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Dead Strings Come To Life

Victory Pete

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I'll admit I wasn't concentrating...watching something on TV at the same time...listening on mediocre computer speakers..but the conclusion must be.."All Martin strings sound the same!" that's what 99% of the populace would think.haha..I'm being a little flippant, I know there are nuances there - but it's subtle stuff really.


Groundhog Day for me too.

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They don't assume work hardening within the scale length. It appears at the witness points only, and I know it well from the locked areas of strings used on Floyd Rose systems. The wound wire has to be pinched firmly enough to keep the core from slipping when the strings are slackened through vibrato use.






Tensile properties[edit]

Tuning a stringed instrument such as a guitar to pitch puts the strings under a large amount of strain, which indicates the amount of stress inside the string. Stress is relative to the stretch or elongation of the strings. As the string is tuned to a higher pitch, it gets longer and thinner. The instrument can go out of tune because if it has been stretched past its elastic limit, it isn't going to recover its original tension. On a stress vs. strain curve, there is a linear region where stress and strain are related called Young's modulus. When you have a newer set of strings, they are often in a region on the stress vs. strain curve past the Young's Modulus called the plastic region. In the plastic region, plastic deformation occurs—deformation the material cannot recover from. Thus, in the plastic region, the relationship is not linear anymore (Young's Modulus is no longer a constant). The elastic region is where elastic deformation is occurring, or deformation from where the string can recover. The linear (i.e. elastic) region is where musicians want to play their instrument in.[20]

May apply to substandard strings or when strings are overstretched. The latter can happen due to seizure at the nut, too.


As often, Wikipedia delivers incomplete informations. The industry is always right and the customer is always wrong. As a dealer you are right in between and can be forced to spread rumours for making a living. Hard times for honest people.

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Em7 - did you say 1967? What happened to '66, man? If it really IS '67, my girlfriend's gonna be really pissed. We had this, like, date for New Year's Eve, ya know, to, like, see 1966 come in....

I'm bold and romantic enough to call everyone who lived in or visited Haight between 65 and 70 kaleidoscopical saints.


Therefor - and because 66 is my favorite year - I will try to find you and your girl friend a 1966 Grateful D. pirate-record.


Think I might have some material where Garcia and Weir is heard playing chess - stand by in patience.

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Yes yes yes, , , now we get down to the core-tensile of this debate.


You hereby receive an almost mint ex of an even more obscure GD-bootleg containing primarily back-stage-boogie and on side 2 a trademark :


One uninterrupted home-recording of a THC-influenced collective marathon tuning in the basement of the band-house, Haight Ashbury 1967.



Year completely unknown ~ Boogataboogata%203%20itjpg.jpg






A copy goes out for you also, OC ^


The Production On This Album Is Indeed Exceptional.Quincy And I Couldn't Have Done Better.I Particularly Like "The Dance Of 107 Theremins" At The 3hour 20 minute Mark. Where Did You Find 107 Theremin Players??!!!


Yours in Production Values

Anthony P.

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I'm bold and romantic enough to call everyone who lived in or visited Haight between 65 and 70 kaleidoscopical saints.


Therefor - and because 66 is my favorite year - I will try to find you and your girl friend a 1966 Grateful D. pirate-record.


Think I might have some material where Garcia and Weir is heard playing chess - stand by in patience.

Yeah - far out - but is it REALLY 1967?

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The Production On This Album Is Indeed Exceptional.

Absolutely agree – given the circumstances, the production on BoogataBoogata is second to none.

The use of tape-loops is very avantgarde and such an immaculate top-buttom balance on the kitchen-tool-perc-jam.



But dig the one below – it's the crown jewel.

You can hear the guitarists play dart and at some point hit what could be a canary.

Then there's Phil Lesh making tea and putting on what seems like an early Captain Beefheart demo. Only to be topped and stopped when someones mother comes in and claims the place is a mess.


And yes, there is acoustic sounds as well. Think it's Bill Kreutzman we hear fiddling his way through Rainy Day Women 12 & 35, , , in the toilet (if the flush doesn't fool me here).



Year totally lost ~ GD%202%20itIT.jpg





Yeah - far out - but is it REALLY 1967?


The recordings are, OC - but the release blessed us years later

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They don't assume work hardening within the scale length. It appears at the witness points only, and I know it well from the locked areas of strings used on Floyd Rose systems. The wound wire has to be pinched firmly enough to keep the core from slipping when the strings are slackened through vibrato use.




May apply to substandard strings or when strings are overstretched. The latter can happen due to seizure at the nut, too.


As often, Wikipedia delivers incomplete informations. The industry is always right and the customer is always wrong. As a dealer you are right in between and can be forced to spread rumours for making a living. Hard times for honest people.


Feel free to correct any of Wikis incomplete informations.

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Feel free to correct any of Wikis incomplete informations.

Writing on and adding to Wiki can be a gratifying thing to do.

If anyone here has gotten something out of the square shouldered H-bird, Southern Jumbo, Country Western section on the Hummingbird-page, it was - in all modesty - edited by me.


Better check out if it's still standing.


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Tensile properties[edit]

Tuning a stringed instrument such as a guitar to pitch puts the strings under a large amount of strain [stress], which indicates the amount of stress inside the string. Stress is relative to the stretch or elongation of the strings. As the string is tuned to a higher pitch, it gets longer and thinner. The instrument can go out of tune because if it has been stretched past its elastic limit, it isn't going to recover its original tension. On a stress vs. strain curve, there is a linear region where stress and strain are related called Young's modulus. When you have a newer set of strings, they are often in a region on the stress vs. strain curve past the Young's Modulus called the plastic region. In the plastic region, plastic deformation occurs—deformation the material cannot recover from. Thus, in the plastic region, the relationship is not linear anymore (Young's Modulus is no longer a constant). The elastic region is where elastic deformation is occurring, or deformation from where the string can recover. The linear (i.e. elastic) region is where musicians want to play their instrument in.[20]

I think the guy that wrote that spent too much time in school looking at the chicks and not enough time looking at the board.

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I think the guy that wrote that spent too much time in school looking at the chicks and not enough time looking at the board.

I always looked at the chicks and otherwise, so I was occasionally told, tended to look bored. Only in science and math classes, though. Oh, wait! That's BOARD, not BORED. Spelling DOES matter. 😱 Please bare with me as I adjust my focus.... Oh, wait! That's BEAR, not BARE. What do you know! Spelling matters again. Would you feel frightened if chased by a bear? I dunno - a bare what? A bare bear, you fool! That sounds childish.... I won't play any - more - and I'm gonna TELL, so their! Oh, wait! That's they're. No wait! It's THERE. Spelling matters yet anon! My illiterate can beat up your literate, and I'm STILL gonna tell.

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I always looked at the chicks and otherwise, so I was occasionally told, tended to look bored. Only in science and math classes, though. Oh, wait! That's BOARD, not BORED. Spelling DOES matter. 😱 Please bare with me as I adjust my focus.... Oh, wait! That's BEAR, not BARE. What do you know! Spelling matters again. Would you feel frightened if chased by a bear? I dunno - a bare what? A bare bear, you fool! That sounds childish.... I won't play any - more - and I'm gonna TELL, so their! Oh, wait! That's they're. No wait! It's THERE. Spelling matters yet anon! My illiterate can beat up your literate, and I'm STILL gonna tell.

I had an instructor once who said "I can tell the A students from the Z students as soon as they walk in." [laugh]

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