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Redneck wind screen

uncle fester

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Necessity is the mother of invention - wanted to practice outside (doing a recording and listening back) but the wind kept kicking up and maxing out the mic.  I thought to myself 'I wish I had one of those fancy wind screens'  then I thought, 'well wish in one hand and sh!t in the other, see what fills up first' - and figured I should try to get inventive... and I bring you the 'billroy redneck wind screen'.  It wasn't 100% perfect, but it did a good enough job to where I could practice outside.  The DIY instructions also come with a guide how to get the appropriate farmers tan and burned neck.

For the record, I love the portability of the Apogee Mic plugged into an iPhone for garage band...  for my needs it's the bees knees! 



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okay  now THAT s funny!!

Dude--- Do a lookup some day of a web site named "There, I fixed it"...  warning, you'll loose hours of your life, once you start it's like that car wreck you can't look away from!  check it out.

your "windscreen" SCREAMS for an entry on "There, I fixed it"

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2 hours ago, Lars68 said:

Did you have to consume the insides of the box before finishing the projects, and might that be the reason the cutout is asymmetrical???


Unfortunately my new 'eating lifestyle' doesn't allow for that...  30 lbs away from a beer for me.  Thank you for noticing the asymmetry, 4 years of engineering focusing on fluid dynamics guided me in the design 🙂


1 hour ago, kidblast said:

okay  now THAT s funny!!

Dude--- Do a lookup some day of a web site named "There, I fixed it"...  warning, you'll loose hours of your life, once you start it's like that car wreck you can't look away from!  check it out.

your "windscreen" SCREAMS for an entry on "There, I fixed it"

Will definitely check it out, but not sure if having an entry in there is a badge of honor...


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