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Mr. C.O. Jones

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Sadly here in Spain it happens very often that men go violent on women. And in (to) many cases it ends with dead women. I'm ashamed, I grew up in Switzerland and there it is a whole different story. But this video brings hope back. I just wanted to share.



Greetz Marcos

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"Children should rule the world!"


Got news for ya mate, we do.


Over here, violence against women is most definitely not tolerated. Anyone caught doing so is usually dragged out the back of the pub and has the living snot kicked out of them. I'm usually the first to drag them out there. Won't cop that.


Tener esperanza compañero.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Interesting timing on this, myself and some colleagues discussed this yesterday. Is the idea that a man should never hit a woman, in any circumstances, sexist? I mean, no one ever hitting anyone makes sense but if a woman rocks up and punches me, should she be able to do that, with impunity, knowing I'm "not allowed" to hit her back?


The consensus was, after a number of hypothetical situations had been chewed over, that if a woman hits a man who is not being at all physical with her, she should accept the risk of retaliation.


I once lived with a woman who had serious anger issues and punched me regularly. One day she pulled out a kitchen knife. I backed her in to the corner and, making solid eye contact from 6 inches, firmly informed her that next time she did this I would punch her. It never happened again. It didn't stop her being a horrible person and I left her soon after but I think my threat was justified. I don't think I would have followed through with my threat but if I had, would it be wrong?


People and society are/is not the same as when these social rules evolved, does that make a difference.



To round this off, does the idea that "a man should never hit a woman" solidify the concept that hitting a man is sometimes OK? Shouldn't we bring up our kids never to use violence other than in self defence?

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Would be interesting to make the same experiment asking the girl to hit the boy. But I think it would have exacly the same result.

And to your experience with a violent women I have to say that I once was in a similar situation six months of hell on earth but she hit me only one time (doesn't mean that there wasn't verbal and psicological violece). I left her. But a few days later gave her a second oportunity but she ****ed up again.

And I agree totaly education should be for all 0% violence tolerated, for girls and boys!

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violent relationships suck...... but also some women are prone to being loser magnets.... I can count on all my fingers and toes woman just love picking the wrong dude, and will never give a descent guy a chance..... Certainly not always the case, but if you put yourself in a position to walk this world with blinders closed, these things can happen

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This puts me in mind of a situation that we in the U.K have going on at the moment. A professional soccer player called Chad Evens has recently been released from prison, having been convicted of rape.

Obviously having served his time, he wants to go back to His profession, having been away from football for three years, which is a significant part of a professional athletes career.

There are people signing on line potions demanding that no club employs him. One club Oldham Athletic were on the verge of signing Chad up until today, they pulled out after sponsors saying they would sever all ties with the club and threats to employees, some of which threatened to rape their Wives!


Now one thing that seems to really irritate those people is the fact that Chad has never apologised for his actions and still maintains His innocence and is indeed launching an appeal.


The case revolves around an incident whereby Chad "picked up" a Woman on a night out, took her to a Hotel, and well you can guess the rest. Afterwards the Woman claimed that She was too inebriated to have given consent, despite the Hotels CCTV cameras showing her walking in the reception area with absolutely no indication that She was drunk. Maybe Chad's never apologised because he doesn't believe he's guilty?

This all begs the question in my mind, how can someone else be responsible if your to drunk to know what your doing? If you get so drunk that you take a walk on an airport runway it's the pilot's fault if he lands on you?

I suppose Chad could argue that he was so drunk that he didn't know what he was doing but I don't think they'd wear that excuse would they.

I can't help having a doubt about this guy's conviction.



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Similar situation back here once. A friend of my Father's went to a party (this was the '60's) and picked up a lady and they wound up in his parked car having sex. just after, she saw her big, violent, boyfriend drive up, and so she cried rape. He was convicted and wound up doing 11 years of a 20 sentence. Only reason he only did 11 was that after all that time, she finally came foreward and confessed to the fact she made it all up.


Sometimes, I can feel that grey area yawn open like an abyss.


Having posted what I did previously, I can openly confess to have hit a woman. The situation thus. My Navy Team, once having spent a straight 6.5 months of solid training, finally got a 24 hour pass. We wound up in an RSL club in Sydney having a quiet beer along with about 40 or so very toey civvies. An all out brawl broke out and I (like everyone else) started belting heads just to try to make it to the exit door and get out. Having just dropped a bloke at my right shoulder, I turned back for the exit, only to suddenly see stars! The offender standing right in front of me was a big bull dagger (dyke), much bigger than me (some doing). It came the big hay making left at me only to cop a left upper cut straight to the jaw. I dropped it (her?) like a sack of spuds and kept on belting more heads trying for the exit (finally got there and out). Now I figure that one justified. It was out for blood and I was damn sure it wasn't getting any of mine! And it belted me first (and a good one too, rang my bell!).

But, the bloke who comes home after a sh!tty day at work, goes into the kitchen, and starts beating up on his wife just to take his bad day out on her....well, all I can say is, he'd better not come across my path.

Then the light switch is flicked.



And what Duane has said, very unfortunately true, very true.

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Similar situation back here once. A friend of my Father's went to a party (this was the '60's) and picked up a lady and they wound up in his parked car having sex. just after, she saw her big, violent, boyfriend drive up, and so she cried rape. He was convicted and wound up doing 11 years of a 20 sentence. Only reason he only did 11 was that after all that time, she finally came foreward and confessed to the fact she made it all up.


Sometimes, I can feel that grey area yawn open like an abyss.


Having posted what I did previously, I can openly confess to have hit a woman. The situation thus. My Navy Team, once having spent a straight 6.5 months of solid training, finally got a 24 hour pass. We wound up in an RSL club in Sydney having a quiet beer along with about 40 or so very toey civvies. An all out brawl broke out and I (like everyone else) started belting heads just to try to make it to the exit door and get out. Having just dropped a bloke at my right shoulder, I turned back for the exit, only to suddenly see stars! The offender standing right in front of me was a big bull dagger (dyke), much bigger than me (some doing). It came the big hay making left at me only to cop a left upper cut straight to the jaw. I dropped it (her?) like a sack of spuds and kept on belting more heads trying for the exit (finally got there and out). Now I figure that one justified. It was out for blood and I was damn sure it wasn't getting any of mine! And it belted me first (and a good one too, rang my bell!).

But, the bloke who comes home after a sh!tty day at work, goes into the kitchen, and starts beating up on his wife just to take his bad day out on her....well, all I can say is, he'd better not come across my path.

Then the light switch is flicked.



And what Duane has said, very unfortunately true, very true.



They call that type of Woman a Carpet Muncher around here, I'm not sure why [smile]



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I think there are always extreme situation where the rules of the game change.

I never would hurt an animal, but if it attacks me I'm not going to whatch how I get eaten away.

And the description of this "women" you mentioned MP sounds like a huge animal to me.

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Yeah, it was. Just to give you some idea, I'm 6'4" and this thing had a good 3" or more on me!


But after and for a long time after, I still felt like Sh!te inside for doing so. But it was one of those split second decision things and I was given no choice. I, like many of you, have a Mother, two beautiful sisters, and at the time, my girlfriend back home at the beach. I've since never lifted my hand in anger to another woman.


Still didn't stop my mates in the team from laughing their arses off for about the next 12 months though.... dry.gif

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Yeah, it was. Just to give you some idea, I'm 6'4" and this thing had a good 3" or more on me!


But after and for a long time after, I still felt like Sh!te inside for doing so. But it was one of those split second decision things and I was given no choice. I, like many of you, have a Mother, two beautiful sisters, and at the time, my girlfriend back home at the beach. I've since never lifted my hand in anger to another woman.


Still didn't stop my mates in the team from laughing their arses off for about the next 12 months though.... dry.gif

Wow, what a Woman [flapper]




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