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I have tried to upload photos to the new format.  At first, my attempts were unsuccessful because the file size was apparently too large (over 81kb).  So I reduced the size using Preview on my iMac.  I reduced the file size to approximately 16kb.  In theory, the entire file should upload without any problems.  However, the website will not allow me to upload the entire image (cutting off either the bottom or the headstock) and I wound up with a profile image that makes my ES-335 look like it’s either pregnant or the end result of a serious extended Ben & Jerry’s ice cream binge.  😖

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In Windows, use the photo app.

Double-clicking on a photo filename should open it in the Photos app, then right-click on the image and a menu comes up. Go to resize.  If you want to keep your original the same size, select 'save a copy' and rename it.


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3 hours ago, jdgm said:

In Windows, use the photo app.

Double-clicking on a photo filename should open it in the Photos app, then right-click on the image and a menu comes up. Go to resize.  If you want to keep your original the same size, select 'save a copy' and rename it.



I appreciate your response.  I originally tried what you suggested in Photos without success.  I then  Googled “Resizing image files on iMac.”   That is where I received a link for resizing in Preview.  The resizing went as expected and the saved file in my Profile Page is a compressed version of the original file.  Before I could upload, I was prompted to modify the image (box requiring me to modify the image via the grid system.).   No matter what I did, it wouldn’t let me save as is.  So I ended up with what I now have.

I have been a member of the ESP Guitars website/forums for several years and have posted photos to their website  on several occasions without any problems.  This ongoing issue with the Gibson website is a bit disheartening.


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14 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

I have tried to upload photos to the new format.  At first, my attempts were unsuccessful because the file size was apparently too large (over 81kb).  So I reduced the size using Preview on my iMac.  I reduced the file size to approximately 16kb.  In theory, the entire file should upload without any problems.  However, the website will not allow me to upload the entire image (cutting off either the bottom or the headstock) and I wound up with a profile image that makes my ES-335 look like it’s either pregnant or the end result of a serious extended Ben & Jerry’s ice cream binge.  😖

If you cut off the Headstock, you'll be looking at an expensive repair. 😂

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12 hours ago, LPguitarman said:

If you cut off the Headstock, you'll be looking at an expensive repair. 😂


Hmmmm.  Cut off the headstock?  Did Steinberger ever make a semi-hollowbody model?  If not, that would make me a trendsetter.  Or as Frank Zappa said in “The Adventures of Greggery Peccary,” a trend monger.  😁

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