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Sarah Jarosz.....


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In case you've never heard of her.



Saw her live when she was just 16, playing for a workshop in Austin, her home at the time (not sure if she's moved elsewhere by now). As I remember she played banjo, mandolin, guitar, and sang, all with seeming ease and love of the music . You could tell she was big-time material.

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What kind of guitar/instrument is that 8-string gizmo?


I'll be darned if it don't seem like an 8-string guitar.


I suppose it's some kind of baritone mandolin? Mandola?


I've got a mandolin with 6 (single-course) strings that plays like a guitar (tuned one octave above a guitar). Maybe this is the opposite, a guitar that plays like a mandolin.

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I think she's been nominated for 2-3 Grammy Awards in the folk/country areas. One of those marvelous songwriter/performers that is too talented and not outrageous enough to get into the mainstream radio rankings. Never seen her "live," but I first heard her on a CD 5-6 years ago. For me, a lot of her music has a real "slice of life" sound and feel to it. She's folksy and kind of like country used to be. Real easy-to-listen-to. However, she doesn't sing about getting laid or wearing tight jeans, so it's doubtful she'll get any major radio play........It's a common lament about the lack of good artist and music and often the complaints are valid. Still, there's some great talent out there. We just have to look for it.

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