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I've had a AD30VT for about 5 years. I really like mine.

I live in an apartment, so the ability to lower the wattage is a feature I really like.


I think it has some pretty good amp models. And I think it has some very good FX.

The delay is great imo. It can produce some pretty sweet sounds through that solitary tube in there.

And it can get pretty loud if needed.


For $100 I would buy it! [thumbup]

They cost more than 3 times that much new.

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I had one for a few years. I liked it. I bought a Mustang III and put on Craigslist, and is sold almost immediately.




The effects are good but a bit limited, for example you can have reverb, or delay, there are a few combo effects and you do have some editing control.


All things consider, a for 100 bucks, you wont be sorry

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I've had a AD30VT for about 5 years. I really like mine.


Man, oh man, all I can say is wow. I pulled my cherry Dot out of the flaming red interior of her tweed case :rolleyes: and plugged her in. Obviously a lot to explore with this amp, but that flanger is awesome!


Turns out this random guy who lives a half hour drive away from me, works in the building right next to the building I work in. He brings it to work, I hand him 100 bucks, I got a new amp. It's got a couple of small nicks on the top front edge, otherwise it's very clean. And it works! I'm blown away.

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AD30VTs are nice amps.


My one complaint would be the same complaint I make of most moderately priced modeling amps. If you're a reverb junkie, the reverb on this amp isn't going to get you very excited.


When I had an AD30VT I went out and bought a Holy Grail pedal to go with it (digital reverb, too, I know, but night and day compared to the stock reverb on the Valvetronix).


But compared with similar-priced digital amps (e.g. a Spider), I think the Valvetronix is in a vastly different (higher) league.


Oh, one thing - they are fiddly - "Tap" buttons and that all that. That, in the end, is why I went back to one straightforward solid-state amp (a Fender Frontman 25r), and one moderate-sized tube amp (a Fender Blues Jr) The controls are easier and the spring reverb is what I'm after.


But, as I said, I think these Vox Valvetronix are great amps. $100 was a steal. Good luck with yours!

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I had an AD30VT and really liked it. I liked it enough to get a VT50. The 50 had a lot more options than the 30. I could only use 2 effects at a time with the 30.


Bottom line, I got really turned off to Vox. One month after the one year warranty ended, so did the VT50. I called Vox and they told me they couldn't help me out. I paid close to 5 bills for the VT50, with the foot pedal. Needless to say, I wouldn't walk across the street to get another Vox.


I did sell my AD30VT and it was working fine when I replaced it with a Mustang IV that comes with a 5 year warranty.


I hope yours works out for you. At any rate you paid a lot less for yours than I did for mine.

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I had an AD30VT and really liked it.


Sorry to hear about your bad subsequent experience. I am really digging this one, to the point where the skin on my thumb is cracked and split, so I've got to lay off a bit. As you say, I paid a lot less. I love a good deal. (My mother and grandmother, yard-sale junkies, would roll over in their graves if I didn't "talk him down" from $110 ["Would you take 90?" :rolleyes: ]). Of course I checked ebay, and you can't get one in good shape for $100 with shipping. I will accept my good fortune...





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