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The Darkness - Rock and Roll Deserves to Die


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HAHAHAHA....  Very funny video but a fair WARNING of Naked Butt Cheeks at the end..  (maybe skip the last 26 seconds..  🙂   (also of note, Rodger Taylors son Rufus on drums).

(mods, if you don't want it on here feel free to delete  😉 )


Edited by Rabs
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Hey, Rabs! That's frigging hilarious! I've often felt that it might be time for rock's demise based on the reactions of some of the people at some of my gigs..."The Maestro asks if the guitar could be a little softer...". I began my quest as a rocker and am still a rocker at heart but, occaisionally it seems so stale. Maybe I'm just an old fart, eh? Rock isn't dead, it just smells funny! Into my favorites it goes! Pow! Thanks!

Edited by G Mac
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On 8/12/2019 at 1:17 AM, G Mac said:

Hey, Rabs! That's frigging hilarious! I've often felt that it might be time for rock's demise based on the reactions of some of the people at some of my gigs..."The Maestro asks if the guitar could be a little softer...". I began my quest as a rocker and am still a rocker at heart but, occaisionally it seems so stale. Maybe I'm just an old fart, eh? Rock isn't dead, it just smells funny! Into my favorites it goes! Pow! Thanks!

Yeah its an odd time...

At the same time, while Rock may be going through a rut or maybe an evolution, I still see guitar being as popular as ever... A quick look on YouTube and you will see that..

Another thing I was discussing with someone the other day about electronic music..  When people get in to it, its all too easy.. Press buttons, see what happens... BUT  if they want to continue to grow and get better at their art what often happens is there becomes this obsession with clarity of sound. Wanting things to sound the best they can. This often leads them back to real instruments (i.e. analogue) as that's where the best sound is still to be had.. I don't think that will ever change.. An electric guitar is one of the most expressive and versatile instruments there is..

As for music in general.. Its always gone in waves. Peaks and lows depending on the fashion or trend of the day. I don't think it will ever die because of the amazing music that has been made over the years. As for new Rock music..  Well yes, we are probably both a bit too old and stuck in our ways, but theres no real harm in that. We all gotta get old and grumpy some day.. Just like RCT 😛 

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