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New Old Guitar

kelly campbell

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ok well when I get it uploaded you can see it. Sorry I have to say that photobucket is painstakingly slow I don't know if it is a combination of the forum here or just them but there sure should be a better way to post pictures I have had more problems trying to post here than anywhere else on the web.

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Here are some more photos of it. Kelly I know that you were overcome with excitement when you were first looking at the guitar which resulted in a slight case of the shakes. [biggrin] So i had these photos sitting on my computer.





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Here are some more photos of it. Kelly I know that you were overcome with excitement when you were first looking at the guitar which resulted in a slight case of the shakes. [biggrin] So i had these photos sitting on my computer.







Ha HA the shakes...yeah maybe a little but really I should have broke out the camera, I do like the camera on my phone..should have known better. Thanks Philip.

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